Destined 4 Daily Routine

Destiny is Mine

Greatly amazed of her boss' appearance, it is a merely jaw-dropping experience to Bom while she greeted her boss in pure awesomeness. 


Thus, Top never answered to her greeting, instead he was staring at his new bodyguard. Well, looking at her doubtful look, something is quite not right based on his keen observation.


" By any chance, i've  already seen you somewhere...", he questioned.


" No sir, not a chance," Bom firmly replied.


Then he asked, " no offense bro, are you really my bodyguard?" Bom nodded in reply. "You look so fragile, it seems thats you lack testosterone in your body..". he added.


" Are you saying sir, i am a woman", Bom gasped in surprise. " I must be very careful, this one is dangerous." in her mind. 


" What  I am saying is, you look like a woman, that's all. What can i do, they gave you to me.". he clearly stated.


" Sorry but are you doubtful of my gender or shall i prove to you that your speculation is wrong..."... Bom acted just to straighten this almost heated issue.


" ok, no need. well I'm Choi Seunghyun.  And Johnny this is my daily schedule. Make sure you know all of those." Tossing to her his daily routine. Good thing Bom's a good catcher.  Well, this must not be a problem to me (This is how it goes)...

* goes to school (last year in university)

* to office (on job training)

* Work-out ( depends on the mood )

* Free-time (anything that goes)


As Bom goes scanned what is written on the piece of card, well, this is very simple job for me.  Its not no complicated as it seems. " I can do this perfectly.".

" You must be ready anytime of the day. Anytime I'll call you. Must be very alert. I'm a very busy person'. he added. " By the way, check your new room. Gummy noona will lead you to your room. 

" Yes, Sir." she bowes, " you must be a very busy person... so much for the free time, huh!." in her mind.

Gummy entered and lead her the way. " This is your room have a nice night." she coldy greeted.

" Thank you. Same to you, noona', she greeted politely.


When she entered the room... "ahhh, this is what I needed the most, a beauty sleep for the big day tomorrow", as she throw herself on her bed. 


She finished her bath and she looked closely to the mirror. " ahh, this . Even during sleeping i had to wear a man's clothing and wear this wig even in bed. Have goodnight sleep then Bom.


The day after.....


Bom woke up early. Took a bath, fix herself. Thanks to Dara everything is easy for her. From the hair, to the clothes, don't forget the sideburns.  She ate her breakfast before Top come down for his. Everything is set.


As Top came down, Gummy served his breakfast and started to eat. He likes tea the most. When he is about to finish, he told his noona to tell Johhny (Bom) to get ready. As always, Bom is ready on the other side. She politely greeted Top as her boss stands ready to go.


"Come follow me.", he said. Bom followed him. 

Then he tossed the car keys. " Drive", leaving her astounded. "I'm a bodyguard not a driver, For God's sake!",  she whispered.


First, is at school. Well it is wriiten on his daily schedule. To her surprise, he go to the same university as she was. Not on the same department. She's on arts (painting) while he is on architecture.


"I Miss school, i miss my brush, I miss Dara, Taeyang, Daesung", she pouted.  


When they arrived, some girls squeel, giggled and blush as Top goes out in his car. Same as Bom he also gets out of the car.


"He's quite a looker and popular. But why didn't i know him when the fact that we were schoolmates...Argghhh." Bom butted in.


"Johnny, just stay here and wait for my call. After class, get ready for my net schedule, got it?" he commanded.


"Arrasso, have a nice day Sir.", as Bom slight bowed.


As for Top, today is no ordinary except for having bodyguard tagging him everywhere he go. But the atmosphere between them is quite abnormal.  He really is not comfortable and a bit awkward with each other. This is not a man should feel... he's puzzled and confused.


On his break, he went to the 7th floor's balcony and rest. He always have a very good feeling on this thing. But when he, look at the other building's window that is infront of the balcony, he frowned and his searchful eyes roamed to look for someone who is missing on the view. To his dismay, he went down and call his bodyguard to get ready.


Next, Stop is the office where he will spent his 4 hours for his on job training. Eventhough, he doesn't need to work after graduation. After, they went on the gym for his workout.It depends on mhis mood whether he wants or not.  As, for the free time, he would go to his favorite shops to buy clothes. He is really a vain person. Always take time for his looks. Sometimes he usually met his younger brother Jiyong also with a tagged bodyguard named Seungri. He's quite cute ( I mean the bodyguard). But whenever, he meeting his father, Bom, always stays behind and never got a chance to see the Head per


Almost everyday, this their daily routine. Except if, they have family gatherings, Bom just stayed along with the other staff downstairs, waiting for him to finish his daily events. 












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auroramikaela #1
Chapter 22: Wow..... the ending.....ckckckckck
Chapter 22: I actually imagined them XDXD Great story! me like! :DDDD
such a cute ending~~
hehe XD
chasingbom #4
Awww.. Thank you for this fic! Looking forward to another topbom fanfic from you!^^
hahahah omaaigahhhh pleaaseee i wanna see alien painting LOL ~ thnx u authornim ^^
Lol such a cute ending! painting? Really alien's way! Hahahaa
gjie2cute #7
they we're omg hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhaha
huhu bommie why you run away??
pls update soon author-nim~~
windofdestiny86 #9
@lonelyshadow: sorry, i just got home from a week vacation. Promise i will finish this one for sure.
why are you like that! you always leave us a cliffhanger,its the exciting part...then suddenly to be continued...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...But Iam happy cause you updated it...waiting for your next update hope its the real final episode.GOOD JOB.