You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

The days went by and it is almost time for Jiro to go to Japan.Hebe dreaded the moment for Jiro will be staying there for the three weeks.Her hours will be long doing nothing and nothing to look forward in the day.She is really getting restless just staying at home.She cannot work for she does not even have a paper,much less know anything about her name and her past.It is taking forever to have her memory back.

The last check up did not have that much changed.They are suggesting psychotherapy because there might be an incident that precedent the accident that may have cause to block her memories of the past.Hebe told the doctor that she had some glimpse of the past but only for a seconds.She never told Jiro about Josh,afraid that he might have a certain reaction about it.Hebe was caught in between knowing about the past and staying for the present.But she knows sooner or later she have to do something.

A day before the trip ,Jiro went home early.He have sensed the restlessness in her.He also want to take her out before the trip for three weeks seems to be forever not having her in his side.

"Dong,your home early?" Hebe said."Are you leaving early tomorrow that is why they letting you home early?"

"No,the flight is not until noon but I asked to be home early so I can be with you and Mama.I want to take you out before I go on my trip."Jiro answered.

"Where are we going?Anywhere you go you are being followed we can't even go outside the street without somebody who knows you" Hebe said.

"I am sorry"Jiro said.She sounds like she is getting impatient or is she getting bored just being cramped in the house most of the time.Jiro did not notice the tiredness in her regarding their present set up.She seems to be stressed out or something.

"Come on ,let us just go out"Jiro said as she took her hands
and hug her."Just dress up please,it will be a while before we can be together again.I know you are getting tired of this,Promise it will get better soon."

Hebe look in his eyes and she knows that it is also hard for him.What am I complaining about,he was the one working till wee hours in the morning ,while I do nothing at home and I'm the one complaining,she thought.She suddenly felt guilty for acting up.She has been keeping a lot inside she thought or maybe the boredom is getting to me.She forced herself to smile and run to her room to shower and change.

They went around the city and ended up in the park.It was almost afternoon.Jiro put on his sunglasses so as not to be noticed.They walked hand in hand as they found a spot to sit
as they look at the pond.they sat there for a while until they saw people coming their way and decided to leave.They end up in the beach,as the sun was setting.They found a place where it is empty and they stop and play and walk in the sand barefoot.They sat down as they watch the sunset.They kissed long and hard.They feel that at last that they are alone.They have not been together for sometime now.And as they kissed they realized how they missed each other.Jiro's kisses is getting deeper and passionate,Hebe answered him back with the same passion.The need for her is just too much .....

"Heb ,I.....need you ,"Jiro said ,his voice husky and shaky.

"Jiro....I miss you too" as she look back in his eyes."I want you too".They got back to the car and drove off.

Jiro found a hotel nearby and got a room.He just made sure that nobody recognized him.

They hurried in the room as they kissed like there is no tomorrow.They clung to each other.Jiro found Hebe's mouth as it open and found her tongue.he tasted it.They were intoxicating.They were on fire as they both collapsed in bed
They both want and need each other so much that nobody can stop them to satisfy their need.

Hours later as they lay in bed in an embrace.Jiro nibbling on Hebe's ear and neck.He have that naughty grin on his face.Hebe smiling and flushed.

"I'm gonna miss you my darling"Jiro said."Three weeks seems so long".

"Yeah,promise me you are not going to look to any girls there"Hebe said,"I heard you have a crush on that girl there,what is her name Leah Dizon?"

Jiro laughed."They just print it out of context,they asked me and it just flew out of my mind."

"She is y and beautiful"Hebe said"I'm jealous"

"Don't,you are more beautiful than her and no other girl can compete with you.You got my heart girl,you should know by now."Jiro said."I love you Hebe,only you ,no one else."

"Really,promise promise me only me okay"Hebe said as she feels her tears are about to fall."I love you Jiro,I don't know what I'll do if I lose you,You are all I have,you and Mama"as she hold him tight.Jiro hold her tight too trying to reassure her.Suddenly he was afraid to leave her,he does not know that she will be this vulnerable without him.

In the morning,Jiro was waken up by ringing of his cell phone.He loosen him self from Hebe's embrace and got up and checked the time and it is only four o clock in the morning and his manager has been calling him.
He flipped the phone and answered it grumpily"Yeah,Yeah where is the fire?do you know what time is it?"

"Jiro you better get here in the office right now"His voice in high pitched and sounding like mad.What could have happen,he thought.

"Alright I am coming,but what is it about?"Jiro asked.

"Just get your out here right now "He said.

"Alright"Jiro answered."I am coming".

Hebe was still sleeping but he have no choice but to wake her up.She look so relaxed and peaceful.He was sorry to wake her up.

"Hebe ,we have to go I have a call to go to the office right away" Jiro said as he quickly dress up.Hebe got up and dress up with out question.Jiro give her a hug after dressing."I am sorry Sleeping beauty"

He dropped her off to the house and drove to the office.The office as usual full of activity.He found his manager in the office with the head of the PR department.There was no smile but all business when he got there.

His manager dropped the paper in front of him.The headline caught his eyes and the pictures.It simply says DADONG'S
GIRL and it shows the pictures from yesterday in the beach as he was kissing Hebe.The only good thing that it was almost dark so it did not really show her face.He ran out of word to say.His concern is Hebe once the people knew it was her,then it is going to chaos.She is stressed now as she is.She does not need this.

"So who did this?"Jiro said."I did not know......that I
was being followed."

"So who is this girl?"he asked"Do you know the consequence of this in your career?Dadong,I'm not telling you not to date but be discreet."

"So what do you want me to do?" Jiro asked."It will probably die down especially I am leaving today,when I come back it will be old news."

"I want to know who is the girl ,Jiro?"his manager insisted.

"It is not important anymore,just try to cover up for me"Jiro said."They only have a picture of us kissing anyway."

"No you are wrong,they followed you to a hotel and they threaten to put it out in their next issue of their paper"
his manager said.Now Jiro is really getting agitated.He is really in big trouble now.What if they found out that it is Hebe,they are going to dig in her past and God knows what will they find out.And Hebe what will become of her.She will be dragged in this whole mess.

"Just try to hold the second one,I know this one will die down.I am not going to admit anything for now.Just try not to include her in all of this."Jiro said.

"Okay just go with your planned trip and will try to hold the identity of the girl and the second issue.We don't even know her anyway,since you are not telling us.Just cross your finger that it will die down before you come back.Try to fan the rumor in Japan,maybe date one of the girl there so your fans will not think that you are serious with this girl"

Jiro did not answer.He just look at them and then walk out of the building.No wonder he have this feeling last night,and he have to leave Hebe and Mama with this chaos.I have to talk to Hebe about this.I hope she understands...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!