I trust you.

She's Different

"Oh gosh this is so scary" So Hyun says slowly taking steps on the roof. 

"Why did I even get on top of here?!" She says while walking slowly. 

"I mean what would people think when there is some random girl walking on a roof?" 

She chuckles on her own thought and finally reaches the place the pipe is, now all she has to do is slide through the pipe and end up on her Balcony.

"Aish all because of that Ninja boy, just wait until I get caught of you" She says trying to keep her leg on the pipe.

"KIM SO HYUN! WHY ARE YOU ON THE ROOF?" Sung Jae screams coming out of his house.

"Aishh.. he had to come out at this time?!" So hyun says pissed.

"ARE YOU STUCK ON THE ROOF?" Sung Jae screams on the middle of the road so that she hears him.

So Hyun screams back and slides on the pipe to her balcony. 

"Maybe she's still drunk?" Sung Jae says to himself.

"Aish so embarrassing.. Woah finally... now that was an horrible adventure" she says finally going inside her room through the window.

"OMO my hands are still shaking.. well it was quite cold on the roof, not that I was scared ahaha" she says to herself and suddenly her phone rings.

She answers the phone.

"Yeoboseyo?(hello)" she asks not knowing whose calling.

"So Hyun-ah, Noe Kenchana?(you okay?)" Sung Jae asks.

"Why wouldn't I be? I said you I was just watching the scenery on top of the roof" So Hyun says annoyed.

"I thought you said you were exercising?" 

"Ah that.. but how do you know my number?!" 

"Oh.. umm I just got it by unlocking you're phone during the get together" 


"I.. just hacked it" 


"I learnt hacking as a hobby.." He says while moving the phone a bit away from his ears as she's so loud.

"The hell?! I mean you're not supposed to unlock my phone just like that. Did you look at anything else on my phone?" 

"No, I'm not that stupid to check a girl's phone" 

"You look like a stupid though" 


"I'm just going to put a fingerprint lock next time" 

"Fine, do whatever you wan't" Sung Jae says pouting.

"Could I have you're help?" 


"Come with me to the convenience store, please" 

Sung Jae chuckles listening to her request.

"And What will I get?" 

"Aish Selfish Sung Jae, I will buy you a snack" 

"Okay, Deal" 

"YASS thanks, I will come in 30 minutes" 

"Fine just come fast" 

"Okay I'm hanging up" 
She says and hangs up. 


"I'm done, let's go" So Hyun says coming out of her house. 

"Okay, but why do you wan't me to come with you?" Sung Jae asks while they walk beside each other.

"Because I trust you" So Hyun says which makes Sung Jae stops on his steps making her stop and looks at her.

"Mwoh(what?)" So Hyun asks as Sung Jae is looking at her wierdly

"MWOH(WHAT)?! I'm just saying I trust you cause there is no one else close to my house. Mom and brother is out" 

"Oh I see" he smiles and starts walking again.

"Aish Mwoyah?!(What's this)" So Hyun says and walks again.

"But what happened to you yesterday night?" So Hyun asks looking at him.

"What? What happened?" Sung Jae asks.

"WHAT? You don't remember?" So hyun asks shocked.

"No.. maybe I was quite drunk" he says and looks down walking.

"Oh my gosh and I was here worrying that you remember what I said yesterday..." So hyun thinks.

"Wae (why)? Did something happen?" He asks.

"Aniyo!(no) Nothing at all" So Hyun says denying raising her voice.

"Just that.. you sounded angry and the way you looked at me.. it was different.." So Hyun says remembering the way he harshly behaved.

"What? I did? That's probably cause I was drunk.." he says.

"Oh really? Nevermind then" she says.

"There it is" he says pointing at the convenience store and runs inside dragging her with him.

"Yah! We don't need to run" So hyun says after they go inside.

Sung Jae goes to the ramen section.

So Hyun looks at things she wan'ts and puts on the counter at the same time Sung Jae also puts.

"Should I bill both you're things together?" Cashier asks.

"No, why would you?" So Hyun asks.

"Oh sorry, I thought you two are boyfriend and girlfriend" cashier says and bows.

"NO NO WE AREN'T" both of them say together and look at each other. 

"But I'm paying, you asked me for a treat so consider this." So Hyun says and gives her credit card.

"Good" he says.

They go out of the Convenience store and sees a man on a call outside the store.

"Chagiya (honey) don't worry, I'm at home. Yes, yes I'm at home alone" the man lies and talks into the phone.

So hyun smiles hearing this. 
"Let's have some fun Sung Jae" 
She says giving a mischievous look.

"What? No I don't like that look. What are you going to do?" Sung Jae asks worried.

"Just come" So Hyun says and grabs his hand.

She goes near the man in the call and Sung Jae also smiles as he got what she's up to.

"OMO Chagiya, who are you calling? I'm bored! Come accompany me beside the bed" 
So Hyun screams to the phone the man is holding. 

"SARANGHAE OPPA (i love you oppa)" Sung Jae also screams.

"What The? " the man asks.

"WHO WAS THAT? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" The person in the call asks.

"Sung Jae" So Hyun says and Sung Jae looks at her and nods. 

"RUN!" both of them say and run away. 

"YOU TWO! STOP RIGHT THERE" the man screams and starts following them.

So Hyun runs with Sung Jae while holding hands. After awhile, They look back and nobody is following them so they stop and catch their breath by breathing heavily.

After catching their breath, they look at each other for awhile in silence.
Soon breaking into laughter.

"That was Fun" Sung Jae says laughing.

But then, they notice something. They are still holding hands. Sung Jae's eyes widen and So Hyun let's go of his hand. 

Sung Jae scratches his head due to the awkwardness.
So hyun clears .
"Let's go home" So Hyun says and simply walks off leaving Sung Jae. 

Sung Jae looks at her leaving and then looks at the hand he was holding her. 

He starts smiling like a fool looking at it and puts his hand inside his pocket.
Then he runs to catch up to her.


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Pieinyourheart #1
Chapter 19: Will you continue this story? Im curious to know wat will happened to eunwooㅠㅠ
Ten2five #2
Good story..
I'm already excited lol
But it's said in the comments that the ending is shocking
I wanna read this rn
Kay_T8 #6
Chapter 16: Aww new updates. Thank you so much.
Angelkits #7
Chapter 14: Im still waiting for an update! I love the story so far!
Kay_T8 #8
Chapter 3: I am happy to find this fanfic. Love the story so far. Thank you for writing.
Chapter 9: Nice chapter but the ending shocked me. Sungjae is usually sweet and flirtatious toward SoHyun. Hmm. Now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 5: Love this story <3 <3 <3 Thanks for update ^_^ thumbs up