Her Everything.

-Hoya's POV-

I didn't wanna agree to Hyuna's crazy request at first. But seeing how desperate she was at cheering Renee up, I couldn't say no.

I look at the rearview mirror of the van and chuckled at the kids. I finally got to meet all of Renee's friends. They seem nice enough. I'm glad that she has found friends that genuinely care for her.

"Oppa! Where are we going?" Renee whined. "These guys aren't telling me!"

I shrugged and smiled at her through the mirror, "Well, if they don't wanna tell you, what makes you think I will?" I laughed as she huffed and pouted. She's too cute to describe.

-Your POV-

Aish.. I might as well be kidnapped! They aren't telling me anything! And we've been in this van for hours! I looked out the window and caught sight of a beautiful waterfall. Omo... 

Then the van stopped. Everyone cheered and Hyuna pushed me out of the van. 

She stopped in front of the waterfall and exclaimed with an exaggerated gesture, "WELCOME~ TO PARADISE!"

The boys grabbed my bags and led me to a cabin. It was beautiful. It was small, but very comfy. There was a little kitchen, 2 rooms, a bathroom down the hall and a small living room with a fireplace. I looked out the window to see the beautiful waterfall.

Hyuna hugged me excitedly and squealed. "How do you like this vacation?!" 

"You planned this?" I was in awe.

"Yeah! I figured you needed a little getaway from all the stress!" she smiled and went to unpack her things in her room.

"Where are the boys?" I asked, following her.

"They're in the cabins next to us, opposite and blah blah blah. It's like a circle of cabins. So, we're basically near each other." she beamed and took out her swimsuit.

"We're going swimming?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Not exactly swimming... But more of cliff-diving!" she exclaimed.

"MWOH?! We're gonna get ourselves killed!" Seriously, I have a group of crazy friends. And what's weird is, my usually careful oppa agreed to this crazy outing!

She laughed at my reaction. "Dont worry! We won't die! In fact, it's a great way to de-stress!" she walked to the bathroom before adding, "Hurry! Go get changed!"

I sigh in defeat as I rummaged about for my swimsuit. Well, it's been a while since I really had fun.. So why not?

As I step out of my room, Hyuna eyed me playfully and gave me a smirk. "You look so y babe!" she cooed and giggled.

I smiled and link my arm with hers. I do actually feel really insecure with my bikini, although I'm wearing shorts over my bottom. 

-Yoseob's POV-

Renee and Hyuna step out of their cabin. Finally!

I looked at her and WHOA. She is so damn hot. I can't take my eyes off of her. Really, she is y. I wonder how it feels like to....

YAH! Yang Yoseob! Stop thinking dirty thoughts about her! Aish.. Jinjja.

"Yoseob! Get your here and let's go to the top of the cliff!" Junhyung called and signalled for me to follow the group, who were already making their way up.

"Cant keep your eyes off her, eh?" Hyunseung teased. I rolled my eyes, "Shut up!" He grinned, "Dont worry, you're not the only one."

What? I'm not the only one? Does that mean he.... OHMYGOD.

We reached the top of the cliff and everyone gulped at how high it was from the lake below. Then all of a sudden, I hear a scream and I see Gikwang jumping off the cliff. We gasped and rushed to the edge, only to see him fall and fall and fall and fall and...


We continued looking, trying to search for him under the violent ripples that he made. Then, a head popped out of the water and waved at us. WHOA. He gave us such a fright!

Hyuna was the next to jump. For a girl, I have to admit she's really daring! After a few seconds, a similar 'SPLASH' was heard at the bottom. I don't know what came over me, but I just jumped.

OH MY GOSH I'M GONNA DIE! I could feel the adrenaline pumping as I fell. Then I hit the water. WHOA! That was the best feeling ever! I can't believe how much fun this is! 

I swam towards Hyuna and Gikwang. They were both laughing happily, waiting for the rest to join us.

-Hyunseung's POV-

I took off my shirt and glanced at Renee. She was hugging herself and she looked terrified. The rest had already jumped, except for me and her.

I walked over to her and patted her head. "Are you okay? Do you wanna jump?" She looked at me and shrugged.

"YAH! COME DOWN HERE, YOU TWO! IT'S FUN!" Doojoon called from below.

I looked at her and an idea came into mind. "Hey! Why don't I carry you?! Then I can jump off with you in my arms. That way, you can be safe!" I grinned at her.

She was about to decline when I carried her, bridal style. Out of reflex, she hooked her arms around my neck. And it made me blush. Aish. 

"Ready? On the count of three! One, two.... THREE!" 

We were falling and falling and falling. And she was screaming her lungs out. Then 'SPLASH!' we hit the bottom. We surfaced at the same time and she burst out laughing. "OHMYGOD! THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!" she screamed and hugged Hyuna. 

I'm glad she feels better.


-Your POV-

I was the last to get out of the water. And Hyunseung held his hand out to help me out. I stared at him. His toned abs, wet hair.... Oh gosh... I think I'm blushing!

"Lets go, Rin!" he smiled charmingly at me. Rin?

I raised my eyebrow at him and he laughed nervously. "If it's okay, I mean, Renee is a little to long. So I called you Rin!" 

I laughed and patted his back, "Its fine! Let's go eat!"

We were having a barbeque by the waterfall and it was a dream come true. Hyuna and Junhyung cooked, leaving me with the rest of the guys. 

I watched as they chatted happily and laughed. I can't believe this group of crazy, spontaneous, handsome and y group of people are my friends. Then I remembered something.

"Oppa, why did you agree to this sudden trip? I thought you were against me skipping school." I asked while poking the plate of meat Hyuna had just cooked.

He smiled and patted my head, "Aigoo.. My dongsaeng needs to relax a little! You're too stressed out."

"...yeah.. I guess so." I looked down.

"And since we're on this trip, just toss everything aside for now and enjoy, alright?" 

"Okay, oppa. Gomawo..." I smiled sincerely at him.

"Anything for my baby sis."

After dinner, everyone headed to the cabins to rest. I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to sit outside and watch the stars. I wonder where Junsu oppa is right now.. Is he looking down upon me right now? Does he miss me? I miss his touch. I miss his lips. I miss him so much. He promised me that we'd always be together, but he left me alone here. What's that supposed to mean? I let my tears fall as I continue to stare at the stars.

A few footsteps approach me and I tensed up. 

"Dont worry, it's just me." Yoseob said and sat down beside me.

He looked at me worriedly and notice my tears. He immediately panicked. "Renee! Are you o-okay?! Are you unwell?" he scooted closer to me and examined my face.

"Oppa... Can you lend me your shoulder?" I asked softly.

He softened and smiled. "Sure you can. Come here." he held his arms wide open and I crawled inside. I felt so warm with him. The warmth I never felt  ever since Junsu oppa left. I cried silently in his embrace and he my hair softly. I grabbed onto his shirt and cried into his chest.

-Yoseob's POV-

It pains me so much to see her cry. I don't know why she is crying. But I'm guessing she can't forget whatever that she's crying about.

I held her closer and kissed the top of her head. I've never seen her so down.

"Renee-ah... Do you want to share your problem with me?" I asked gently, careful not to agitate her.

She sniffed and took a deep breath before looking directly at me.

"Remember the time when you asked if I had a boyfriend?" I nodded. She had gone quiet the moment I mentioned the word 'Boyfriend'

"Well, I have had one.. We were together for 3 years and we shared everything with each other. He constantly told me that he loved me and that I was worth everything in the world. And I believed that I was actually precious..." she paused and sniffed.

"But then.. A day after our 3rd anniversary, he was gone." she started sobbing.


"He killed himself." she said, merely a whisper.

I hugged her tightly as she cried her poor heart out.

"He promised... He p-promised that w-we'd be together always.... B-but.. H-h-he...." she sniffed and buried her face into my chest so that the next words came out muffled. "He left me...."

I pull her onto my lap and hug her like one would to comfort a baby. I her back and she tried to stop crying.

"I'll never get over him... Never..." her words cut like a knife. But I knew better than to leave her crying alone.

She needed someone and I had to be there. I want to catch her when she falls.

Yes, I've fallen for her. Her everything.


A/N: Thanks for the comments and subscribers!! ^^

HEHE:D I'm still debating with myself on whether or not I should make this a sad fic. Team Yoseob or Team Hyunseung?? kekekeke~

It's a secret! Shhhhh! :D

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although im a yoseob lover, i still like renee ended up with seungie.. its just that, the THING renee and yoseob did.. i mean the one, it kinda bothers me.. keke..
Whooooooo!! XD
OMFGOASKGJLASKGJA OH MAI GAWDDDDDD. THE ENDINGGGG. ;____; <3 I love you for writing this. Really. Honestly. Truly. /Worships.

No but in all serioussness this was an amazing fic. :3
Lmfaothisstoryismakingmelaughsohard. I love it. <3

I shall be commenting as I read. :D. Or maybe when I finish.
ailisu #6
i was crying so much when yoseob didnt believe her, BUT IM SO HAPPY SHE ENDED WITH HYUNSEUNG XDD
Omg im so excited to read who Renee ends up with!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I like it!
I loved this fanfic! :)
hyunseungie19121989 #10
Omg Seobie is hurt