You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}
Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

The room was dark when Hebe woke up.She was in her bed alright.She does not know what happen after Josh left.Everything seems to be in a blur.She knows that Jiro left even before Josh left.She heard a sound of movement in the room,and the silhouette that came is that of Jiro.She cannot see his face.He was sitting on the side of the bed probably but now he stood up but he did not take her in his arms like he usually do.He seems to distance himself away from her when he knew that she was awake.

"How are you feeling?"Jiro asked.There was no warmth in his voice.Somehow it gives her the chills.She felt so cold all of the sudden.She just want him to hug her and embrace her to warm herself again.But he stood there,not even touching,like he wants nothing to do with her.

"I am okay,now,I guess"Hebe answered.They were silent for a while until..."Jiro about Josh..."

"Don't say anything and don't think anymore just rest for now"Jiro said."I have to go back to location now,I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that ,he left.No kiss,nothing as he closed the door behind him.Hebe cried after he left.I must have hurt him yesterday.He should know that I don't love Josh anymore that he is just a thing of the past now.Hebe thought.She closed her eyes and tried to convince herself that Jiro will forgive her and that he still loves her as she fell asleep.

The next day Hebe woke up early and there was no sign of Jiro in the house.He must have stayed overnight or something.She prepared breakfast,hoping he will pop out any minute but still she was disappointed and still no sight of him.Mama woke up and Mama told her that Jiro will be away for few days.

Mama eyed her looking worried."Did something happen Hebe?" she asked."Is there something that I don't know about?I don't usually meddle in your affairs and Dadong but I knew something is wrong."

Hebe started to cry as she told Mama what happened  yesterday.That Jiro saw her with Josh."I am sorry,he must be thinking of  something else"

"Don't worry ,he will get around in time."Wang Mama assured her."He loves you,he won't be gone for a long time."

"Mama,can I ask you something?"Hebe asked."I just want your opinion about something."

Mama nodded."Tell me what is it?"

Hebe told her ,her plan of going back to the State and her decision to stay when Jiro proposed to her.But now she was having a second thought ,she thinks it is for the best to go back to States and find herself again so she can come back to Jiro .

"I don't think I can advise you what to do,Listen to your heart what she is saying.If you think you need to go back to find yourself again then do it.It is not fair for you to deny yourself of that just because of Jiro.If he loves you enough he will understand.Why don't you talk to him and let him know what you feel?"

"But he will think differently now that Josh came.He might think otherwise.He might think that I want to go back to States because of Josh "Hebe said."I am afraid,he won't understand."

"Just do what you think is right,but don't do anything without first talking to him that is all I ask."Mama said

"Thank you Mama"Hebe said."I wish I can talk to him soon.I hope he will understand."

The next day Josh called Hebe.Hebe agreed to talk to him.She needs to settle the score with him.He needs to know what he felt about him.They agreed to meet in the hotel restaurant where he was staying.

Josh was already there when Hebe arrived.He gave her a peck on the cheeks and Hebe tried to dashed off but she did not want any commotion.They are in a public place after all.He looked at her intently.

"Josh,I came here not because I still have feelings for you.I came here to tell you that what is between us is over."Hebe said."I don't love you anymore and after yesterday I am not mad at you anymore.I have forgiven you"

"What do you mean?"Josh asked."Are you throwing everything away?What about all those years that we are together?"I still love you Hebe "

"You threw it all up when you slept with her and bore your child"Hebe said."I hope you stop bothering me just let me live my life."

"Why ,is it because of that guy?"Josh asked."I knew him Hebe  ,I saw him in the paper.He will never love you like I do.He will only love his career over you.""

"Yes which I am thankful of."Hebe said."Just let me go Josh,for once do something decent for me,let me go"her eyes started to tear."Just go back to her and marry her for the sake of your child.It will make me very happy if you do that and If you really love me as you professed,marry her."

Josh saw the finality in her tone.He looked at her and now he have a better understanding of her.She does not love her anymore.He could see it in her eyes now.The loving look in her eyes is gone.She was not the Hebe that she knew before.He frowned and something hurt him on the chest,the love that he has been holding on has long been gone.He took a long deep breathe and a tear fell that did not knew escaped.He looked at her and forced a smile as he nodded his head.He touched her hand and with that he got up and left.

Hebe was left on the table and now she can breathe freely.She feels free ,free from the past that bound her in fear and doubts.She is now free to love Jiro .Now if she can only talk to him.Where can he be?What is he thinking right now?Hebe was left to wonder.

Two days after Jiro decided to go home.He did not say much.He arrived without much of a word to Hebe and went straight in his room.He avoided her eyes as much as he can.Hebe tried to go to his room but he did not answer and he just plainly ignored her.The next thing Hebe knew he was gone again.

Ella called and Hebe decided that it is time for her to go home.She bought the ticket to New York and have decided to give Jiro a few days,if not she is going home even if she talked to him or not.He does not want to talk to her ,it is just plain and simple.

The night before she was leaving,she told Mama that she is leaving the next day for New York.The old lady cried and hug Hebe.She will surely missed her.Having lost her parents,she felt that she found a new one in her.She also gave back the ring that Jiro gave her,their engagement ring.She cried and cried that night.It seems like she will be leaving Taiwan and she will never have a glimpse of Jiro at all.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!