You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

That night Hebe tossed and turned,she still confused and part of her want to stay.She does not want to leave,leave this behind,leave Jiro behind.She missed him a lot now .Almost a week now, after Josh showed up unexpectedly and still no words from Jiro.He could have at least talked to her and give her a chance but he totally closed the door behind her.So this is finally over,just like that,without a word,without a whisper.Tears start falling again,it does not seem to stop these last few days.

She pulled herself together and got up to take a shower.She have to get ready soon.She got everything ready her papers,tickets.She is not taking much just some few personal belongings.She gave back to Mama her engagement ring.She does not want to keep such an expensive thing and it is meaningless now.She is no longer engaged to him,judging how he is acting lately.She kept the necklace that he gave her with the pendant with their name on it.That is all her memory of him when he gave that chain,when he still love her.She brushed away the tears again,damned ,she thought.

She got out of the room all dressed up and ready to go.She called the cab and will be there in an hour.She was surprised when she found Jiro in the living room like waiting for her.He still avoided her eyes and she also avoided his.She does not want him to see her tears.Somehow seeing him here, makes it more difficult,more difficult to leave him.

"I did not know you are here."started Hebe"I am leaving today for New York.I am..."

"Yes ,Mama told me"Jiro interrupted her thoughts"So this is your decision,and your leaving without even talking to me."

"I waited for you but you don't want to talk to me"Hebe said.

Jiro was silent again,his back to her."It is not for me to decide,everything is up to you"Jiro said."I have nothing to say on that matter."

"You could have at least hear what I have to say"Hebe said."Or it is not important anymore"

"Your decision was made ,what good is it?"Jiro said"You made up your mind even before talking to me,it is not going to change a thing is it?"

Hebe was choking for words.She does not know what to say anymore.

"I guess it is even a mistake to come and see you today"Jiro said "I hope you will have a happy life with him." and with that he was gone.

When Hebe realized what he have said he was already gone.He got it all wrong,Hebe thought.But even if I tell him he is not going to believe me.No he will never believe me.

She was in daze for minutes until she heard the honking sound of the cab.She went looking for Mama to say good bye.
And she found her in her room.She was sad and teary when she kissed her goodbye.She gathered all her things and left, not looking back.For she knew if she look back she will never leave.Tears blurry her eyes and no today it just keep on coming.

The trip from Taipei to New York is uneventful.The weather is nice all the way so less bumps and less air pockets.She was in daze and she does not know what to make of everything.She is anxious ,for she does not know where to start and she does not even know what her life gonna be.Thinking about it,suddenly she felt so afraid ,more like panicking of what the future holds for her.

She was happy to see Ella and Chun again and of course the baby.They were in the airport to meet her.Ella was her old bubbly self,and Chun with an easy smile and still a man of few words.The baby is little Chun with the same eyes and face but with Ella's personality,she thinks.Somehow seeing them again give her a piece calmness inside,if only her heart won't hurt that much.

One month after and Hebe is back on the grind.She found a job,less demanding than the one she have before.And she will be moving on her own place next week.Things seem to happen so fast.She still cry herself to sleep whenever she thinks of Jiro which is always.She tried to forget him but it seems an impossible task ,so she just let herself be,dream of him.

"Hebe come on,let us go"Ella said"Chun and the baby is waiting in the car already".

"Alright ,I will be down there."Hebe answered.She grabbed her handbag and took her jacket and ran down to Ella.

They are going to a friend's house for a party.They lived in the suburbs.And it will be a good hour drive to reach there.
She looked out at the window,the leaves are starting to change it colors.It only seems a few while back and it is spring season and now the leaves are falling and soon there will be nothing left on that tree.Fall seems to always give people a melancholy feelings.And now Hebe understood why,cause it seems the last leaf always seem to represent the last hope in someone's life.

The party was in full swing when they arrived.Now much of people but it was elegantly decorated and the food are great and the people are all dressed up.Somehow Hebe felt under dressed for the occasion.Hebe is not really in a party mood,but Ella talked her out to this.

"It is not good to just stayed in the house and mourn.One month is enough.For all you know he is partying non stop now that you are gone.remember ,he is surrounded by all these beautiful woman"Ella told her."It is about time to give yourself a chance."

Hebe smiled when she thought of what Ella have told her.If she only knows Jiro like I do,she will never would have said that.More like he must killing himself to work now.She did not dare to open any internet link to the other world,to Jiro's world.She is not ready for him yet.

Her thought came back to the real world when Ella shoved a glass of champagne in her hands.She look up and she saw that Ella was talking to a guy,he look Asian,yeah maybe Chinese but he is no way near Jiro in looks.But he look charming and decent.Ella introduce him to her.And yes he is Chinese from Hong Kong so he speak Cantonese and yes he speak Mandarin too.

She did not get his name at first and yes his name is Calvin has been living here for a while but still go back and forth in Hong Kong to visit his family.He is charming and yes very smart and quite a talker, he can talk himself out of everything.He must have taken a liking to Hebe because he seems not to leave her side at all.

Hebe does not want to open up to Calvin,so she never told him about Taiwan.She did not even tell him that she was even in Asia at all.That subject is sacred and something special for her,that she does feel like sharing it with anybody except Ella and Chun and which they only knew part of it.

"So,you are working in the city too?"Calvin asked.

"Yes,I am,in Midtown area.How about you?"Hebe asked.

"Oh I worked with stocks so I worked in Wall Street"Calvin said."Maybe we can meet sometime for lunch when you are free."

"Yeah ,maybe but I am afraid we don't have that much of a break and I have been out most of the day."Hebe said.

"Well we will find a way,won't we?"Calvin said"One of this day."Hebe does not like that.He have that certain airs about him.She just nodded.

A week after and Hebe have settled in her new place.It seems so strange when you are all alone.There was this deafening silence around her.At Ella's house,you can hear her voice and the baby and seldom Chun.But here I can only listen to myself,to my thoughts and sometimes I can still hear Jiro's voice on my ears.And yet he is a thousand miles away from me.I can still picture his face and it hurts so much when I can't even reach out for him,Hebe thought.Does he missed me as much as I do?Does he even think about me?What if he sees another girl,or like another girl now...I don't think I can take it.....No ..not now ...not ever.

Jiro lay in bed with his eyes wide open.Just laying there,looking at the ceiling.Tears are coming and have no way of has been weeks since he last saw her and yet his feelings have not changed.he wished for the past to come back,make it like it used to be.But she is not coming back,she belong to another world,to the other side of the world.How can this feeling so real,so right can be so wrong.All he can think is her.....her face...her smile...her voice.....her laughter.....only to haunt him forever.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!