Don't Mess With Kitty

Don't Run Little Kitty

Don't Mess With kitty!

After the incident at the café everyone thought it would be best to head back to the dorm. Well almost everyone. N kept protesting saying it would be better to give him some space and Ravi kept whining about the walk back to the dorm…even If it was only a couple of blocks away.

Hyuk ended up using his puppy dog eyes…something N couldn’t resist, even if he knew what his real intentions were. In the end as per usual they worked, and they found themselves in front of the door to the dorm.

"Do…do you think it's safe to go in?" Hyuk stuttered.

"Only time KEN tell hyukkie" Ravi joked, laughing out loud. He was greeted with a punch in the arm by N and an unamused look of judgement from Hongbin.

"YA! Do you really think this is a time to be joking?!" N Lectured. You could easily tell that N was extremely worried and anxious as to whether to open the door.

“Come on, you gotta admit that was a good one” Ken said, winking at N in the process. N rolled his eyes and reached for the handle.

“You guys ready?” He said, turning back to get approval from his fellow members. Everyone nodded. Sweat was beginning to drip and everyone gulped as N turned the handle ever so slowly. Suddenly he stopped, turning to face s one last time before nodding and opening the door slowly.

The door was now wide open and they all stood in the doorway. “You first” N said as he smiled and motioned the others to walk in. Everyone kept turning their heads until the last person.

“M…Me?!” Ravi shouted. “No Way! You know how Leo is”. Hongbin sighed and pushed him to the front, forcing him through the door way. They walked down the hall, the lights were off and the only thing lighting up the room was the TV. To no surprise, Leo was sitting in the dark watching a cooking show. Everyone looked around to make sure the room was still in one piece. It was a well-known fact that if Leo was angry it wasn’t long until he started destroying things.

“Hey Hyung” Ravi said, breaking the silence and causing internal panic within all the members. Leo turned to glare at Ravi and rolling his eyes when he saw the other members. However, he didn’t even bother to look at N. N seemed to notice and was a little hurt. Being glared at is still better than being completely ignored.

“Come on, cheer up bro” Yet again Ravi was thinking. N was just about to hit Ravi when something came flying towards him. Leo had thrown a pillow straight towards Ravi hitting him fair in the face. Leo got up from his place and stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him. Everyone took it as a sign that they should NOT disturb him. Even Ravi realised that he shouldn’t disturb him anymore. “I was just joking he mumbled”.



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Chapter 20: Omg I cry. This was adorable
Chapter 19: MonstaX Yes!
Chapter 1: I'm only in chap 1 and I already think it's adorable
Chapter 17: Awww... dont make hakyeonie sad leo ah
Chapter 19: Taekwoon that is so manly, and possessive way of confession! And a kiss! <3
Chapter 17: Why are they so cute♡~♡
Chapter 17: So cute when Yeon is crying and Woon is trying to comfort him.
Chapter 16: Are they about to kiss? ♡○♡