You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

The clock says five o clock and Hebe is still in bed ,still undecided to watch the concert .She stared at the tickets on her nightstand table.She has been looking at it for a couple of hours already.Still clad in her pajama and tee shirt and she have not showered.Her hair is in mess of ruffled waves,her eyes red and puffy from crying,nose is red from blowing a countless of times when she was crying,she is quite a work of art......she thought.

How can I go there,when I am in a total mess,Hebe thought.Just a few minutes with Jiro and her whole life is all upside sown.All these things that she worked for and build on went to nothingness and everything seems irrelevant now.The only thing that matters is Jiro.

She got up and shook her head.This will be the last time I am going to see him.This is my only chance and after this I will forget everything about him and really forget him for real,Hebe keep telling herself.After this he will not exist in my life she went to the bathroom and showered.

"So is she coming tonight?"Arron asked ,looking at Jiro who has been quiet since last night.Jiro shook his head and look away.

"I don't know,I really don't know."Jiro answered almost in a whisper.

"But you invited her ,didn't you?"Arron asking him again,not letting him get away this time.

Jiro nodded"I gave her the tickets,but I am not sure."Jiro said.

"What did you do?Did you act cool again that nothing is the matter,did you tell her everything or at least insist she comes tonight."Arron said.His friend did not answer.

"This is your chance and you just stood there and did nothing.You are just letting her go just like that without fighting for her."Arron egging Jiro on."I can't believe you,well don't go crying to me after this,for if you lose her,it is gonna be your fault.Do you ever think that the guy have a chance against you,think about it.Don't just stay like that and you just going to keep quiet.Just remember tomorrow we won't be here,and then it may be too late."

Jiro just keep quiet.What am I afraid of ?Afraid of losing her,afraid of being hurt?I am hurting as it is and I lose her already,Jiro thought.

Hebe took the taxi to the Madison Square Garden and stood in front.There she saw the Fahrenheit name and Jiro in the billboard.She stood up looking and feeling proud of him.Most of the people are in already for the program will start soon. But there are still few fans outside who are not lucky to get a ticket.Hebe walked in slowly,her steps with hesitation

The concert was loud and lots of fun.The fans are all time high.Hebe's seat is 2nd on the row and she was just right in front of them.She caught Jiro looking at her at some time and the boys acknowledge her by smiling at her.Hebe smiled back at them.She found herself enjoying every bits and pieces all through out the concert.

When the concert was over,Hebe slowly ease herself out together with the crowd.She found some fans still awaiting for them,but Hebe decided it is time to go home.

She walked home this time.She needs the air and the time to think and to clear up her head.She needs to think if there is any sense in thinking ,thinking everything at all.Her hearts rule everything and it is just plain stupid and crazy.Everything does not make any sense at all.

The wind blew and it brought chills on her bone.She looked at the window displays trying to look some answers and some inspirations from somewhere.....and she found none.She did not know how long and far she have walked.Sometimes nothing matters at all....especially if you are hurting...

"So did you found her?"Arron asked.Jiro shook his head.

"She left already,she did not even stay till the end."Jiro said with downcast look.

"So what are you doing here?Why are you not running after her?"Arron asked."I don't know Bro,sometimes you amazed me,and I am supposed to be looking up to don't get a star points for dilly dallying.Why do I have to push you?Because I am getting tired of your moans and endless sighs not to add the long face that I have to see all the time.Believe me ,it is not you."

Jiro looked up at Arron and smiled at him as he got up and pat his back"Thanks Bro,say a prayer for me ,will you?"

Arron smiled back and nodded his Jiro walked out.

Hebe was so chilled to the bone by the time she reached her apartment.Her hands are frozen cold and her nose and ears are red.She felt her pocket for her keys and as she was groping the keyhole in the dim light,there was a shadow at her back and she was startled at the voice.,that made her jumped.

"I was starting to wonder where you are."Jiro's voice came out from the silence of the sidewalk."You got me worried for a seconds."

"I..I took a walk and it took me sometime."Hebe answered,her voice wavered in the end."What are you doing here?"

"I guess you know the answer to that"Jiro said.He felt the chill too,as he helped Hebe in the door."Can I come in?"

"Sure,of course."Hebe answered.She went in and her heart is beating too fast.She let him in as she close the door.

"Hebe ,where is Josh?"Jiro asked.There is the question he has been wanting to asked her all this time.This time he just blurted it out and it fells so good.

"Josh,I don't know,I have not seen him since I have seen him in Taiwan.He maybe with his wife and child."Hebe answered.

Jiro looked confused."I thought you went back to him?"

"No,we broke up a long time ago,on our supposed to be wedding day."Hebe answered.

"You mean you have been living by yourself all this time."Jiro asked.Hebe nodded."And who is the guy on the phone?'

"Oh it is Calvin,nothing just a persistent suitor,who don't accept no."Hebe answered.

Jiro hit his head."And I have been jealous for nothing?"
Jiro exclaimed"How stupid can I be?"

Hebe laughed."You said that,not me"

"Why do you have to leave me?Why do you have to go back to New York?"Jiro asked.

"Gee Jiro,questions after questions,see that's what you get for not talking to me and not listening to me."Hebe said grinning and smiling.

"I have to find myself again,I have to ,so I can be whole again and then I can be worthy of your love."Hebe said.

"So did you find what you are looking for?"Jiro asked with a frown on his face

"Yeah,I did,but I lose you,I found myself but I lose you."Hebe said crying.

Jiro came to her and hold her shoulder as he looked into her eyes."No,you never lose me,you will always have me.I love you Hebe.Can you take me back,even though I have been an and a jerk"

Hebe laughed at his use of language."It does not suit you.But yes,I'll take you back ,anytime,anyplace.I love you too,Dadong.I thought you don't love me anymore.

"No,that will never happen,you are the only girl I ever loved and will ever love"Jiro said as she locked her in an embrace.

"And.."Hebe said as Jiro put his lips on her lips that seems a lifetime."I have been wanting to do that since yesterday"

"And what stopping you now?"Hebe said.

"Nothing can stop me now."Jiro said "I miss you a lot,really miss you a lot" as he gave a naughty smile.Hebe giggled as Jiro claimed her lips once more,this time with more passion and more heat enough to take the chills away.........

"I don't think,we will have any sleep tonight"Jiro said with a wicked grin......



Thanks for reading.....Hope you enjoy this......
I really love this story..I was aiming for a dramatic ending went the other way.....something light.....Ha...ha....ha

Epilogue is coming...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!