You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

by Anne

Chapter 5


Hebe felt lonesome without Jiro.She counted the days he was gone.There is nothing to look forward in the morning and to wait at night.She was getting restless.She is not used to this stagnancy,she feels she have the rush of energy that she needs to burn.

Mama Wang observed the restlessness in her.She asked the lady who usually come to watch her and keep her company to accompany Hebe her to go out and shop.Hebe was just happy to get out for now.Maybe the change of scene will help her to remember and maybe it will help her ease the loneliness within her.

They went around malls.There were a lot people,but nobody seems to be familiar.She could not understand herself,she was happy to go out,but she could not understand the fright that envelope her in the newness of it's environment.Lian{the lady's name}told her not to go far from her side.Mama warn her also not to stray too far from Lian ,for she still unable to read Chinese writings.But she did not know that she will be too engrossed to check for the novelty of the place.

Before she knew,she was lost in the crowd.She tried to retrace her steps but it did not help.She asked some people hoping somebody can understand her broken mandarin but no avail.She started walking until she find herself in the business district of the city.

Suddenly her eyes was fixed on a big building with a revolving door.Suddenly a flashback came to her mind,she was walking so fast ,she was holding a leather porfolio and a handbag and she was wearing a suit.She was entering a big building similar to the one in front.She felt her forehead twitched and then a headache.The last one she saw was lady Lian.

Hebe was in her room when she woke up.Somebody must have changed her clothes for she is now wearing a night was late at night.She looked at the clock and it was already one oclock.She wondered if Jiro got back home already.He suppose to come back home tonight or early in the morning.She lay back and fall back to sleep.She is not going to think of anything for now.

When she woke up again,she found the face of Jiro right on her face.He look so concern.Hebe smiled and jumped up to hug him."You're back" Hebe said with delight."I miss you"

"Silly girl,what is this fainting business in the crowd?" Jiro asked."I was so worried and you made Mama worried too."

"I am sorry,I did not mean to" Hebe said."I have to tell you something I remember something from my past,I think I am a working girl,cause I saw myself walking in a big building and I was wearing a suit.That is how I have my big headache and I pass out.Do you think I'm getting better?"

"Yeah,I think so cause you talk so much and so fast,I can't keep up with you anymore" Jiro said."So what did you do while I was gone aside from your fainting act?" as Jiro pinched her nose.

"Nothing much,I was lonely and bored." she said."Can I do something,like work?"

"And what you going to do, mess up and create chaos"Jiro laughed at the thought."God help us"

"It is not fair,I think I am very smart,I will be good at......."as she does not know what to say.

"See so what it is.....?" Jiro challenge her.

"I have to do something,I am so bored here,please I can't stay home forever." Hebe said in desperation.

"All right ,we'll think of something" Jiro said."Do you want to see what I got you from Japan?"

"Yes,what is it?" as she look at him,he was holding a small box in his hand.He must have taken it from his pocket."Is that for me?"

Jiro nodded as he gave it to her.Hebe look at him as she open the box.It was a chain with a heart pendant with a stone in the middle."Thank you ,it was beautiful".There was a carving on it.It says Hebe and then a heart sign and then Jiro.

"Let me put it on for you" as Jiro put the chain on her neck.She heard his rugged breathing as he put it on her neck.She was pulling her hair up and it exposed the nape of her neck.Jiro have the urge to touch and kiss the nape of her neck,so he quickly pulled his hand away from him.

Jiro turn around and Hebe turn as he look at the chain.She look beautiful as her eyes sparkled in delight.She went over and kiss him on the cheeks."Thank you" Jiro pulled her closer to him and kissed her full on the lips.Hebe was caught in surprise but she kissed him back.She blushed after the kiss.

The exchange did not escaped Jiro's Mom.She have never have seen her son so happy this way for along time.Somehow the anxiety that she felt stayed.They still don't know anything about her past.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!