You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

The next day,Hebe was able to go home.She is feeling a lot better now,and the headaches are gone.She was just glad that Jiro is back only for a day or two.He never asked her about what he remembered,probably afraid that it may trigger another episodes of her headache and fainting spells.

She was just glad to be home once again.But knowing about her past,she knows she cannot stay with them any longer.She have to decide what is her next step.But every time Hebe would start talking about it,Jiro would just ignore it and tell her not to rush anything and not to think too much.She just gonna wait when he comes back home after his trip in Japan then maybe we can really talk about our future.

After she was safely home,Jiro hurriedly went to the airport to go back to Japan to continue what he have left of.Hebe thought that she have given Jiro enough trouble already,having to cut short his trip in her behalf.Suddenly she was unsure whether it is a good idea to stay in Taiwan because she knows now that her world is in New York,with or without Josh.

Her only problem is Jiro,she would really hate to part with him.She knows she love him but she cannot stay here and Jiro is not ready for commitment yet.He still have a career to take care of.She doubt if his fans will ever accept her as Jiro's girlfriend or better yet wife.He might lose his career because of her and she does not want to do that.The last thing she wants is hurt him and she knows Jiro love his profession more than anything else aside from his Mom but to give it up for her,no she could not do that to him.

That night,she called out Ella but was unable to talk to her because it says it is wrong number.Maybe she got the numbers mixed up,she thought.She could not even remember Ella's address even if she look it up to telephone directory in Hongkong.How many Ella Chen are there in Hongkong ,oh no she is Ella Wu by now.Maybe she will wait a while until her memory is better.

She wondered if anybody will answer in her old number or if Josh kept the place where they were staying before they almost got married and where are her things now.She remembered her room and her collections.She have the habit of putting all the important memories together be it a pictures or somethings and put them all in her scrapbooks.Suddenly she have the yearning to get hold of them all now,maybe it will help her remember the past better.

Again the thought of Jiro crossed her mind.How is he going to accept this if I told him I want to go back to New York?
Will he got mad at me?I know I have to go back as to put my life in order and maybe if Jiro wants me in the future,we can be together.But for now,he is not ready yet for me and I don't think I am ready yet to commit to him.I have to be whole again,to be the Hebe that I was once and then just maybe we can be together in the future,if we were really meant to be.

Hebe did not notice that the tears have started falling.Gee I have not left yet and I am already crying,she thought.Will I be able to do that just walk away from him and Mama and all of this just like that?This time the thought lays heavy on her chest and she knows sooner and later she have to leave.

Days passed and it is almost time to Jiro to come back.They talk on the phone but nothing was mention about the past or the future.It seems like everything is status qou.Jiro is still sweet and loving as ever.

As Hebe was waiting for Jiro ,she started to work on her papers.She went to American embassy to get a passport and it is hard to get one esp if you have no identification with you to go along with the claim.Luckily she remembered that she left all her stuff in the airline baggages before she was gone that night and she remembered it so she was able to trace it back and got her luggages.The passport is gone maybe it was in her handbag but she found some sort of identification in her luggages.She have all her necessary paper ready even before Jiro arrived.She just need to talk to him and Mama and everything is set.

She finally was able to get in touch with Ella.She was able to talk to someone to informed her that Ella and Chun went back to the States since Chun was assigned back to New York.
She was able to trace Ella in their old house.They are temporarily staying with her family but soon will be moving in to their new house in a week time.She was so relieved to hear from her.She was hysterical and crying while talking to her.She did not give much of a detail of her whereabouts.She offered her home for her as a temporary quarter until she gets back on her feet.And Hebe was so grateful for that.

The day that Jiro was due to come back,Hebe was so restless and anxious.She was not able to sleep at all that night.She does not know how is she able to tell him of her plan.Even Mama have no idea of what was going on to her head.She hated all those times that she have to make lies and excuses whenever she went out to go to the embassy.

Her heart went on a march when she knew that Jiro was already home.She took a deep breathe before getting out of her room and forced herself to smile although she felt like crying.

Jiro 's face lighted up once she saw her.He went to her and give her a tight hug and kiss.The kiss was passionate one as his lips linger on her lips but somehow he felt the coldness on Hebe's lips as he withdrew.

"You're feeling okay?"Jiro asked,feeling her withdrawal from his touch and her cold response to his kisses.

"Yeah,I am fine"Hebe said."You,how was the trip back home?"

Somehow,Jiro felt like Hebe have become a stranger asking all this nonsense question.He look her in her eyes and Hebe tried to look away.She does not want him to see the tears that was b in her eyes.She just wants so much to hug him and be just in his arms right now,but if she will be in his arms she knew that she won't be able to pull herself away from him.

"Yeah,it is fine"Jiro said.Suddenly he felt so tired all of a sudden.The filming have to be hurried cause he wants very much to go home as soon as possible.And to find Hebe so withdrawn and cold is too much to bear.He look at her and went to his room after giving Hebe a longing look.

Hebe in her room was crying,she knows she have hurt his feeling and she could not bear it.She knows she have to talk to him now,she does want to hurt him anymore.She knocked on his door and did not get any response.She push the door and it was open.Jiro was sleeping.Hebe walked to him and stared at his face.She could not help herself but to touch him as she tried to pull away the hair that was falling on his face.As soon as her hands touched his face,Jiro grabbed her wrist.

"Got you where I want you to be"Jiro said as she pulled her in bed with him."I knew it you missed me too"

Hebe smiled"You fool,of course I missed you,I missed you so much more than you'll ever know."Hebe said.

Jiro gave her a long passionate kiss and Hebe kissed him back like there is no tomorrow.She melted in his arms as he continue to devour her ,his lips went to her lips,neck and her chest.She could feel his warmth and Jiro was getting heated as he tried to undressed her.He wants her now,he missed her too much.His need was so great that he was oblivious that they are doing it in his house that any minute Mama can just walk in.Jiro was losing himself and he could not stop it anymore.

When they were done,Jiro locked Hebe in his embraced as he fell asleep.Hebe was awake as she stare at the sleeping figure.She just love him too much,she touched his face with her fingers and then slowly loosen herself from his embrace.
She dressed up and went to her room,careful that Mama will not see her in this state.

Tomorrow I have to talk to Jiro.I will have to talk to him.Will I be able to say what I need to say to him and make him understand?Hebe thought.Then she started crying again.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!