You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

When Jiro went home,Hebe is still awake waiting for him.She look so concern and the anxiety is etched on her face,Jiro tried to calm himself before going home.He was smiling when he got home.But Hebe felt the anxiety,no matter how hard Jiro tried to hide it.

"Hebe I have to talk to you"Jiro said as they sat on the sofa,his arms around her waist."Somebody took pictures of us this afternoon when we are kissing and they are going to published it in this morning paper.They don't have a clear view of you,so it is one less thing to worry.But you have to be careful when I am gone ,They might lurked around the house to investigate.Just don't say and admit anything until I come back."Jiro continued.

Hebe nodded her head.She was sorry that she is causing him trouble.She know he is worried of what will be the impact on his career.This is his life,his bread and butter.Poor Dadong,he have to deal all of this,Hebe thought.

"I will miss you Dadong,please do come home soon"Hebe said kissing him and hugging him,forgetting the fact that Mama might be coming around soon.She was too consumed with her own emotions.

"Come on ,help me pack or I will be late to the airport." as he took her hands.

After an hour,Dadong was gone and Hebe was left with Mama.She tried to smile but it was pointless,she was miserable already.She was so tired and she have a lot to think about.It seems like everything is in chaos,She tried to lie down in bed and her brain is on overdrive.And the word that was on her mind was chaos,something is wrong,she thought over and over again until she fell asleep.

She could see everything clearly now.She was wearing white a bridal gown,she got a tiara on her head to hold the veil that was long and flowing.There was laughter and a lot of people.People she does not know until she saw the guy that was waiting in the altar,the guy in her dream before.He was wearing a tuxedo with buttoniere of white rose on his chest.He was smiling at her as she was walking .She was by herself.She was orphaned and so she decided to walk all by herself to the aisle.Josh was smiling at her until everything was in chaos there was a girl that came from nowhere trying to stop the wedding,telling everything that was a lie and then she passed out and everything become a blur.

She saw herself running away from it all leaving the church,leaving everything behind her.She never look back and got the next plane to Hongkong where her friend Ella was based since she married her best friend Chun.But there was a typhoon and the plane was forced to land in Taipeh and she does not know what happen next until she met Jiro in the hospital.So that is why nobody is looking for her but only maybe Ella because she called her on her way to Hongkong.She left everything behind.

And the girl who she have a promised with is Ella that they will be friends forever,pinky swear.They promised each other when they at a young age and they kept that promised until now.She was the only one that she got right now.She was and groaning as she bolted out of bed that frightened Mama .

"Hebe are you alright"Mama eyed her with a concern on her eyes as she hugged her.She was sweating and trembling at the same time."Oh my god what happen to you?"

"Mama,I remember now,I remember about my past"Hebe said as she was crying and holding on Mama hoping that her memory won't get lost again.

"Alright,everything will be fine,it is okay,Jiro will be back soon,Don't worry,I'll call the doctor tomorrow for the check up.They need to check you first."

"Mama,I have a big headache like it is going to explode"Hebe said.

"Alright,I'll bring you to the hospital now,we have to bring you to the hospital now."Mama said.

The next day when Hebe woke up she was in the hospital.She remember most of the things now.Her name is Hebe Tian and she works in a big financial firm in New York that deals with stocks and bonds.She met Josh in college and then until they work in the city.She lost both of her parents in an accident after college.And Josh and Ella was all the family she have after that.But Josh betrayed her,after giving herself and everything to him.How can he ever do that to her.She loved only him and now he got a child from some woman and never told her about it.He lied to her so she run away far from him,until she had the accident and met Jiro.Does she still have feelings for Josh or is it only Jiro now in her heart.She does not know.I should not think much,that is what the doctor said.

And Jiro is still in Japan.Does he knows what happen to me?Hebe thought.He must be worried about me.I have to talk to him.I miss him so much.And then she started to have headaches again as she went back to sleep.

When she woke up,she saw Jiro on the chair beside her and he look so peaceful sleeping in the chair with his head on the side of the bed.Hebe tried to reach out for his head and tried to put away the hair o his face,as he started to stir from his sleep.

"Hey,how are you Sleepyhead?"Hebe said"When did you came back?".

Jiro got up and hug her"You're feeling better?"

"Much ,much better today.What are you doing here?Don't you have a job in Japan?"Hebe asked.

"I told them I have family emergency,Mama was so worried about you and I can't work either until I see you"Jiro said.

"I should be better soon."Hebe said."I remember everything now,I know who I am already Jiro,I know my past"

"Good,so don't think so much about it,for now"Jiro said."You have to rest"I spoke to the doctor,they are letting you go home tomorrow if you don't have headache anymore.So I
have to fly back to Japan tomorrow"

"I'll be fine.don't worry about me,you should have not left your work"Hebe said."I think I am hungry now" as she smiled.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!