You're The Only Place

You're The Only Place {Complete}

Fan Fiction

You're the Only Place in My Heart

As Hebe sat on her sofa ,thinking about Jiro,thinking of the times they were together.She missed his easy laughter,the way he looked at her,his embraces and mostly his kisses.She hugged the throw pillow beside her as she tried to wipe her tears away.

Just as that,she heard the doorbell rang,she thought it was Calvin trying to change her mind to go out with him tonight but instead,she got the biggest surprised when she saw Jiro standing tall in her doorway.

She could not move or say a word when she knew that it was really him.Jiro the man who has been on her thoughts all this time.Jiro waited for her to say something but it seems she stayed rooted to her place.

"Hello Hebe"Jiro said with a hesitation on his voice like he was not sure of what he is saying or what he is doing.There was no smile on his face more like he is afraid that he will step into something."I hope you still remember me" as he forced a smile on his face."

The chilly air crept inside and Hebe felt the coldness as it woke her up from her thoughts.He must be cold too cause she notice the quiver on his lips..She noticed the light clothing that he have on.

""Hebe said"How are you? Please do come in." as she let him passed and then closed the door behind him.Her head is in turmoil.She got a thousands of questions in her head but does not know how is she going to go about it without being so obvious.

"Do seat down".Hebe said.She took the mug on the coffee table.He must be cold,she thought."You want coffee or tea?"

"Tea will be fine."Jiro said as he eyed her place around.The place is not much.It is a studio apartment with enough space for her sofa and tv.and a desk for her computer.Hebe knows ,it is not much,but the rent in New York is horrendous and it is the only she can afford for now without killing herself for rent .

Jiro looked around,he was looking for a sign ,any sign that Josh is with her but found none.His heart beating so fast with the knowledge.He wants to asked her about Josh without much of a preamble but he knows better not to do that.

Hebe came back with another mug in her hand,He looked in her eyes and he got burned and he pulled it right away.She does need to see the longing in his eyes.He clenched his fist, trying to fight the urge to hold her in his arms,to claim her lips that rightfully belongs to him.

He took the mug from her,careful not to touch her skin,for he knows her touch can be fatal.He drank the hot liquids too fast that it actually burned his throat.He coughed after the first gulp.

Hebe looked at him,and she saw how he his lips after taking the first gulp.She stared at those lips.How she hunger for those lips to be next to her.She looked away and tried to sit down for her knees can no longer hold her.

"I did not know you are in town,"Hebe said"Is the whole gang here?"Hebe asked trying to sound enthusiastically.

"Yes,we have a few concerts here in the States,tomorrow will be having it here New York City."he answered."it was requested by the fans here,"

"I see"that is all Hebe can say."How did you find my place?"

"Mama gave me your address and she wants to know how you are.She is quite worried about you"Jiro said.

Hebe just nodded,so that is why he is here.Wang Mama must have told him to see me.God knows he will do anything for his Mom,even seeing her."Tell her not to worry about me,I am a big girl now and Ella and Chun is just nearby.Thank you."

He wants to add what about Josh,but held his tongue.He put down the mug after he took the last gulp of the tea.This time it runs smoothly on his throat,but somehow he felt thirsty and parched and feel like wanting more.

"So how did you find New York?" Hebe asked trying to sound casual and relax but failed."It is noisy and so much traffic but it is still the best place in the world cause it lots of fun and so vibrant,isn't it?"

"Yeah,it is sure different from Taipei"Jiro said."Hebe....I am sorry of the way I acted the last time."

"It is okay...don't worry about it.."Hebe said.Her eyes becoming misty remembering the last time she saw him.She remembered his coldness.She remembered the pain....and then the phone rang.....It rang a few more times...but Hebe was afraid to answer and move.....until the voice mail picked up and then the voice of Calvin loomed in the room."Hebe I am coming over.I am bringing dinner.I'll see you in few minutes."

Jiro looked at her and Hebe can see the disappointment in his eyes.Hebe 's heart sank,of all the worst time possible and Calvin have to call at this time.Jiro took a deep breathe."I guess I have to go,your company might be coming.I don't want to be in a way."He took out two tickets in the concert from his pockets.

"If you don't have anything to do tomorrow,maybe you can come by and watch us,You can bring your friend too." as he put the tickets on the table and got up.

"It is nice seeing you again Hebe"Jiro said.His voice sounds so distant and so remote although he was just there standing in front of her.

Hebe looked up at him,and maybe this is the last time I maybe looking at him this close.She looked at him in the eyes.And for few seconds,she saw the longing in Jiro's eyes.

Jiro looked at her and noticed the necklace that he gave her.She was wearing the necklace that he gave her.As he turned his back and went his way.He never looked back.He could have looked back and see the tears and the look of lost and disappointment in Hebe's face.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Wonapham #4
Robotical #5
again :DDD jirowang
when i read the foreword i thought that the ending will be sad.. but i'm glad that it is still the 'happy ever after' ending that i always wished for in a story. i love this wonder it got featured! though this is too late, yet i still want to congratulate you..
Thank You.
Congrats on getting featured!