
A thousand litres of tears

Your POV

You woke up early and got ready for work, to see the beautiful smile of the children again. That morning, the only person on your mind was Wook, he wa never off your mind. You would usually tell the children about him and text him during lunch asking what he was asking. You asked such random questions that shouldn't really matter but you tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of you confessing last night.

When you were about to catch your bus, a sport car rolled into the parking lot. You furrowed your eyebrows to see who it was, and you saw Wook. Your eyes opened up in awe. Wow..he must be rich to be able to keep changing cars every now and then you thought.

"Annyeong oppa" you smiled at him.

"Annyeong dongseng. I thought that I should take you out for a treat maybe? If you want?" he asked, worried you might reject him

"Of course oppa, just wait, let me go get something I forgot in the class." you quickly ran back to the classroom so you can take a deep breath before going out to meet him again.

You sit inside the car and started to play around with your fingers, worried that he might reject you from last night.

"So what did you say last night? You hung up too early ______ah" he said whilst driving calmly.

You gulped and tried to pretend that you didn't know what he was talking about. "Oh uhm, I don't think I said anything." you tried your best to keep your answers as small as possible.

"Oh." he said, being a bit disappointed.

You tried to lift the spirits a bit, "Well what did you hear?"

"I heard that you like me. Just wanted to make sure." he said bluntly. You stayed quiet, trying to find words to avoid the embarrassment. "So do you like me?" he asked rasing an eyebrow. You nodded slowly. "You know, I'm driving so I can't see whether you're shaking or nodding your head. Can you just please say it?" he said trying to hold down a smirk.

You thought about how you should put it, in a short answer that he could understand right away." Saranghaeyo oppa" you blurted.

He turned bright red. "Nado saranghae jagi" he said and you turn out to look out the window, scared he'll see you bright red. "What's wrong marshallow?" he said teasingly poking your cheeks.

"YAH! You ceram puff!! Just beacause I'm chubby" you frowned.

"Boh? Cream puff? bahah. are you saying I'm a weakling?" he asked.

"Deh." you said being upset from being called marshmallow.

"Naww, jagiya~" he said, using his soft charming voice.

"What." you said bluntly.

"Saranghaeyo." he said and held your hand. You let go and looked the other way. Just then, you remembered.

"Ah, jagi, I mean, ahjusshi, what happened to your arranged marriage with Dara? Didn't you say she loves you?" you asked raising an eyebrow at him.

He stopped at a red light and looked at you, "Jagi, call me that, NOT ahjusshi" he pouted and continued "marshmallow, I call you that because you're cute like one. I don't usually give others nicknames, don't you feel special at all? Anyways, yeah I know about Dara, but I want to ask you, even though you know I have Dara, why do you still love me?"

"Because I love you, and there's nothing that can stop me" you said.

He blushed, "how much do you love me?"

"More than anyone could ever love you." you said blushing and turned away.

He continued driving, "Even more than Dara-ah?" he asked.

"Deh." you said.

"NAW  JAGIYA~~ saranghae, and I'll always love you, no matter what." he said, then thought for a moment, "Are you sure you can take our age difference? I am 4 years older."

"love knows no difference cream puff" you teased and poked your tongue out.

"I'll get you for calling me weak" he smirked. "Oh we'll see about that" you said.


Ryeowook's POV

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I used to love Dara, but then _______ah came into my life and I love her. How could I exlpain this to yeobo? Would she do anything to_________? I hope not. Let's just stay quiet for now.

Today, I'm taking her to Lotteworld. I figured since she likes children, she must act like one too so I took her here.

We arrived and I opened the door for her and linked arms into the amusement park. I bought her some cotton candy but shee refuses tp share. Such a meanie hmph.

We went on all sort of scary rides...and it seems as though I was more scared than her. I kept holding on to her the whole time. Sigh, no wonder she calls me cream puff.

Then we went to a pokemon merchandise store and I bought her a squirtle hat, since she's slow like a turle and she bought me ditto since she said I go pink easily. Oh dear so embarrassing, she notices me blushing all the time.

After, we went for some hot tofu to warm up the night. She said that I remind her of tofu since I'm so white and is always so warm when around her. This made me blush and made her call me ditto again. Oh deary deary.

I dropped her home her home and went inside for some coffee before leaving her to rest. I sat in my car all relaxed and happy after the date together with _______ today. I wish I had spent more time with her though. Maybe we can hang after work eveeryday. No, wouldn't I be too clingy then?

'zzzz zzzz' my phone vibrated. I stopped at a petrol station to check my phone and saw Dara texted me



To: Ryeowook

From: Dara-ssi

OPPA!! Didn't you say you were busy today? how come you were at Lotteworld?


Oh dear, she ust have seen me with _________ah before. I tried not to reply but she kept texting and calling.

I answered her and explained to her we're just close friends and hung up.

I honestly don't know what to do any more. __________ah or Dara-ssi?

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This is so sad, it mad em cry. Your story is effective, its really nice, and very very sad. It fits the title. I enjoyed reading your fanfic, it did make me cry, but that means that your writing is effective.
I hoped that she would end up with Wookie though, it really hurt me knowing he didnt want her anymore. But the ending was written goood. I look forward to reading your other fanfics :3
@wooklover98 haha my bias was myungsoo, but I changed to woohyun afterwards :)
I hope there is a sequel for this. It's so cute ^^ I like infinite too ^^ I guess your bias is Myungsoo?
Until what chapter is this :)?
I love your story!! Wookie is so hot!!
I love this story!! What happened next? Cant wait for the next chapter!!
wa.. u had back. ~~<3
lol as I started reading this i my media player and it was playing before the dawm! how crazy is that!
wa, u update often..wkwk., wooky so cute.. aigoo,, so sweet.. :3
wow.. had 3th chapter! its quick.. XD