Destined 9 What to do?

Destiny is Mine

Stunned of what had happened, Top stood alone in  the spotlight still with the mask on his hand. Then he remembered he forgot to ask her name. He gave the mask to Kush and run along ,hoping he can still see the woman outside the club. Unlucky of him, he cannot find her. 


Bom hailed a taxi and went straight home. Along the road she called Taeyang. Telling him that she already go home. Theres no need to wait for her. Not to mention that her friends witness such an embarassing event inside the club. When she finally got home, she took a shower, changed and surf the internet, just to have some peace of mind. Half an hour later, Dara went online and BUZZ! her. 


Dara: What's really happening?

Bom: Its just, the man that kissed me was YG papa's first son, my Boss.

Dara: Such a fate! How could this be so complex .... sad... Well i didn't see his face clearly but I bet he's full of charisma...

Bom: Really... That's what i noticed in him too.

Dara: How about the mission? You're already busted. I bet they already know your true identity.

Bom: I don't know. I'm kinda confused..... Mixed emotions right now.

Dara: Confused? emotions? do you have feelings for him? am i right?

Bom: What to do! To tell you the truth, yes. But during those times i'm a guy in his presence. Plus, its impossible.

Dara: Trully impossible! You want to be dead. you and him.... arrgghhh. its driving me crazy!

Bom: That's why, i cannot continue, not only dad will be in trouble but the whole itself. Cannot compromise anyone.

Dara: The promise?

Bom: Maybe its truly true, Promises are made to be broken. (BIG SIGH!)

Dara: Bommie-ah! Let's go out tomorrow... girl to girl talk.

Bom: Sorry, i can't manage tomorrow. Need to clear things first.


The next day, the private investigator whom Top hired, submitted a report on his assignment. He handed a letter-sized envelop. Inside is the private information about the girl. "I should have done this before"  he thought. " Those are just the information I have gathered. The family seems well-off and some kinda dangerous," looking cautious in his tone as the investigator summarized all.


As Top was reading it he said to the man, "ok, You can go now. I'll handle this myself ".


" Park Bom / Jenny Park. 23 years old. Grand-daughter of the late Great Psy, former head of the White Tiger's gang. The next successor since no other siblings. Major in Arts at the said university. lOVES to paint skies and eat corn. 


Tops forehead creased as he read the " White Tiger Gang". " My family's rival, How unfortunate am i".




That night, both of them cannot sleep. Both held their mobile phones. Both were hesitating, to call or to send message.  Questions keep flowing into their minds and need to find an answer. At last, Top pushed the send button: 


" I Don't know were to start but i need to clear some things between you and me. If you are willing, meet me at the cafe near the university. 3pm. I'll be waiting for you. - Choi Seunghyun."


The sound of Bom's phone startled her. As she checked who sends her the message, it was Seunghyun. It was from him. Bom could hear the LUB DUB sound of her heart. Beating fast as she open the message sent to her. As she read it: " Should I go or not ?", she asked herself.


The neXt day...


Its already past 3 in the afternoon. Still Bom cannot figure out what to do. She's afraid to face him, now that he knows the truth for sure. Suddenly she stood up, gathered her guts, grabbed her bag plus key and drive her way to the meeting place.


While driving,  she notices she's only wearing a pair of denim shorts,  white inner , a yellow sweater with chocolate popsicle patterns and pair of color green sneakers. Not suitable but she's comfortable of what she is wearing.


Top, patiently waiting for Bom to arrive. Its already past 3pm but still there is no sign of her. In his thoughts, maybe she will not come since she did not reply to the message he sent.


 " Stupid", he said to himself.


Time flies ... At around 4:30 in the afternoon, Top decided to go. He stood up from his seat. Then a car stopped with a screeched sound of brakes caught his attention. He looked at the clear window and saw the red haired Bom stepping out in her car. She looks fresh and pretty. She doesn't need to put too much make to look beautiful--- a lipgloss will do. She looks  so different from before--- from her bodyguard image, last night at the club and now infront of him. As Bom enters the cafe, he sits back and waited for her formally.


Bom Opened the door, immediately he saw Seunghyun sitting on a reserved area. " He sure looks so handsome on that one", as Bom continues to walk nearer to him.  He stands up and pulled a chair for her. 


She looked at him then said, " Thanks". Bom adjusted herself on the chair as Top seated back on his. A deep silence was covering on both of them. She cannot tolerate those piercing eyes of his so she just focused her sight of the the glass on the table. 


" I don't know how to start this conversation but for the sake that we accompanied each other for more than a month and a half,  let's try to comfortable with each other. The way we used to be." , as a deep voice broke the silence, it was Top.


Bom Slowly raise her face and looked at him sincerely. " To be honest, I'll be lying if Isay Its ok to be like this", she clearly said to him. 


Top slowly rub his forehead seems like he wantedto ask something important to her. He is torn between family ties and love.  " why did you disguise yourself as my bodyguard. To the extent --- tansform yourself to a man?"  he asked her calmly.


" Before I answer that one, You already know my background right,"  Bom asked. In reply Top nodded. Before BOM could answer his question, he pulled her up and walk outside the cafe and went straight to the balcony were he always stay in his free time after class. He dragged her went inside the achitecture building and straight to  7th floor of the building. There he released her hand and grabbed her shoulder. Making Bom look at the opposite building. 


" Do you know what building is that? " Top asked her. " When I was in sophomore here in this university, I found this balcony. I found peace everytime I come here. I Just sit and sleep," he added.


Bom, struggles to free her shoulders, but Top hold her still, " Please listen to me first, let me continue ", as he whispered to her. She then, stop here wriggling movements and listen. " But one day, I saw a black haired girl with a loads of things on both of her hands. I just observe what she is doing its fun really. Well, she came to paint on something. I can saw the smile on her face everytime her brush make for the image she wanted to paint. From that day on, I never miss a day to visit this spot because of that girl. And everytime I saw her, I develop this deep feelings for her eventhough she never known my existence. When the day she stops comming to paint, my world gone upsidedown. It was just recently that i've known that she was always been by myside wherever I go, whatever I do.", as Top confessed to her with a shaky voice.


Then slowly he hugged her from behind and touch his face to hers. As Bom heard his story, she unconsciously shed a tear and embrace the arm that surrounded her. Analyzing that she was the woman in that building. Painting her dreams and aspirations. Never did she imagine that someone was watching and loving her from afar. 

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auroramikaela #1
Chapter 22: Wow..... the ending.....ckckckckck
Chapter 22: I actually imagined them XDXD Great story! me like! :DDDD
such a cute ending~~
hehe XD
chasingbom #4
Awww.. Thank you for this fic! Looking forward to another topbom fanfic from you!^^
hahahah omaaigahhhh pleaaseee i wanna see alien painting LOL ~ thnx u authornim ^^
Lol such a cute ending! painting? Really alien's way! Hahahaa
gjie2cute #7
they we're omg hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaha
huhu bommie why you run away??
pls update soon author-nim~~
windofdestiny86 #9
@lonelyshadow: sorry, i just got home from a week vacation. Promise i will finish this one for sure.
why are you like that! you always leave us a cliffhanger,its the exciting part...then suddenly to be continued...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...But Iam happy cause you updated it...waiting for your next update hope its the real final episode.GOOD JOB.