You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

by Anne

Chapter 6


It's been weeks already and it seems the people that Jiro hired to look for Hebe"s family have not found anything.Nobody seems to be looking for her or she does not have any family or she is from somewhere not from Taiwan.They say maybe they have to look outside Taiwan.Jiro just hopes that her memory will come back.

He brought her back to the hospital for the checks up,but they can't see anything wrong.They said maybe it is just an impact from the trauma.But since she have remembered some bits and pieces ,then they are hoping she is going to recover soon in its own time.

One day Jiro surprise Hebe."Do you have anything to do today?" Jiro asked.

"And what am I gonna be doing?"Hebe said"I can't go out anywhere without causing chaos".

"I was thinking I might bring you to the office today and you can meet my brothers,The fahrenheit,you know the band that I was in"Jiro said.

"Really,I can go with you today?" Hebe said."Oh you should have told me yesterday so I could have prepared"

"Prepare for what?" Jiro asked.

"I could have gone to parlor and bought a special clothes"Hebe said"It is not fair,now they are going to see me ugly"

"Hey,hey don't get any ideas okay"Jiro said.

"Yeah but they all look so cute and hot" Hebe said.

"And that what makes me?" Jiro asked annoyed of Hebe's interest with his bandmates.

"Don't worry you are still the hottest and the cutest for me" Hebe said"As they said don't bite the hands that feeds you" as she took Jiro's hand and pretend that she was biting on it.

Jiro laughed,he loves her sense of humor.She always this character that she always have an answer to every question.
She is cute and funny and spunky and very pretty Jiro thought.Living with her will never be boring.

Hebe came to the office of Jiro's managing company and the three are there.She found all them handsome,so handsome.Chun was the forever prince charming.He is very well mannered and a gentleman and is very nice.Calvin is so sweet and have a very good personality.He is friendly,funny and very smart,that one you will love talking for hours..Arron the youngest one is the cutest and you could not help but fall in love with him.He is like her younger brother.He is fun to be with,and easy going kind of guy.

Hebe have a grand time meeting them.Jiro was not surprise that she was able to keep up with them.She seems to be very smart and it seems she was used to this ,dealing and interacting with people.He was surprised that she and Chun have a lot to talk about especially about the financial and business aspects of things.

"So is Dadong behaving himself at home?"Calvin said trying to tease Jiro.

"Sort of sometimes" Hebe answered.

"If he is out of line ,just tell me and I'm going to straighten him out,okay?"

"So did you met his girl yet?" Arron asked.

"What girl?" Hebe said"I have not met her yet,if ever"
surprised and not thinking of the possibility that Jiro might have a girl.Maybe she is there in the office too.

"Oh,Dadong you are in trouble" Arron said laughing.

"What are you talking about?"Dadong sounds confused.

"That is for you to know and for Hebe to find out"Arron laughing trying to catch Hebe and Jiro"s reaction fot that matter.

Arron have a feeling that Jiro like Hebe already and he does not realized it yet.He may not admit it yet but Dadong have fallen to this lady's charm.He was happy for his friend,he just hope it will last.

On their way home,Hebe was thinking what Arron have said.What if Jiro have a girl already?.She never saw any girl at home nor any girl that call Jiro.Maybe she is in a way that is why she is not going to Jiro's house.How come he never mention anything?Will he have told me?Or do I have the right to know?I am just a temporary fixture here.

"Why are you so quiet?"Jiro asked."Is something wrong?"

"No,nothing"Hebe answered."Can I ask you something?"

"What is this,with all these question again?"Jiro teases her.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Hebe asked"Arron mention about a girl."

"Arron is just teasing you" Jiro said,as he pinches her nose.

"So what is it,do you have a girlfriend?" Hebe insisted on the question.

"No,do you see me with a girl at home?"Jiro answered."I don't have a girlfriend,now happy?"

"I just want to know" she said as she smiled."Why?"

"What do you mean why?" Jiro asked

"Why you don't have a girlfriend?"Hebe asked"You don't want one or you can't have the one you want?"

"I have not find the right one" Jiro answered."Maybe now,just maybe now"

"I hope you find the right one soon" Hebe said.

"I think I have found her already,but I don't know if she wants me too" Jiro asked looking at Hebe straight in her eyes.Hebe suddenly feel uncomfortable the way Jiro was looking at her,as if finding the answer to her eyes.Her heart is beating so fast.

"Really?"Hebe said trying to look away.

"Nah,I don't think she wants me"Jiro said looking away from her,and walking away...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!