Final: Destined 2

Destiny is Mine

Bom could not sleep that very night. She drank almost a liter of milk to her curiousity.  How many Choi Seunghyun lived in this country?, she thought of it. "He must not be the Choi SEunghyun I know." She forced herself to sleep and dreamt of someone.


BOm noticed that she was on a little rowing boat and She was all alone inside it. Surrounding her was a vast, clear water of a river. While holding her yellow sunflower umbrella, the cold wind blew the boat and gently rocked it. But as the time goes by, the wind blew harder, leaving Bom afraid, cold and alone. Suddenly the boat was ragely moving from side to side and eventually the boat turned upsidedown. Though she knows how to swim, the wind grew stronger making her hold o a piece of wooden board from the boat. She hugged it tightly and closed her eyes hoping the wind will calm down. But the wind was pushing the boat hardly that  it has to move hear the raging, angry water at the end and straight to a falls. Bom could not do anything at that time but to hold on as she felt her body cashed among the currents and force of the falls. She lost her focus and slowly slept. It was just a while, when somebody tapped her making her awakened in her deep slumber. She saw a silhouette of a person and gently tapping her then her face gently. As   she forved to open her eyes, a man's image slowly emerging...... and suddenly she hears he sound of a clock ringing... as her  alarm doing its job to woke her up every morning.


She opened her eyes, patted her head and said," it's just a dream." Its been a tough night for her for the last few years. NOw its happening again. Back to her normal routine, she leaves the house, went to the gallery, next to the studio and do some shopping and gave her an invitation. Its a housewarming party of one of her clients. One of those who buys her portrait. " Well, is  this a man or woman?" she sked her mentor. " A MAN, hes my senior bck in college. He just treasure your painting. That's all and better to attend because its hard to say no to him," as she glared BOm sensing doubt in her.


Bom's phone rang, " Bom don't you ever skipped this party... tonight at 9pm... be there!," as her mentors voice clinging in her ears. " Ok, I understand." said plainly. She got home, tossed herself on her bed and think. Who could be this man? What will I wear? What if I will not go? Those were the questions inside Bom's head. Well, her mentor would be in rage if she will not attend that one. That night, was a whole stress to her. She did not have any choice but to go the party.


Bom wore a emerald colored,venus cut mini dress along with the black fur scarf around her. She looks astoundingly perfect. A little blush on, rose colored lipstick and a mascara will do it tonight. " Hope this will be fun," she thought.  A little later, she arrived on the said venue of the party. Its really a housewarming party yet there were so many guests in their suits and dresses. The host is surely a big one to make this possible. When she entered the house, some of the guests looked at her while the others paid no attention. A moment of strolling inside, she saw her painting hanging elegantly on its post.


It was one of her favorite --- "the winter Queen". Then she turned around, when an old man said something to the portrait. " As the snow keeps on falling, the heart is also crying." " You sounded so true on that one?" Bom asked the old man. " This is what I saw when I buy this picture," the old man stated. " Mr. Kim," as he handed his hand for a shake. Gladly, Bom extended her hand wihtout hesitation. " Park Bom, glad to meet you sir." Mr. Kim did not really expect that the one who painted this amazing art was a young woman. " I'm really glad that you came... I'm well honored to introduce you to my guests here." he cleared. " Thank you so much Sir," as Bom bowed her head to the elder one. The party went on as the time slowly ticking to midnight.  


On the other hand, Seunghyun was a bit late. His boss invited him to attend to his housewarming party because he still have something to look and finish some things. " Glad you made it, Seunghyunshii..." as one host of the party tapped his back and he bowed himself for apology of being late. Other than the less," there is someone I would like you to meet," as the old man together with Seunghyun, slowly approached a woman who was seriously looking at the paintings on the wall. " Well, I would love to meet her, if you say so sir," as he smiled as they closely went to the woman on her back.


" Excuse Ms. Park Bom," the old man slowly asked for Bom's attention. As she turned herself to talk to man, a familiar face was staring at her. " This is my junior in my company and lso bought your painting... Mr. Choi Seunghyun." Bom could not believe whom he is seeing that very moment. She can't even hear wha Mr. Kim was saying to her. All her attention was on the man standing in front of her.  Its been years that she had not seen that face. Its been years that she did not hear anyting from him. Its been years that he neglected and rejected her. Tears were slowly escaping from her eyes as she tried not to cry infront of him.


Seunghyun also was in great shocked when she saw the woman. All the time he believed that she was already dead. But it's difficult to believe that she was standing right infront of him alive and also staring at him. He even winked his eyes thrice to know that hewas no dreaming. She still looked stunning in her venus cut dress. Still lovely as ever.


" Choi Seunghyun," he extended his hand hoping she will do the same. Bom just stared at his hand. But she just bowed or an apoogy and left. She did not say anything and went outside as fast as she could. Her heart was about to shout and pain is digging its way down under. Seunghyun, was left there standing. His eyes was watery, ready to cry in any minute. Inside his mind was a question. How come she did not know me? Or she just pretended not to know me? or She definitely knows me that's why she left.... Then, without thinking twice, he strode his way out of the party finding Bom. They need to talk and clear things up. Everyhing needs an explanation from both of them. As he was outside the house, she could not ind her at all.  

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auroramikaela #1
Chapter 22: Wow..... the ending.....ckckckckck
Chapter 22: I actually imagined them XDXD Great story! me like! :DDDD
such a cute ending~~
hehe XD
chasingbom #4
Awww.. Thank you for this fic! Looking forward to another topbom fanfic from you!^^
hahahah omaaigahhhh pleaaseee i wanna see alien painting LOL ~ thnx u authornim ^^
Lol such a cute ending! painting? Really alien's way! Hahahaa
gjie2cute #7
they we're omg hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaha
huhu bommie why you run away??
pls update soon author-nim~~
windofdestiny86 #9
@lonelyshadow: sorry, i just got home from a week vacation. Promise i will finish this one for sure.
why are you like that! you always leave us a cliffhanger,its the exciting part...then suddenly to be continued...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...But Iam happy cause you updated it...waiting for your next update hope its the real final episode.GOOD JOB.