You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart


There was blue sky and a white sand,further down is a blue ocean roaring.Hebe was running and laughing,somebody behind her and was calling out her name.She notice that she was running barefoot as she feel the roughness of a shell against the sand.She bend down to look at her foot and the guy that was running after her caught her and grab her on her slim waist,as both of them fell down.She at the bottom and him at the top as she look in his big dark eyes,his aquiline nose and his pouty lips.She put her fingers in his dark curly hair and ruffled them.His lips came down to her and she said his name.....Josh...Josh...Josh I love you forever.

Hebe let out a moan and woke up.She notice Jiro's arm wrapped tightly around her body.He too is ,and she remembered that they just made love that night.Jiro started to stir that bring anxiety to her already anxious mind.Josh,who is he?She knows now for sure that he is somebody from the past but how can she tell Jiro now after last night.Telling him will surely hurt him and I could not do that to him.Who os he? and where is he?How come he does not come looking after me when I'm gone?Do I have the same feeling for him just like in the dream?But I know I love Jiro now,love him more than myself.She hold on tightly on Jiro's embrace and Jiro felt it.

"Uhmmm,are you awake now?" Jiro asked as he planted a kiss on her head."Ready for breakfast,I am hungry,you need to feed me and energize me so I''ll be ready in the next round."

Hebe pinched Jiro hard on his arm."You are way too much,Come on sleepy head help me with breakfat" as she tried to get up but Jiro pulled her back in bed.

"How about we forget breakfast for now"Jiro said as he started teasing her again.He kissed her and Hebe was drowning in his kisses again.She forgot about the dream and she forgot breakfast altogether.Troubles and food can wait,I have more important things which is right in front of me.

They were able to get up at noontime.They drive around and ate lunch and went back to cabin.They stayed in the beach and wait for the sunset.Tonight is there last night of their vacation,tomorrow,they have to face all the troubles that they put away for some time.But it does not matter,they have today to remember and strenghten them to face adversaries ahead.

That night as they made love ,as they look at each other eyes they made a solemn vow that they will love each other now and forever.Tears on Hebe"s eyes flowed as Jiro tried to wipe them away.His own eyes giving in to tears.How can love so simple and natural can be so complicated.Still Hebe kept mum about the guy in her dream,they will know him soon enough.

Mama Wang was so happy when they came back.It has been lonesome without the two in the house.Even with Jiro gone most of the time,but Hebe has been always with her to keep her company.She knows about the relationship already and she was just happy for both of them.She knows complications will arise soon,being Jiro as a star and Hebe living with them and having an unknown past.Hopefully media won't get hold of their affair.But she knew it is only a matter of time.....and her son is willing to give this all up just for her.She does not know if Hebe knows her impact in her family,but I love her too like a daughter.Somehow whatever makes them happy is the most important thing.

"Mama,you should have come with us,we have a lots of fun."Jiro said.

"I'm too old to enjoy that kind of thing,I'm glad you have a good time".Mama said.

"Your manager called you have to report early tomorrow,and don't forget to bring some stuff,he said for you to call him up as soon as you get home." Mama said.

Jiro just nodded her head and went to his room to talk to his manager.Mama and Hebe left exchanging stories of what happen over the weekend.

When Jiro got out of the room,he had shower and changed.He was dressed up.Hebe look at him and had questioning look.She thought he does not have to go tonight.

"I have to go to the office,we have some sort of a meeting"Jiro said."Don't wait up for me okay" as he planted a kiss on Hebe's cheeks.Hebe was surprised because Mama was right there and she blushed.With that he was gone.

Jiro did not come home until almost early in the morning.Hebe is still up waiting for him as always.He seems to be thinking and brooding oevr something,but changed his demeanor when he saw Hebe.

"How come you are still awake?"Jiro said."I thought you're tired already".

"It is okey,Im not really that tired yet"Hebe said as she hug him."Everything alright?"

"Yeah,it is okey"Jiro said."We just have meeting for the future project and it might require for me to go to Japan for a longer time,is that okey with you?"

"Do we have a choice?"Hebe said"If I have I rather you stay here with me,but I know it is your job, so we will be fine .I will watch Mama".

You're not gonna miss me?"Jiro said playfully.

"You crazy fool,of course I'm gonna miss you a lot and a lot more " as she kissed him all over.

"Shhht be careful"Jiro said."We better go to sleep ,I have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Good Night" Hebe said as she kiss him on the cheeks.

"That not the way to say good night to your man" Jiro said.
"THis way" as he kissed her pasionately on the lips until they are out of breathe."You better run along now before I changed my mind."

Hebe gave a naughtly look and was gone.Jiro shake his head.
It is going to be hard to be living together in the same roof after last night,he thought.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!