Sleepover. (Part 1)

-Your POV-

I was stuffing myself with Yoghurt and biscuits when I caught Yoseob staring at me. I suddenly started to feel very self-conscious.

"Yah, Yoseob! Can you stop staring at me? You're making me feel very uncomfortable!" I said while smacking his forehead. He scowled. 

"Ouch! It hurts!" he wailed.

"Serves you right for staring!" I stuck my tongue out.

"I was just wondering how you put all that food in you! I mean, we just had lunch a while ago, and now you're eating Yoghurt and biscuits like there's no tomorrow!" he exclaimed.

"Well, I can never resist food!" 

He smiled that CHARMING smile at me and I swear I'm gonna faint.

-Yoseob's POV-

I smiled at how honest she is. She isn't afraid to show her true self. I really really love the way she's so optimistic despite her broken heart. I really admire her a lot.

"Yoseob, have you ever had a girlfriend?" she suddenly asked. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the question.

"Why the sudden question?" I asked curiously.

She poked her spoon into the Yoghurt before replying. "Well, you don't seem very interested in having a girlfriend. So I was wondering if you had a girlfriend before.." she looked up with those BIG BROWN EYES.

I'm interested in you, pabo.

"Well, my ex girlfriend cheated on me, so there you have it. A sad love story. Haha." I tried to smile. But it was useless. The haunting images came back.

She seemed to have noticed my discomfort because she came and sat next to me and held my hand.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to pry! I just-" she started explaining but I cut her off.

"I-it's okay. You told me so much about your past, it's only fair that you know about mine." I smiled sincerely at her. She's so understanding. So kind-hearted.

"Well, you should cheer up and leave the past behind! Who knows, you might find someone new!" she beamed happily.

"Yeah.. I guess so." I replied half-heartedly. I'm not too sure about that, Renee..

"You WILL find someone else. I promise." she smiled and hugged me.

Oh my god. My heart is pumping so fast! I hope she doesn't feel it.

I hugged her back and felt her warmth. Other than the few times I hugged her when she's crying, I never really had much skin contact with her. All of a sudden, I can imagine being her boyfriend, hugging her like this. I wish time could stop right now. 

She pulled away slowly and covered her face with her hands. Is she blushing? If she's blushing, does that mean she likes me? 

Soon after, I sent her home. But it started raining and she forgot to bring her keys. 

"Damn! This isn't my lucky day!" she cursed when she hung up with her oppa.

"Whats wrong?" I asked while shielding her from the rain.

"Oppa says he won't be back until tomorrow evening.. He's on a business trip. Aish!" she ruffled her wet hair and sighed before making another phonecall.

"Hyuna? Did you bring your keys?" she asked, panicking.

"What? Oppa hasn't given you your set of keys?" she facepalmed herself.

"So, where will you be staying tonight?"

"What?! With Junhyung oppa?" 

Wow. There's DEFINITELY something going on between them. Kekekeke~

"Arraseo. I get it. I'll just find a place to stay for the night then. Don't worry!" she sighed.

"Alright then.. See you tomorrow! Annyeong!" then she hung up.

I've got an idea!

"Hey, why don't you stay over at my house?" I suggested.

She stared at me, wide eyed.

"What? Don't get the wrong idea! Unless you wanna stay at your doorstep for the whole night." I shrugged.

"But won't your parents get the wrong idea?" she asked while tilting her head to one side.

"I don't live with my parents. I live alone. I had to get an apartment near the school." I explained.

She nodded thoughtfully.

"O-okay then.." she whispered.

-Your POV-

Yoseob opened the door and stepped aside so I could enter. His apartment was quite spacious. And I noticed everything was kept neatly. Books were neatly arranged on the bookshelf, the table was spotless, the kitchen was clean and the bedroom was well kept.

"Wow... Unbelievable!" I said while looking around.

"What is?" he appeared behind me.

"Your house! It's very neat! I expected it to be like a pig sty, since you're living alone.." I walked to the couch and sat down.

He chuckled and sat next to me. "Hey, not all guys are untidy!"

"Yeah, I guess it's true." I shrugged.

But then I shivered from the coldness. I was still wet from the rain. He felt me shiver and took a look at me.

"I'll go get a new towel and some clothes for you. You should have a bath before you catch a cold." he said while walking to his room.

A while later, he came out with his  T-shirt and a towel. 

I stared at him. 

As if reading my mind, he laughed and held the shirt in my face. "My shirt will definitely look like a dress on you!" 

I blushed and grabbed the shirt before heading to the bathroom. The warm water immediately soothed my skin and I felt much better. I put my wet clothes into a bag and looked into the mirror.

Yoseob's right. His shirt hung low like a dress, falling right above my knees. I laughed and stepped out of the bathroom. I heard the TV on so I went to the living room.

"Well, that took you long enough!" Yoseob teased while walking towards the bathroom.

I pouted and he patted my head. "Go watch some TV. I'll be out in a jiffy!" he smiled.

Ohmygod! I'm blushing! Aish, Renee! Control yourself!

I plopped down to the couch and held the remote. I flipped through the channels before settling on MTV.

Davichi's 'Don't Say Goodbye' was playing and I teared up unconsciously while listening to the song.

I suddenly felt a presence next to me. I looked and saw that Yoseob was staring at me. I quickly wiped my tears away and diverted my attention to the television.

-Yoseob's POV-

I was done with showering and I walked to the living room, hearing Davichi's 'Don't Say Goodbye' playing through the television. I sat next to Renee and noticed that she was crying. 

She looked at me and wiped her tears away before looking at the TV again. It pains me so much to see her cry.

So I scooted closer to her and hugged her. She flinched at first, but she soon settled into my arms and lay down on my chest.

She looked up at me and said, "Thanks Yoseob... For being here when I need someone.." 

I smiled and kissed her forehead. 

She flinched again from my kiss, but she didn't move away or say anything.

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although im a yoseob lover, i still like renee ended up with seungie.. its just that, the THING renee and yoseob did.. i mean the one, it kinda bothers me.. keke..
Whooooooo!! XD
OMFGOASKGJLASKGJA OH MAI GAWDDDDDD. THE ENDINGGGG. ;____; <3 I love you for writing this. Really. Honestly. Truly. /Worships.

No but in all serioussness this was an amazing fic. :3
Lmfaothisstoryismakingmelaughsohard. I love it. <3

I shall be commenting as I read. :D. Or maybe when I finish.
ailisu #6
i was crying so much when yoseob didnt believe her, BUT IM SO HAPPY SHE ENDED WITH HYUNSEUNG XDD
Omg im so excited to read who Renee ends up with!!
Yoon_Eun_Hye #8
I like it!
I loved this fanfic! :)
hyunseungie19121989 #10
Omg Seobie is hurt