You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}


Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart-Completed

by Anne

The next day Jiro woke up early for he have an early call slip for a photo shot and a commercial with his band mates,The Fahrenheit.As he showered and get ready the things he needed,he took a peek on the room next door.He does not really want to leave her but he have to.Anyway Mama will watch her.He also ask the next door neighbor if she can come over to help.She can speak English for she used to be a nanny to an American couple who used to live down the block.

She was still in bed sleeping for he did not see any movement.She has been sleeping for a long time,which is good so she can rest.Jiro want to rest up too,but he is lagging behind in his schedule already.

As he was about to leave,Her door opens up and there she was ,"Jiro where are you going?" she asked.

"I have to go and work" Jiro answered.

"Can you stay?" she said "I am scared."

"You are gonna be okay" Jiro said as he flashed the sign and smile.

Hebe was left in the house not knowing what to do and so scared. She stayed in her room all day.Mama Wang brought her food when she does not want to go out thinking she must be still weak.The lady that Jiro asked to take care of her came around noontime.She talked to her and asked what she needed and attended to them and left.

She finally have the courage to go out of the room when it is evening time.She was practically waiting for Jiro to come home.She found Mama Wang watching a television in the family room.She joined her there.She smiled to her as she sat down beside her.She don't speak English so the conversation was nil.They just communicate basically with sign language.

Jiro called during break time just to check on her and spoke to Mama Wang.She seems to be doing just fine as he resume shooting.He remembered he have to contact somebody to start searching for her relatives.The sooner, the better for him.He cannot announce it on public that there was unknown girl that was living them.There will be a lot of speculations and a thousands of a stories will come up.He will just do it quietly.

"So bro ,She is living with you now?" Arron asked when she learned what happen to him.

Jiro nodded."I have no other place to bring her.We still have to find her family and hopefully her memory will return soon."

"Oh,So you have somebody to practice your English with" Calvin joked around."Pretty soon you will speak in American English like Yalun."

"You dork" Jiro laughed"stop teasing me,I am having a hard time as it is talking to her."

"Hey don't worry I'll help you" Chun offered."You want me to talk to her too?"

"Thanks anyway,I don't think she is ready yet.She is still scared to face people,she don't have confidence to deal with people yet.When she is ready,you are going to see her."Jiro said.

"Is she pretty that is why you are hiding her from us?" as Calvin gave Arron a wink and Arron laughed.

"Don't worry we are going to behave and we are going to respect her"teasing Jiro.

"You are all crazy" Jiro said as he walk away.

Jiro did not go home until midnight and was so surprise to see that she was still awake.She seems to be waiting for her.

"It is late ,you are still awake?" Jiro asked.

"I was waiting for you" she said."Are you working again tomorrow?"

Jiro nodded.She was like a wife asking a husband after work and it did not feel right to him.He feel like choking.Even his Mama did not ask his coming and goings and all of a sudden there is somebody who has been asking him a question

"I was lonely the whole day" she continued."Can I come with you to work tomorrow?"

Jiro shook his head."You can"t come,I am sorry" saying it with such annoyance.

She heard his tone and she felt bad,and before she knew it she was crying.Jiro notice the tears as he look at her.He muttered something under his breathe.What did I do now? he thought.He does not want to sound that way but he was tired and there is a lot on his mind lately.

"Okay,I am sorry" as Jiro hug her to calm her down"I did not mean it that way".

"I am sorry too, I did not mean to annoy you." she said."I am so scared if I don't see you,you are all that I have please don't leave me" as she tighten her hold of him, like a scared child.

"All right ,tomorrow ,I will try to come home early ,okay and we will watch a movie,okay?" Jiro said as if trying to bribe a girl to do something good.

She smiled at the thought.

In the morning she was awake all dressed up and eating breakfast when he woke up.His call time is 9 o clock, and it will be only here in the city so he does not  have to travel far.He joined her for breakfast, together they ate happily.

Her face change expression when Jiro was about to leave,and she was back on that sad lonely face again.Jiro gave her a pat on the back and then he is gone.She went back watching TV, again so she can learn the language.She sat there from morning till in the afternoon.She saw commercials that feature Jiro and his band mates.She also saw him in the news.She realized that Jiro is not an ordinary guy.He was very popular not only here in Taiwan but outside the country.somehow she find comfort even just looking and watching him on TV.

She was dozing off in the sofa when she heard his voice and she immediately got up.He is home,she thought.Jiro smiled at her all sweaty from outside.

"I will just take a shower" he said. as he dashed off to his room.

She waited for him but no Jiro came.She waited for him until she can't wait no more.She knocked on his door and no answer but it is not locked.She turned the knob and there he is on the bed still in his sweaty clothes and sleeping.She could not help but touch him and tried to the shirt he was wearing for it is wet with sweat and he might catch pneumonia if she did not take it out.Jiro wake up at the act and was surprise as he jump out of bed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.:Why is she here in my room .Does she have no shame.She might be American but she have to learn,he thought.

"I was just taking off your shirt because it is wet with sweat,you might get sick if you don't take it off.I was waiting for you but you are taking forever so I came.Please don't get mad at me" she said.

"All right just go outside,don't go to a man's room ,it is not appropriate if a lady goes to a man's room.That is not nice , okay." Jiro said

She left and went to the room to watch tv and waited for him there.Mama Wang cooked dinner and the three of them ate dinner together.

Mama started to throw meaningful glances to Jiro ,she saw her when she went to Jiro's room and she does not approve.She is still from old school,and Jiro have a reputation to protect.He should be more careful especially with her.His son is starting to show concern and he really seems to care for her.If not why would he come home early tonight just to have dinner with her.She hope she finds her family before Jiro become attached to her.Somehow she feels that it is already late .

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!