Destined 13 Unexpected Guest

Destiny is Mine

When Bom and Top arrived at the villa, a group of armed men are in post in front of the house. Top immediately get the gun hidden under slide it under on his back. "You're keeping a gun inside you're car ?", Bom hissed with glaring eyes. " For emergency purposes only," he answered.  The two of them went out of the car and check. Top walked, Bom behind him. To her surprise, the men bowed and greeted her as she passed her way. As Top was about to insert the key to the door, he noticed that it was open.


When they entered, a face so cute and pretty, pettite woman dashed towards Bom and hugged her tightly. " Bommie-ah!", Dara shouted while rushes her way to her. Bom was shocked," Dara-ah,  what brings you here?". Dara seemed not to her the questions of Bom to her and continuously hugging her, "I miss you sooo much, Taeyang and Daesung also." "How can you leave us just like that, you're so bad."


Bom hugged her back then slowly lowered Dara's hand and led her to the sofa and seat together while Top seated himself crossed-leg as he observed the two women talking emotionally to each other. Suddenly, Dara sensed someone is staring at her. She turned her head and asked, " Who is he by the way?". " Ahh, I forgot, Seunghyun, Choi SEunghyun," as Bom answered her. " For the love of God Bom!, He's the you're talking to, the Boss, the Son, in the club, Viper fangs." Dara remembered and stopped.


Top raised his eyebrow when Dara mentioned the last part and paused. He thought, maybe this woman is also a member of their gang, not the thug part but the elite area. Dara then extended her hand, " Dara Park, Bommie's BFF and so-called sister." Top shake her hands in response, " Choi Seunghyun, Bommie's BF and future husband." Seems Dara's quite irritated on how Top responded. " I think I've seen you before?", making her forehead c reased trying to remember where. Snapping!, " I know, at the club where we used to chill out." as she stares at him.


Bom was tring to get Dara's attention off to Top. " By the way, why are you here? and why did you bring the men here?" she asked again. " Firstly, For my protection and yours too." asnswered firmly. Then Dara swiftly switch, from smilling beauty to a bit serious. Then telling to Bom that her dad got a heart attack during the day she left after Bom send the message. Now, the whole group is in chaos, who will be the next. As the only child, she is the inly one fitted to the Boss' position.


" How is dad right now?", asking with a worried face. " Is he still inside the CICU?', she added. Dara nodded telling that Taeyang and Daesung were there attending him. "Bommie-ah, you should come back with me, right now," pleading to Bom without paying attention to Top. " But... Dara, my situation sure so complicated,". Bom looks was more confused than before now that Top belongs to her now.


" Ya!, Jenny Park," Dara yelled. Tears were starting to fell of her eyes convincing Bom to come back. Not for the group but for the sake of her father. Bom cried as she saw Dara in tears. Dara cares for Bom's dad the most. Since, he treated her as his own daughter. Likewise, she needs to discuss this with Seunghyun. " Ok, you go on ahead of me, I'll try to straighted this out," as she gently soothe Dara's back to stop crying.


Bom accompanied Dara outside to her car, as the the men opened the door of the car for, then telling her not to worry. She waved goodbye and enter the villa. She saw Seunghyun looking at her, sensing there is more to be discussed. " Bommie come at sit here, beside me," Top signaled. She sat beside him while Top is playing with her fingers, intertwining each digits.  " We can visit your father tomorrow." She smiled and kiss him lightly on his lips. A gesture of thank you to him. " Though we runaway and decided not to go back, we still cannot cut the bonds which our parents that binded us," he added while Bom leaning his head to his shoulder.


That very night, she called Taeyang to temporarily settle the group until her father is completely well. She appointed him as the second boss in replacement for her absence. Tomorrow she will visit her dad and had something to talk to him, some important matters that needed to attend to. She lay on bed Top beside her embracing her so close to him. But her mind wandered in the wilderness, still thinking of her dad. No need to worry her closest friends are there by his side. They will not leave him, unlike her.


Its 8 o-clock  in the morning, both of them woke up early, getting ready for another long drive back home. While on the road, Bom cannot sleep, restless, its seems something is bothering her. She can feel her heart beating so loud inside her chest. Then after, Top increased his speed stepping the accelerator. " What happened,' she asked him. " ! Someone is following us," as he cursed.


The cars at the back noticed that they have been discovered tagging along, immediately raced up to them. They were caught up and blocked their way, as Top stepped on the brakes in rush. Men in armed emerged, then forcefully knocking out Top leaving his eyesight went blurry. Slowly, Top losses his senses, seeing Bom being dragged out of the car. Bom struggled to escape but to no avail. The men were so strong for her. One man pinned her tightly so that she can't move while the other covered her face. Seconds later, she feels so dizzy and unconsious all of a sudden. They were separated. Top on the black car while Bom on the other not knowing who the hell these men and where will they take them.

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auroramikaela #1
Chapter 22: Wow..... the ending.....ckckckckck
Chapter 22: I actually imagined them XDXD Great story! me like! :DDDD
such a cute ending~~
hehe XD
chasingbom #4
Awww.. Thank you for this fic! Looking forward to another topbom fanfic from you!^^
hahahah omaaigahhhh pleaaseee i wanna see alien painting LOL ~ thnx u authornim ^^
Lol such a cute ending! painting? Really alien's way! Hahahaa
gjie2cute #7
they we're omg hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaha
huhu bommie why you run away??
pls update soon author-nim~~
windofdestiny86 #9
@lonelyshadow: sorry, i just got home from a week vacation. Promise i will finish this one for sure.
why are you like that! you always leave us a cliffhanger,its the exciting part...then suddenly to be continued...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...But Iam happy cause you updated it...waiting for your next update hope its the real final episode.GOOD JOB.