
-Your POV-

It was our 3rd Anniversary. We were having a lot of fun at the amusement park. The amusement park was where we first met. And of course, it's a special place for both of us.

"Baby, let's ride the ferris wheel!" he exclaimed. "Okay! Let's goooo~"

After we got down from the ferris wheel, we went to a booth for a round of shooting. He was really charming when he held the gun. I couldn't help but smile at his face. And sure enough, he won me a giant pink dolphin plushie. I had trouble holding it cause it was too big. So, he held it for me. And with his free hand, he held my hand.

Just like that, the day ended. He kissed me goodnight and told me something. "Baby, I promise you that we'll be together. Always." With that, he kissed my forehead and the pink dolphin. I didn't know why, but he just did. And it was cute.

The next day, I had a phonecall. It was from Junsu oppa's mother. She really cared for me and I treat her as my own mother. "Hello, Renee-ah..." her voice sounded all choked up.

I panicked. "Is everything fine? Omma, are you hurt?". She sniffed and took a deep breath before uttering the next few words, "Junsu... He... H-he.... Killed himself."

I jumped up from bed, panting and crying. Life had never been the same after Junsu. He was my first and only real boyfriend.. We didn't get together because he gave me some romantic confession or anything. It just came naturally. From friends to close friends to loved one. He always made me believe that I was worth anything in the world. He always told me that I was perfect the way I was, and nobody could change that.

But why did he have to go? We were fine just the day before... And the next, he was dead. No questions asked. But why....? He never left any note or letter or belonging. He never told anyone his reason for taking his own life. It wasn't because of us, cause we didn't quarrel at all.. He just left. Junsu oppa... I miss you.. After he left, I never believed that I was worthy of any love, although Hyuna kept telling me otherwise.

I curled up into a ball and cried. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Shhh.. There there.... I'm right here... Don't cry." Hyuna patted my arm and cooed. "We still have 5 hours till we have to prepare for school. Just go to sleep, okay?" she kissed my forehead and my hair. I instantly feel better. Through the darkest days of my life, Hyuna was constantly there to make me feel better. She's my guardian angel.

-Hoya's POV-

I was making breakfast when Hyuna pulled me aside. Aish, this girl is so weird!

"What?" I asked.

"Its Renee.. She dreamt of Junsu last night." Hyuna said with eyes filled with worry.

I froze. What? She dreamt of him? But it's been so many years... I guess she never really let go. I was totally speechless and I didn't know what to do.

"She'll be fine, don't worry." Hyuna reassured me. "I'll cheer her up. I just thought that you should know." she started walking away. I was thankful that Renee had Hyuna as a friend. She's really caring and understanding, although she might be a little irritating. 

I glanced at Renee. She had a smile plastered across her face and I wonder if she's faking it. I hope she will find a new love soon. She deserves to be happy. 

-Yoseob's POV-

Renee doesn't seem like herself today. She isn't bubbly at all. She's constantly in a daze and I can sense that something is bothering her. 

"Yah, are you alright?" I asked while tilting my head.

She snapped out of her trance and looked at me blankly before giving me a weak smile, "Yeah, I'm fine.."

"Dont lie! You're obviously not yourself today." I insisted. 

She looked at me and a tear escaped her eye. OMO! She's crying! 

She quickly wiped her tear off and asked the teacher if she could go to the washroom. I had a feeling that I should follow her. So I did.

She walked down the hallway and passed the girls' washroom. Where is she going? I followed her to the rooftop and she leaned over the railing and sighed. I could see her shoulders heaving up and down. She must be crying! I watch as she slowly sat on the ground and pulled her knees up and buried her face in it.

Without thinking, I walked over, sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulder.

She looked up at me, grabbed my shirt and started sobbing uncontrollably into my chest. I her hair and held her close. She really looks so vulnerable right now. We didn't talk. I didn't ask her why she was crying. But I understood that she needed to let all her emotions out.

My heart aches when I see her like that. And it's getting pretty obvious why I feel this way.

Though I hate to admit it, I think I have a crush on her.

-Your POV-

I don't know why but Yoseob's presence felt like a blessing. The way he held me close to him made me feel so secure. He totally caged me between his buff arms. I never knew Yoseob had this side to him. I could smell his cologne. I could feel him breathe. And for that moment, I felt so... Loved. 

Just then, the door banged open. I pulled away from him to see the others panting heavily.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Doojoon yelled and walked towards us. But he stopped when he saw my face.

The rest walked forward and saw that I had been crying. They immediately rushed to my side and fussed over me.

"Renee! Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Are you unwell?" Hyunseung asked.

"She's fine. She just needs to cheer up a little." Hyuna paced towards me and smiled. I stood up and ran into her arms like a lost child. She whispered in my ear, "We have a surprise for you after school! Let's go have some fun!"

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although im a yoseob lover, i still like renee ended up with seungie.. its just that, the THING renee and yoseob did.. i mean the one, it kinda bothers me.. keke..
Whooooooo!! XD
OMFGOASKGJLASKGJA OH MAI GAWDDDDDD. THE ENDINGGGG. ;____; <3 I love you for writing this. Really. Honestly. Truly. /Worships.

No but in all serioussness this was an amazing fic. :3
Lmfaothisstoryismakingmelaughsohard. I love it. <3

I shall be commenting as I read. :D. Or maybe when I finish.
ailisu #6
i was crying so much when yoseob didnt believe her, BUT IM SO HAPPY SHE ENDED WITH HYUNSEUNG XDD
Omg im so excited to read who Renee ends up with!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I like it!
I loved this fanfic! :)
hyunseungie19121989 #10
Omg Seobie is hurt