Taking a Break

The Luck of Encounters

“You’d think I’d be able to find a stupid room,” I mutter to myself as I walk down the hall for the third time. “They are numbered after all.”

  I look around and sigh. This was so much easier when I could just go to DBSK’s dorm to meet them. Ever since the whole Yoochun and Jaehwa burst, SM’s been careful about any females going into the dorm building. This why I have to come and get lost in SM’s ridiculously big building. With the rate I’m going, the guys are going to have to send out a search party.

    I glance at room number written on the piece of paper in my hand as I round a corner. At least, I thought it was a corner until I walk into something very solid and fall back on my . “Ow.”

“I’m so sorry, miss. Gwenchana?” A hand reaches down to help me up.

“I’m fine,” I reply as I stand up, finally looking at the very handsome and very sweaty face the hand belongs to. “It’s my fault. I should be looking where I’m going. Maybe I’ll actually find where I need to go then.”

“Where’s that?” a slightly shorter guy with childish smile asks, coming to stand beside the first one.

It’s then that I notice there’s thirteen of them standing there, watching me curiously. A little flustered with all their eyes on me, I fumble with the paper and hold it out. “Um, here. I’m DBSK’s interpreter and-”

“Oh, so you’re _____,” a guy towards the middle says, giving me a gummy smile.

“You know me?” I ask, surprised as I watch recognition bloom in some of the group’s eyes and they smile.

“Yeah. Junsu’s mentioned you. You helped him and Yejin get together. I’m Eunhyuk, by the way,” he adds.

“And I’m Donghae,” the second guy to speak says, flashing a bright smile at me. “Could you be our interpreter too after you work with DBSK?”

“Donghae,” the first guy chuckles, pushing him away. “He’s harmless, I promise. I’m Teuk. All five of the guys have talked about you, actually. It’s nice to meet you.”

I offer back a smile. “Nice to meet you all too. You’re all Super Junior, right?”

“Bingo,” Donghae grins.

“You know, I may have to reconsider Changmin’s proposal,” one of them near the back says, looking at me from under a mess of wavy hair.

That doesn’t sound good. “Changmin?” I ask.

“Just ask him, and tell him Kyu says, ‘have fun,’” he replies with a wink.

“Tell him yourself,” Teuk throws back. Returning his attention to me, he adds, “We’ll show you where the room is. It’s on our way out anyway.”

“Thanks.” With an embarrassed smile, I point behind me. “I’m guessing it’s that way.”

This makes them all laugh as Teuk nods.

After turning a few more corners and learning all of Super Junior’s names, we arrive at my destination. Figures that I would pass it.

Eunhyuk pushes the door open for me to reveal all five of DBSK sitting either at the small table or couch. “Yah, chingu. Were you all missing someone?”

“Got lost, did you?” Yunhho laughs as I walk in.

“Yes,” I admit. Turning back, I smile at Super Junior. “Thanks for helping me, you guys.”

“No problem,” Teuk smiles. “See you around, ______.”

“Bye,” Donghae and Eunhyuk say together, making them laugh.

Kyuhyun is the last to wave goodbye. With a final evil smirk, he looks at Changmin and says, “Have fun.”

“What’d he mean by that?” Changmin asks warily when Kyuhyun disappears, looking at me from the couch.

“Something we’ll discuss later,” I reply, even though I’m still not quite sure what he meant either.

“Cause right now we’re practicing English,” Junsu says happily, wiggling a little in his seat.

“He’s been talking about going to America nonstop for the past week,” Jaejoong chuckles. “It hasn’t made his English any better though.”

Junsu retaliates with a half hearted swipe, but misses. “It’s because I’ve been going crazy. I haven’t been able to see Yejin in forever.”

“Mianhae,” Yoochun sighs, readjusting his head to rest comfortably on his arms. “It’s my fault.”

Junsu immediately puts a hand on his friend’s back. “No, it’s not,” he assures him.

“He’s still like this?” I mouth over Yoochun’s head.

The other four nod.

With a rueful smile, I poke Yoochun’s arm. “Yoochun-ah, stop moping. There’s nothing you can do about it. Besides, in a few months, you guys will be old news and everything will go back to semi-normal.”

“It might be sooner,” Yoochun mumbles.

“Maybe. Hopefully.”

“No,” Yoochun sighs again. “I mean it we might be old news soon because we may not be dating anymore.”

“What?” we all ask together, confused.

He pulls his beanie down to his eyebrows and looks at the table. “When we talked last night, Jaehwa said she wanted to take a ‘break,’ so I don’t know if we’ll be together much longer...if we even are still together.”

The rest of us share another look.

“Oppa, ‘taking a break’ doesn’t mean she wants to break up,” I say, resting a hand on his arm. “It just means...she wants a break.”

“What does that even mean?” Yoochun asks in a frustrated tone.

“It means she still wants to be with you, but needs some time and room now.”

“Girls are weird,” he huffs.

“Boys are just as bad,” I retort, sticking out my tongue at him. Glancing at the others, I apologize, “Mianhae. That doesn’t include you all.”

“Thanks, noona,” Changmin says with a wry chuckle.

“Come on, Yoochun,” Jaejoong soothes. “You guys haven’t actually broken up.”

“Just let her cool off the couple weeks we’re in America,” Yunho suggests as I nod in agreement. “She should be fine by then and thinking clearly.”

Yoochun lifts his head to look at us. “You really think so?”

We all nod.

“All right. If you guys say so.”

“We do. And if you should trust anyone’s opinion, it should be me since I’m a weird girl and understand weird girls’ logic,” I add teasingly.

That manages to coax a smile from him. “I didn’t mean you, _____. You’re not weird. Just crazy.”

I roll my eyes. “Thanks for that clarification. So, now, on to what we’re actually supposed to be doing. English practice!”

“Can I just go to sleep?”


“But, _____-ah...”

“You still have to pay attention,” I tell him, not falling for his pout. “You can help the others with their English. It’s really easy stuff anyway since I’ll be around to do most of the talking.”

“Stop being a pain in the neck, Yoochun,” Yunho growls playfully, grabbing him in a headlock.

Yoochun laughs and squirms loose to hide behind me. “All right. I’ll help. I’ll help.”

    With only two hours to work with, I just walk them through some basics. After an hour, I decide to give them a short rest. Everyone but Changmin and I run out to grab something to drink.

Getting up to sit beside him on the couch, I rest my head on his shoulder. “Stupid Jaehwa.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” he replies after a few seconds.

“Why not?” I ask curiously, shifting a little to look at him. “She’s hurt him.”

“That’s true,” Changmin concedes. “But she’s also giving you a chance.”

“A chance?”

“A chance to win over hyung’s heart.”

“Changmin, he’s still dating her even if they’re taking a ‘break,’” I say, sitting up so I can use my fingers to put quotations around ‘break.’ “That’d be stealing her boyfriend. Not a good thing.”

Changmin puts a hand on my shoulder. “I wasn’t saying that’s what you should do. All I’m saying is you and Yoochun will be together for two weeks straight without her around. It’s an opportunity for you to show him how much you love him, how the two of you are better suited for each other, and or what a great girl you are and how crazy he is not to realize it.”

“Still seems kind of wrong.”

“Well, if that’s the case you could take the other path of deliberately trying to seduce him.”


“What?” he asks, making his eyes wide. Smiling, he gently shoves me. “I’m just kidding, ____ noona.”

“You better be,” I reply, glaring playfully at him. “By the way, have you figured out what Kyuhyun meant before?”

Changmin shakes his head. “Did he say anything to you before that?”

“Something about reconsidering your proposition,” I shrug.

His jaw drops before he quickly closes it again. “That little punk," he mutters.


“Nothing,” Changmin hurriedly answers.

“What did you do?” I ask, glaring at him for real now.

He caves and not meeting my eyes, says in a rush, “I kinda talked to him about maybe going on a date with you to make Yoochun jealous. He said no because it wouldn’t end well. You love me.”

I stare at him for a minute, but before I can scold him, the others get back.

“Smells good.” Changmin all but flies from the couch to snap up the cup Yunho brought back for him.

I sigh inwardly, deciding to let Changmin’s stupid plan pass since Kyuhyun was smart enough to instantly discard it. I think I might like that kid.


I open my eyes to find Yoochun standing in front of me, offering a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

“I got you one with lots of cream,” he says, smiling his usual bright smile.

“Thanks, Yoochun,” I smile back, accepting it and off some of the topping.

“_____, can we keep practicing?” Junsu asks, sneaking onto my other side on the couch. “I want to sound good when we get to Las Regas.”

“You mean Las Vegas,” Yoochun says, rolling his eyes.

“That’s what I said,” Junsu insists.

    Laughing quietly, I sit back and listen to Yoochun try to correct Junsu’s pronunciation with the others chipping in. Maybe Changmin’s right about one thing. This trip back to America could be a good thing.


Annyeong lovelies. Mianhae for the shorter than usual update, but I am both mentally exhausted from writing two long papers this week, physically exhausted from being sick, and emotionally exhausted from just completing my first fic, A Turtle's Love. Still, I hope you'll like this small update since it's slightly happier than the past few and better than none at all. Also, please check out my new fic, See You Again. Saranghae and hope you all are staying healthy!

WhiteAutumn_x: Aw, good luck! I know you'll do fantastic! Hwaiting!

nar12345: they'll figure out eventually. Oh yeah, Chunnie better watch out.

yellow14: Trust me, I don't either. ankeaenkeli: Glad you do. EhaaKevin: Yes, I did. Sometimes it's the things closest to you that are the most invisible.

Jun_KOI_Mi: Mine too, especially because I've had the same pain before.

MewNikkiChan:But you/she love/s Yoochun. As a second choice, I'd personally go for Min...They'd probably being doing something really cute. Love you too!

ChinkyKayla: Yeah, it was hard.

SuperSHINeeB2STJr: They are and I miss them so much! It could happen...

Mionyu: And hope. You can hope too.

PurpleangelSJ: I just figured that'd be the kind of person Junsu would love. He can't see her...I honestly don't know why. It's a mystery of life.We'll see about the photographer...Saranghae!

parksanghwa: Oh yes, drama. Everyone loves a character to hate, right?

Champions27: Unfortunately, yes, she is human. She may be in pain often, but not always since Yoochun's still with her, as are the other four DBSK guys.

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I promise I'll try to update soon; I've just kinda exhausted my creative writing energy writing two oneshots last week. I'll try though! Promise!


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 45: Love it so much!!!
AmyDick #2
Chapter 39: 'You' is too nice for forgive yoochun after what he's done... It would be take long time to forget and forgive his mistake...
AmyDick #3
Chapter 39: 'You' is too nice for forgive yoochun after what he's done... It would be take long time to forget and forgive his mistake...
AmyDick #4
Chapter 26: Ok, this what we call genius changmin. I do love it...
AmyDick #5
Chapter 20: Hohoho finally yoochun make a move
AmyDick #6
Chapter 6: This chapter remind me to their time as 5 in a variety show ('guest house'? If i'm not mistaken)...
Mmm changmin isn't as spoiled as it is when i get to know him back then, but his hungry of food was no offense...
AmyDick #7
Chapter 3: Hoho like this fic :* i just found it after searching for a long...
Chapter 45: This is truly magnificent! OMG, I found myself feeling the same pain the main character is feeling throughout the whole story >.<
Wah, this is all just so fluffy and cute and romantic and cheesy and everything wonderful <3 I'm glad I came by this story!
Great job, author-nim! Oho, looks like I have someone to compete with when it comes to writing about Yoochun and an OC :P
I can't believe I didn't comment on this when I first read it. I read this back in 2012, and it was part of the reason I love fan fiction so much.
It, and 'A turtle's love', were the first good stories I found on this site.
They are very entertaining, descriptive, full of suspense, contain a bit of action and are just perfect.
You are honestly as close to perfect as can an author get. Your stories have very little flaws and I admire your writing style.
Thank you so much for writing these and I am waiting to read more great stories from you, the very reason I am so hooked to reading fan fiction {^_^}
chunnea #10
Chapter 45: Its really nice and sweet story.thx for writing this..!!