Wake up Kitty!

Don't Run Little Kitty

Wake up Kitty!

“Come on! Move, Leo…Please,” N whined as he shook the sheets.

Here we go again I thought, something about N just irritates me. His loud, and always acts like he knows what I’m thinking. Of course, only HE thinks that.

“Ahh, he must be really tired”. He stopped shaking the sheets and the room went silent. I think his gone, I slowly opened one eye cautiously just to make sure he was truly gone…that wasn’t the case. I opened my eyes to be greeted by N sitting on my bed staring directly at me. An evil grin formed on his face. ! I closed my eyes again as fast as possible. He didn’t see me, right? Right?! I really can’t be bothered to get out of bed.

“Ya! LEO! I saw you open your eyes! STOP PRETENDING TO SLEEP”

“Argh” I let out a groan as I finally opened my eyes. As much as I didn’t want to get up, I knew that if I refused any longer, N would only get more annoying. In other words, I gave up.

“See? That wasn’t too hard was it” N said as he leaned closer to my face. TOO CLOSE! TOOOOO CLOSE! My mind ran frantically as I backed away as far as I could before I was greeted with the bed head. N must have noticed as a devilish grin began to form on his face.

“Naw, why are you running little kitty”

My face became hot with embarrassment and I knew for a fact that N had noticed.

“Seriously? Go, away would you?” I pulled off my sheets and nudged him away. Of course, not too hard, I wouldn’t want to hurt him. Just enough to know I was annoyed…Yet again, another mistake.

“Leo? Why are you running come back!”

I ran into the lounge room thinking I would be safe.

“Morning Hyung!” Ravi said. His voice deep. He must’ve just woken up. Ken and Hyuk were in the kitchen.

“Where’s Hongbin?” I asked softly.

“He went to practice his dance or something. You know, the usual” said the maknae.

“LEOOOOOOOO” N cried out. AHH! Seriously? I just wake up and his still following me around. I looked around trying to find a place to hide.

“Haha, Is N in a playful mood again?” hyuk laughed in Amusement.

I turned around to glare at him.

“Got YOU!” N said as he pounced on me embracing me in a bag hug. I tried to shake him off.

“Let me go”.

“Nope! If I let you go you will just run again”

I grabbed his arms trying to shake free. I could hear laughing from the kitchen.

“Leo Hyung! It’s better just to give up” ravi added in with the laughter. Ok, so ravi would be no help. Ken! Where is Ken. I began to look around trying to find ken. I send him a pleading face trying to get him to help.

“Sorry leo, you’re on your own” he laughed as he motioned for Ravi and Hyuk to come over” “DON’T YOU DARE!” I yelled. I knew exactly what they were thinking.

“Bye Bye Hyung!” Hyuk said while giving an evil grin.

“Well! Bye Leo” Ken said while smiling widely.

Ravi protested a little but hyuk joined in on the fun. “We are going to practice now! Bye~~” Ken laughed as he dragged the youngsters out of the dorm”

“Thanks! Ken!” N exclaimed in a playful voice Ken gave a small wave and an evil smile to leo. The door closed ever so slowly.

“Now then, it’s just me and you know, Leo.” His gripped released and I turned around only to meet and evil smile and sparkling eyes.

...here we go…

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Chapter 20: Omg I cry. This was adorable
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