
You, Me, and Little D
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A/N: Who wants another heart melting update? 

You? You? You? 

Okayyyy... 😁



Amber's POV


It's been 3 months and Little D has grown well from a newborn to an infant. Sheesh! She's so cute and cuddly! She makes giggling sounds that makes her Eomma and me proud. She responds to our calls and when Soojung sings to her she smiles widely while listening to her Eomma.

She eats a lot. I mean a lot! Soojung still feed her that's why our baby is strong and gaining some weight. She's starting to respond to her surroundings and the people around her. Luckily she tends to sleep at night longer than before and for that we were relieved. What's with milk, I hope to find out. 

I always bring her in the balcony every morning for her daily dose of Vitamin D and tells her stories making different voices that she giggles to.

I can still remember the first few weeks when she was born. She was hungry every 3 hours and Soojung is still recuperating. But since she is being fed her Eomma always makes sure that she was well fed and sleep. After Soojung feeds Dani she handles her to me and I make her burp while Soojung catch up on her sleep.

That was our routine for the first few weeks and sometimes Jessica or Luna or Byul will drop by and help us. I can get my sleep on the day and resume my duty at night. I send in a lot of my materials in the company and told them I'll be on leave for a few months because my wife gave birth. Luckily the company permitted me and just told me to report whenever I have something new to send. They believe in me since all I compose are hits now.

All those sleepless nights, diaper changing sessions, and crying sessions are nothing when we see her smiling face looking at us. She was our joy, our little bundle of sunshine.

When I watch Soojung play with Dani or fed her and hear her sweet laugh whenever the infant shows something new to her Eomma, my heart swells with pride. The beautiful playful goddess back in college days that I love became a doting mother and wife to me.

My wife. Not legally as of now but.....




Soon she will be. ^_^ \n/






I asked Soojung if we can go out just for a change and also to spend some time together since we have to take a break too in taking care of Dani. She's a bit hesitant but after a lot of pursuading and pouting from me she agreed. She also miss going out and I assured her we're not going to stay late. Just eat and stroll around and relax before we enter the battle field again haha!

After pumping enough milk for Dani we gave her to Jessica to look after and her unnie took the cute baby willingly. Before heading out we bumped into Taeyeon and she said she'll stay so that Jessica will have someone with her while she takes care of Dani.

We noticed Jessica's crimson face and if our suspicions are true, something's definitely going on and maybe we disturbed a supposed to be enjoyable night for them nyahahaha!!

I brought Soojung to our old University and we took a stroll under the moonlight like we always do then before going back to our dorms. We reminisce about the uni days and laugh about our silliness and playfulness.

We reached the Oval and went to our usual spot on the grass and lay down there watching the stars. My shoulders being her pillow while we try looking for constellations on the bright clear sky.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" I asked her teasingly making her blush.

"Of course! How can I not remember it... It was my first..."

"Oh yeah it definitely is Soojungie haha! You kept on biting my lips.."

She slap my stomach causing me to grunt. "Yah! I don't know what to do! I haven't kiss anyone besides my pillow how would I know! Do you rather to have me practice with someone then before I kiss you?"

"Yah yah! No way! That lips is mine and only mine! "

"Good. 'Cause I learned from the best.." she said to me with a y smirk making my chest swell with pride. Of course I'm the best kisser!

We laugh at our banters while she snuggle beside me. Unknowingly to her, there's a box inside my pocket that I've been itching to give her that day when I saw her in the Practice room. I was suppose to propose marriage to her then even though I knew she's still young and studying but knowing to myself that she's the One I want to be with til we grow old, I

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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 37: awesone story!
Jhen1981 #2
Chapter 37: How about a Bodyguard style stories.. Kevin Cosner & Whitney Houston but Kryber will me the main cast of course
moonsun750 #3
Chapter 13: U ing deserve it chill oh man "not strenuous" she says oh man hahahahahaha this fic is going to kill me i swear
moonsun750 #4
Chapter 11: Pffftt
moonsun750 #5
snackplate #6
Chapter 37: I’m still reading this beautiful story on fourth day of 2019 & still I get the same feeling from reading like first time. Thank you author ☺️☺️
turtle88 #7
Chapter 37: Ahahaha nice surprise for Amber xD
Thanks for writing this awesome story author~
Chapter 35: Till now i still wondering whats the pics looks like
Chapter 37: Lol what a surprise!xD I'm so happy for my babies! KryBer and TaengSic.❤️
Thanks a lot authornim.
Chapter 29: Damn TaengSic