I'll Protect You.


-Your POV-

I was rushing down the hallway and it was quiet. OMO, I'm late.

Its the first day of school and I'm late! I dont wanna get detention on Monday):

I walked faster and someone bumped into me.

"MIANHAE!" I bowed. And when I looked up, it was Mina and Hani. CRAP.

"Oh, you're SOOO good at bowing!" Hani smirked.

"W-what do you want?" I asked, stepping back.

They stepped forward and Hani grabbed my hair.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Yoseob oppa?" she snarled and pulled at my hair harder.

"W-why should i listen to you?" I asked while following the direction she was pulling my hair, to alleviate my pain.

"Cause I'll kill you if you dont." She gave my hair another tug. "And I can start now."


She started to slap me, and my head hit the locker. Damn, this girl has a lot of strength in her.

She pulled my hair and slammed my face against the locker again and again, before I fell to the ground, face bleeding from the cuts.

She kicked at my stomach and used her heel to step on my arm. I grimaced in pain and tears fell from my eyes.


"HEY!" A voice called out. From afar, I could see 6 silouhettes.

She quickly pulled me up and Mina started to slap Hani, and scratch her face. She tore her own skirt and messed her hair.

The silouhettes were approahing and Mina started grabbing my arm and slapped it across Hani's face before yelling at me.


"YAH! Why are you beating Hani up?! What has she done to you?!" She screamed as HAni started to cry.


"What's going on?" Yoseob asked while walking towards us.

I approached him but Mina pushed me away.

"Your girlfriend started attacking Hani the moment she saw her. She must be mad because we got the skirt that she wanted on Saturday!"

Hani cried and held onto Yoseob's arm. I blinked before the sight.

Yoseob looked at me with disappointed eyes. "Renee, is this true?"

I shook my head, unable to utter a single word. The whole of Beast oppas were looking at me as though I was a monster.

Doojoon oppa grabbed HAni's arm and glared at me.

"Then what do you call these wounds, huh?!" he screamed and I flinched.

Hani cried out from the pain and pretended to pull back her arm. She shook her head and whispered, "Its okay oppas, I fell down myself.."

I held onto Yoseob's arm and tried to explain, but Yoseob pushed me to the ground and glared at me.

"I'm so disappointed with you."

And with that, he walked away.


-Hyunseung's POV-

I approached her slowly. She was sobbing against the lockers.

I patted her head and she flinched before looking up.

"Aren't y-you m-mad at me?" She asked with a tear-strewn face.

I smiled at her and hugged her. "I believe you, Renee-ah.."

She suddenly burst out crying and she held onto my chest.

"Oppa... I dont know what to do anymore.. I trusted in his love for me and refused to stay away from him although s-she had asked me to... But she started beating me up and Yoseob turned up and..."

She couldn't complete her sentence because she started crying again.

It pains me so much to see her like this.

I hugged her closer and whispered into her ear, "Renee-ah.. I'll protect you."



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although im a yoseob lover, i still like renee ended up with seungie.. its just that, the THING renee and yoseob did.. i mean the one, it kinda bothers me.. keke..
Whooooooo!! XD
OMFGOASKGJLASKGJA OH MAI GAWDDDDDD. THE ENDINGGGG. ;____; <3 I love you for writing this. Really. Honestly. Truly. /Worships.

No but in all serioussness this was an amazing fic. :3
Lmfaothisstoryismakingmelaughsohard. I love it. <3

I shall be commenting as I read. :D. Or maybe when I finish.
ailisu #6
i was crying so much when yoseob didnt believe her, BUT IM SO HAPPY SHE ENDED WITH HYUNSEUNG XDD
Omg im so excited to read who Renee ends up with!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I like it!
I loved this fanfic! :)
hyunseungie19121989 #10
Omg Seobie is hurt