
You, Me, and Little D
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A/N: Hi guys! How are you? I got an update for all of you. 

Thank you for reading my story and I appreciate all your comments. 

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Peace yow! ✌



Amber's POV

I woke up early and prepared breakfast for Soojung. She texted me last night requesting for pancakes and fruit loops cereals.

Hearing the usual keypad tone of my door and I know it's Soojung. We exchanged door lock codes yesterday for emergency purposes and to save time from knocking.

My breath hitched when I saw my goddess enter the door and left it open. Soojung's wearing a pajama and a hoodie but she's still the most beautiful girl I ever seen. She looks beautiful even though she just woke up. Her hair is falling on her shoulders and she tucked a strand on her ears grinning at me.

She's holding our still warm bottle of milk freshly delivered and came trotting to my kitchen smiling and sat down on the stool on my kitchen counter facing me. Wow... Mornings like this.

"Gooood morning..~ How was your sleep Princess?" I asked her while flipping the pancakes. I pour some Fruit Loops on a bowl and placed it in front of her and gave her a quick kiss.

I placed the cooked pancakes on a plate and served it to her. Her eyes shone with glee seeing the pancakes and smothered it with a lot of maple syrup. She's so cute looking like a kid. I began slicing it and fed her gradually in between her popping some cereals on . She grinned widely enjoying her hearty breakfast while I wipe .

"You look like a kid aigoo.. slow down on chewing Princess. How's your unnie? Still sleeping?"

"Yup, sleeping like a log. I bet she's going to wake up before lunch. Babe are you okay? Does your back hurt from last night?" She asked me and took the fork on my hands and stab a piece of pancakes bringing it to my mouth.

"Nope I'm fine. So are you going to the Cafe today or you want to rest the whole day? "

"I have to go to work babe and promise I won't tire myself. I have Irene at the kitchen so no sweat. Luna will be there so no worries. And you can hang out at the Cafe if you don't have anything to do. " She drank the milk I poured on her glass and I chuckled seeing her milk moustache. I reach for her and playfully the moustache on her upper lips and kissed her softly.

"Can't get enough of me babe? Remember the door's open and Unnie might see us. "

"Princess did you gave any hint to your unnie? 3 weeks is a long time and I don't know if we can hide it that long. You'll have some signs and symptoms."
She smiled at me with that special smile of hers that made my heart do some somersaults. "I believe we can do it babe. Just act normal and don't be fidgety in front of her. Just trust me. "

We continue on our breakfast and talked about random things, laughter filled my kitchen.



Not knowing that someone heard our conversation.



"Soojungie... What are you hiding to unnie?'



Week 1

First week with Jess was chaotic. Chaotic because of all the shopping she does. Sure Soojung also loves shopping but her unnie is on another level. It came to the level that Soojung has to secretly text me and bring Taeyeon unnie along just so her sister will be distracted and my girlfriend can rest a bit.

It was tiring walking in the mall and entering shops. I know Soojung is tired so I ended up giving her a piggy back ride while shopping. She just reasoned to her sister that I lost a bet and I have to piggy back her while shopping. But the truth is my girlfriend is already tired from walking everywhere. She easily gets tired this days one of the symptoms of her pregnancy.

She's also having nausea and throws up a lot. She lost her appetite and I think Jess is already suspecting something. Soojung told her she just had a stomach flu and Taeyeon unnie already gave her some meds.

The 5 kids at the shop takes good care of her needs whenever she's in the office. Yeri will do some aegyos to her boss just to make her feel good after throwing up. I'm so worried about her and consulted Dr. Choi but she said the symptoms are common. What I have to be ready for are the future symptoms and changes that is coming our way.


Jessica studies her sister sometimes, thinking maybe of what's happening. But she just kept it to her self but I know she's still gathering evidences. I hope we can pass this weeks.



Week 2

Luckily, Jessica has to fly off to Hong Kong for a week to take care of some business. Soojung still has some morning sickness and some dizziness. Her mood swings are terrible too that sometimes she'll just cry over some corny romantic movies. Sometimes she'll just pinch me on my arms that some of it already turned violet due to the intensity. I accompany her every night that week just to ensure her safety and to be close to her.

She's already showing a small baby bump that I notice when we were lying on the bed while I'm spooning her. I'm hugging her waist from behind and caressing her tummy gently when I notice the small pouch. I told her to get up and we went to her full body mirror checking it.

It's small but still, it's a bump. We were so happy that we decided to document it by taking instax picture of it every month. One more week and we can already tell our families about Little D.


Week 3

The moment of truth. Jessica's back and I go back to my apartment every night when Jess arrives from the office. I learnt from her that their father gave her the position of supervising the branch in Korea that's why she's a bit busy with all the developments in the office.

That means she's only at home by night so she barely notice the changes in Soojung's body I think. Based on her facial reactions I don't see any suspicions but you'll never know. She's basically a ninja as Taeyeon unnie said.

We purposely let 5 days passed so that when we go to Sooyoung unnie for check up Soojung will be in a good disposition. Jess said that she had a meeting later and will be back by dinnertime.


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exiguousnobody #1
Chapter 37: awesone story!
Jhen1981 #2
Chapter 37: How about a Bodyguard style stories.. Kevin Cosner & Whitney Houston but Kryber will me the main cast of course
moonsun750 #3
Chapter 13: U ing deserve it chill oh man "not strenuous" she says oh man hahahahahaha this fic is going to kill me i swear
moonsun750 #4
Chapter 11: Pffftt
moonsun750 #5
snackplate #6
Chapter 37: I’m still reading this beautiful story on fourth day of 2019 & still I get the same feeling from reading like first time. Thank you author ☺️☺️
turtle88 #7
Chapter 37: Ahahaha nice surprise for Amber xD
Thanks for writing this awesome story author~
Chapter 35: Till now i still wondering whats the pics looks like
Chapter 37: Lol what a surprise!xD I'm so happy for my babies! KryBer and TaengSic.❤️
Thanks a lot authornim.
Chapter 29: Damn TaengSic