You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

It has been a heavenly three days for Hebe and Jiro.They did a lot of things together and mostly they have a lot of loving and cuddling time.Hebe was happy that Jiro was able to relax and sleep as much as he wants to.The dark circle in his eyes have started to disappear.Both of them glowed in their happiness.The place and time is so magical for both of them.

Both of them were sad when they have to leave and have to go back to the city and face the outside world.Jiro kept holding Hebe's hand as to reassure her that everything will be alright.Somehow there was this nagging fear in Hebe's heart that won't disappear.

It was late when they got home,Mama was happy to see them back as Hebe showed her the ring that Jiro gave her.Mama smiled at her in agreement.

"Now you are truly my Mama"Hebe said as she hug the Old lady.Jiro looked at them with a smile.The two people he loved most and they love each other already.He cannot ask for more.

The phone rang and Jiro answered it without much of a thought"Hello,uh a long distance call to Hebe?"Jiro said as he look at her.He can see the fear in her eyes which he did not understand.Jiro moved and gave the phone to Hebe not leaving her side.

Hebe's heart begun to beat faster,she does not know who is on the phone.Jiro is going to find out her plan of leaving him and he will not understand.She have a change of plan and she is going to tell him but not like this.He might not understand.

She took the phone and Jiro notice that her hand was shaking.He stood by her just in case she will need him.

"Hello,yes this Hebe Tian,yes put her in"Hebe said."Ella yes this is Hebe.Ah I still don't know,I'll call you ,"

"Hebe something happened,Josh found out where you are and he is coming over there to see you,he said to get you.He still thinks that he owns you.He said something but just watch out for him.So when are you coming home?"Ella asked.

"I don't know ,I'll call you"that is all Hebe can say.When Hebe put down the phone Jiro was looking at her with a question in his eyes.

"And who was that?"Jiro asked."I did not know you got in touch with your friend in America?"

"Oh that is Ella my friend I told you about who was in Hong Kong before ,they are in the States now ,In New York,she wants me to visit her and she wants to see me."Hebe explained.Jiro just kept quiet and nod his head.He did not asked anymore.He knows she will tell him in time when she is ready.He knows there is much more than that.

That evening,Jiro was called to the company's office again for something urgent.Without much ,Jiro left,he look troubled of whatever his manager told him.And that did not escaped Hebe's eyes.

When Jiro entered the office,his manager was there.He showed him the paper that will be coming out the next day and there he was with Hebe,picture so clear and they showed as they check in hotel the day before he went to Japan.The title said"Secret Lover"The real identity of Dadong's girl revealed! in bold print.Jiro look at the picture and suddenly it seems everything come crushing down.Hebe's identity was exposed,he does know how did it happen.They also revealed that she has been living with him,and even dragged Wang Mama for allowing to happen as being viewed as an illicit love affair.

Jiro's shoulder slumped as they told the ugly and make up story.Their love story is not ugly,it is pure and beautiful,he thought.How could somebody put a dirt and smear them just like that.He felt crushed and worried about Hebe and the way people will view her,not much to say about his career.Nobody can save him now,he will go down the drain.All the hardship that he have worked on is gone ,gone from an instant.

He did not say a word.Nothing can be said about about that.
He went out and felt his whole world falling down on him.I have to go home I have to protect Hebe from all this.As long as I have her,nothing matters.I can start from somewhere some how....Jiro thought.

When he got home,Hebe felt the burden that he was carrying.He told her about the story that will come out in the morning paper and he knows it is going to be chaos when they wake up in the morning.His career will be over.

Somehow,Jiro did not know that his company tried to buy out the story and yes the story will not come out in the paper.It is not easy but the price is high.That night his manager called him up and told him the good news.Jiro was able to breathe easier after that.It was a close call.

Hebe saw the anxiety in Jiro's eyes as the work and the career that he have work so hard was almost flushed down the drain because of her.Hebe felt so bad and guilty,I can't be the cause of his downfall and I am not going to let it happen.Not now not ever.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!