Chapter 7

Six Weeks till Forever

Jeonghan's dripping hair clung to his neck as he huddled in the rain outside of Seungcheol's building. His hood wasn't up; he was too shaken up to care. He checked his phone every few minutes for messages from Jihoon, but was discouraged each time. 

There was one from Seungcheol though. 

He ignored it. 

Jeonghan looked up as a large, red pickup truck with a decent sized dent on the passenger side door pulled up on the street next to him. He blinked the rainwater from his eyelashes and rushed forward, climbing into the car. 

"Here." Jihoon handed him a towel to dry off with and turned to look at him. "What happened, Jeonghan?" 

He just shook his head. 

Jihoon turned back to the road and pulled away from the building. "Hannie, you call me in the middle of the night sounding like you had just been mobbed, let me worry. Please." 

Jeonghan looked at his friend. Jihoon glanced back, his honey eyes filled purely with concern. He siged and bit his lip as he pulled the collar of his sweatshirt down to reveal the finger-shaped bruises forming on his shoulder.

Jihoon slammed on the brakes. "What the hell, Jeonghan, did he do this?" He cried, his small fingers brushing over the purpling skin. He nodded. "What did you do?" Jihoon breathed. 

Jeonghan took a deep breath. "I went upstairs to use the bathroom, and I saw a door across the hall. I went in." 

Jihoon sighed. "It was his room, wasn't it?"

Jeonghan nodded. "He was livid. Started yelling about digging around in his personal life. He doesn't like it when people know more about him than he lets them." 

"Damn rich people," Jihoon muttered. "Hannie, you can't stay with him. I know you like him and all, but if he has a temper like this, then you need to leave." 

Jeonghan remembered that Jihoon didn't know about his agreement with Seungcheol. He chewed his lip. "Jihoon, I-" 

"No." His short friend turned him around so he could look him in the eye. "Jeonghan, he hurt you. As your friend, I can't let you continue to see him. Please, just, listen to me, for once." 

Jeonghan hung his head. "I won't. I'll text him, I promise." 

"Thank you," Jihoon breathed. The small student when back to the road and began to drive in the direction of Jeonghan's apartment. 

Jeonghan pulled his sweatshirt back up and propped his chin on his hand. What was that Seungcheol? Why didn't you tell me about your temper? About any of this? 

He closed his eyes, preventing the tears that threatened to fall. 




"Oh my god, where have you been?!" 

As soon as Jeonghan opened the door, Junhui was up and by his side. "At Seungcheol's, I thought I texted you." 

Jun frowned and pulled out his phone. He smiled sheepishly when he saw the message from Jeonghan. "Sorry. But what happened, why do you look like someone ran over your puppy?" Junhui's face gradually became more serious with every word as he examined Jeonghan's face. 

"Show him," Jihoon commanded from the doorway. 

"Show me what?" Jun looked from Jeonghan to Jihoon, worry clear in his amber eyes. 

Hanging his head, Jeonghan pulled down his sweatshirt again. Junhui gasped, turning Jeonghan so he could see better. 

""Call it off," Jun commanded. "Jeonghan, you have to call it off." 

"I-I will, I'll text him," Jeonghan murmured, pulling his sweatshirt back up. 

"Good," both Jihoon and Junhui said at the same time. 

"I'm going to go home and sleep, because you woke me up, but I expect you to text him in the morning, okay?" Jihoon asked, looking at Jeonghan. He nodded. "Good. I'll stop by tomorrow, get some rest." Jihoon gave Jeonghan a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand before leaving the apartment. 

Jeonghan turning to Junhui. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning." 

"Okay. Get some rest," Jun hummed, stoking Jeonghan's hair. He smiled at his roommate and headed into his room. He collapsed on his bed, not even bothering to change into his pajamas. Curling around his pillow, he screwed his eyes shut and tried to ignore the ache in his shoulders and the tears hiding behind his eyelids. 




Jeonghan let his hair fall in his eyes as he bent over his textbook on journalism agencies from the twenties and thirties. He furiously scribbled notes down in his notebook, thankful that he had found peace in the library. Everyone has been pestering him all week, asking about him and Seungcheol. The campus crush had been texting him all week, even waiting after some of his classes for him and trying to talk. But he ignored him. Jeonghan had texted him Sunday morning, saying he was done with their agreement, only to get a whole bunch of apologies and requests to meet in response. He debated blocking Sengcheol's number, but something always held him back. Plus his friends had been constantly coming over to "comfort" him, but it just made him feel suffocated. So here he was, hiding in the library on a Friday afternoon, starting his notes for a report on journalism through the years for his Journalism History class. 

Someone sat down across from him, but he didn't bother to look up. As much as he hated Journalism History, he was actually more or less invested in this report, as his last grade in the class had been unusually low for him. 

The person cleared their throat. Jeonghan glanced up from his curtain of blond hiding his face. He bit his tongue to hold back a curse, and instead just began to gather up his stuff. Slinging his bag over his shoulder and tucking his hair behind his ear, he began to walk away. 


He stopped and sighed before gently pulling his wrist away from Seungcheol. "I told you, it's over." 

The elder moved so he was looking him in the eye. "Can't we talk about this?" 

Jeognhan shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about. Obviously, you have a temper you didn't bother to tell me about, and a fierce protection over your life, so whatever we had, whatever agreement we made, is now over. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a report to write and dinner to make." He met Seungcheol's gaze strongly and unwaveringly, waiting for the elder to move out of his way. 

Seungcheol sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I'll have to say it, but I am. I never meant to hurt you, and I know I probably should've told you about my temper, and I'm sorry. So please, I know you'll never forgive me for what I did, but I want, need, your forgiveness anyway."

Jeonghan blinked. It wasn't anything new, Seungcheol had been texting him stuff like that all week, but this was the first time he'd talked to the campus crush since the incident on Saturday. For some reason, it sounded so much more desperate than what Jeonghan had imagined when he read the texts. But he didn't want to forgive Seungcheol. Hell, he didn't want to ever talk to the campus crush ever again. He had hurt him, physically and mentally.  

"Seungcheol, I can't. I'm sorry. Now please, I have things I need to do." Jeonghan cocked a hip and looked at Seungcheol impatiently. 

The elder's jaw shifted on a way that suggested he was getting tired of being nice. "You know, I still have sources. I could ruin you." 

"Well, you haven't yet," Jeonghan replied. 

Seungcheol huffed. "You know what, I'm taking you out tonight. We are going to see a movie, and you will like it." 

Jeonghan shook his head. "Yeah, I don't think so. I have homework, and Junhui came down with a cold last night, there is no way." 

"Doesn't matter if you don't want to," Seungcheol said shortly. "I'm picking you up at seven, and if you're not ready, well, then I'll just stay at your place for a while." 

Jeonghan looked at the elder incredulously. He was smirking, as if he knew he had won. And he had. Going to see a movie -where Jeonghan didn't have to say anything- was much better than having Seungcheol invade his space and bother him as he took care of Jun. he supposed he could call someone to look over Jun. 

Setting his jaw, he glared at Seungcheol. "Fine. One movie, then you are taking me home, and never talking to me again."

The elder merely gave him a smug look. "We'll see about that last part." 

Jeonghan rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You really are the worst person ever. Does your ego ever stop?"

Seungcheol gave him an unimpressed look. "Seven. Be ready." 

"Yeah yeah. Now can I get home?" Jeonghan gestured for Seungcheol to get out of the way. The elder merely smirked and moved, but as Jeonghan moved past, he whispered, "See you later Angel." 

Fighting the incoming blush, Jeonghan stalked away. 




He was greeted with Jun huddled in a pile of blankets with dirty tissues littered around the room. 

"Hey Hannie," Junhui mumbled, his voice nasally and muffled by the tissue hanging out of his nose.

"Hey Jun. How're you feeling?" Jeonghan asked as he dropped his keys on the counter and put his bag on the couch. He sat down next to his roommate and rubbed his socked feet. 

"Gross," Jun replied. "Look at me, I'm a wreck!" He wailed suddenly. "I'm usually ten times more attractive than this, I look disgusting!" 

Smirking, Jeonghan replied, "Ten times zero is still zero, Junie." 

He could see the gears turning in Junhui's head, and as he got it, his face scrunched up. "You're a meanie."

Jeonghan laughed and stood up. "What do you want for dinner?" 

"Soup~" Junhui moaned. 

"Sure thing, Junie. Oh, Seungcheol is taking me out tonight, who do you want to babysit you?" 

"Seungcheol is what?!" Junhui exclaimed. "You're back together with him? I mean, you weren't, really, but, oh whatever, youre going out with him tonight?!" 

"I was pretty much forced to," Jeonghan sighed, getting a can of soup from the cupboard. "It's not like I want to, but it was that or have him bother me all night as I took care of you. So my previous question still stands. Who do you want babysit you while I'm gone?" Jeonghan leaned against the countertop and looked at his roommate expectantly. 

"Mm, Wonwoo. I would say both him and Mingyu, but we all have know Mingyu is as incapable as , and if both of them were here, I would probably get worse, not better." Junhui blew his nose obnoxiously and sniffled. 

"Okay, I'll text him," Jeonghan replied, nodding. As he heated the soup in the microwave, he pulled out his phone to text Mingyu's boyfriend. 


To: Extremu to the Emu

Hey, do u mind watching over Jun tonight?

I'm going out


From: Extremu to the Emu


can I bring Mingyu?


To: Extremu to the Emu



From: Extremu to the Emu



what time?


To: Extremu to the Emu

Be here around 6:45


From: Extremu to the Emu


when will u be home?


To: Extremu to the Emu


if I'm not home by ten, make sure he goes to bed


From: Extremu to the Emu

wow, mom status XD


To: Extremu to the Emu


make sure, ok?


From: Extremu to the Emu

yeah yeah


To: Extremu to the Emu

cool, thanks




From: Extremu to the Emu


meanie :(


Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the last text as he pulled the soup out of the microwave and stirred it. He checked the time: 5:35. He had just enough time to shower and change. But on the other hand, he didn't want Seungcheol to think that he cared about this stupid date. He didn't. But he didn't want to look like trash. 

For some reason, it was a hard battle in his mind; look nice and have Seungcheol thinking he cared, or look like trash and let Seungcheol know it was over. 

"Hey Jun," he thought aloud as he brought his roommate's soup over. "What do you think, look nice and have him think I care, or look like trash and let him know it's over?" 

Junhui gave him an incredulous look as he took the soup. "Well, do you care?" 

Jeonghan huffed. "That's just it, I don't know." 

Jun sighed. "Jeonghan, you might be the most oblivious person I know, besides Soonyoung of course." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jeonghan cried, crossing his arms. 

His roommate shook his head and sipped his soup. "Jeonghan, do you like him?" 

Frowning, Jeonghan replied, "No, he's a ." 

Jun raised an eyebrow. "Then why did you look so heartbroken on Sunday?"

Jeonghan glared at him. "I had just been more or less assaulted by my fake boyfriend. If it was you, wouldn't you be a bit scarred?"

Jun sighed. "We're getting nowhere with this. Okay, new question. Do you feel like going out in public looking like trash?" 

"Well, not really, but what will he think?" Jeonghan played with a strand of hair absently. 

"Well, if you're telling the truth and this is really, honestly over, and this is the last time you see him, it shouldn't - shouldn't - ah - AH - ACHOO!!"

Jeognhan winced as Junhui sneezed in his soup. "Matter," he ended miserably.

"But what if he takes it the wrong way?" Jeonghan worried, awkwardly helping Junhui get the snot off his blanket and arms. 

"Jeonghan," Jun sighed. "Just shower, I really don't think he'll appreciate it either way if you have snot in your hair." His roommate pointed to a decent sized hunk of mucus stuck in Jeonghan's hair. 

He recoiled and glared at Jun. 

his roommate shrugged. "Sorry." 




Jeonghan looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was still a bit damp, and was reverting to its natural light waves since he hadn't blow-dryed it after his shower. He was wearing a beige sweater with dark jeans with rips in them, as well his beat-up vans. The October weather was getting colder, so he grabbed his olive bomber jacket from his closet and a light gray scarf just in case it got really cold before grabbing his phone from his dresser and going out to check on Wonwoo, who had just arrived, and Jun, who was still sneezing buckets of snot. 

Wonwoo was sitting on the couch awkwardly holding a box of tissues out for Jun, whose nose apartently hadn't stopped running since Jeonghan got in the shower. 

"Jeong -*sniff*- Han!" Junhui exclaimed around a tissue. "You look - ACHOO - amazing!"

Jeonghan winced. "Jun, do us all a favor and don't talk, because that way you won't get snot everywhere when you have to sneeze in the middle of a sentence." 

Junhui stuck his (runny) nose in the air. "Hmmph." 

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. 

All three of their heads turned towards the door as someone knocked. Jeonghan swallowed and looked at Jun. His roommate gave him a sympathetic look and blew his nose. 

Taking a deep breath, Jeonghan moved to the door and opened it. 

Seungcheol was wearing his leather jacket, per usual, with black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, and black combat boots. His hair had been washed, and was damp, hanging shaggily over his forehead, and apparently he hadn't been bothered to change his ear monstrosities for some more suitable for public. 

Jeonghan grabbed his keys. "Let's get this over with." 

Seungcheol just nodded. 

"Won, make sure Jun gets to bed on time, there's ramen in the cupboard, okay?" Jeonghan called as he walked out. 

"I got it mom!" Wonwoo yelled back. Jeonghan shut and locked the door. 

He stood infront of Seungcheol awkwardly, fiddling with his scarf which he had put on before Seungcheol had gotten there. 

"Um, you look good," Seungcheol said. 

Jeonghan shifted. "You too," he replied quietly. "Um, shall we go?" 

Seungcheol nodded. "Yeah."

They began to walk down the hall, and naturally, Seungcheol headed towards the stairs. Jeonghan couldn't help but laugh. 

"Did you walk up the stairs on your way up?" He asked, covering his mouth with his scarf and hand. 

Seungcheol gave him a bewildered look. "Um, yes, why wouldn't I?" 

Still laughing, Jeonghan said, "Did the doorman really not tell you the elevator was fixed?" 

Seungcheol's face turned red. "Oh." 

Smiling, Jeonghan pushed to elevator button as Seungcheol moved over. After a moment, the elevator came up and they stepped inside, standing on opposite sides silently. The walked out of his building side-by-side and Seungcheol held the door of his Porsche open as Jeonghan climbed in. The drive to the theater was quick and quiet and painless, and Seungcheol took care of their tickets. 

"Do you want snacks?" The campus crush asked. 

Jeonghan shrugged. "I haven't had dinner, so sure." 

Seungcheol nodded. "Figured as much. What do you want?"

Jeonghan tapped his fingers against his lips in thought. "Mm, just popcorn and a coke, I guess. I'll make myself something when I get home." 

"Okay." Seungcheol stepped up and ordered for them, coming back with a thing of popcorn and a coke with two straws. 

"How much was it?" Jeonghan asked, pulling out his wallet. "I'll pay you back." 

"Jeonghan, no." Seungcheol reached out and grabbed his wrist, awkwardly holding the popcorn and coke in one arm. "This is my treat for being such an to you. Please, don't worry about it." 

Jeonghan chewed his lip and nodded, putting his wallet away. Seungcheol smiled and let go of his wrist before leading him to their theater. 

Just then, Jeonghan had a thought. "Wait, what movie are we seeing anyway?" 

Seungcheol shrugged. "Some romance or something, I read a bit about it in the reviews, and it was popular." 

Jeonghan nodded as they climbed up the theater. They sat down in seats near the back after Jeonghan told Seungcheol clearly that he "couldn't sit near the front because it made him sick."

As they sat there, Seungcheol suddenly leaned over. "So, have you fallen for me yet?" He said coyly. 

"Can you pass the coke?" Jeonghan said in reply. Seungcheol gave him an unimpressed look and handed the coke over. "And no. I'm only here so you wouldn't bother me where I live." 

Seungcheol sighed. "I'm trying Jeonghan." 

"Shh, the movie's starting." 

Seungcheol huffed but leaned back into his own seat. Jeonghan let out a quiet breath and focused on the screen. 

Just make it through this, Hannie, and you're good. Just one night. 

Or not.





Yao waddup guys, here's chapter 7! Sorry, but y'all are gonna have to wait to find out Seungcheol's secret! I'm so mean. You can probably guess way will come out of this date, but that's okay, just roll with it. We've got some more stuff coming up, but honestly, you actually might have to wait for the sequel to find out some stuff. Idk, just the way this fic goes ya know? A way, thank you guys so much for supporting this fic, it really does mean a lot to me to hear all your feedback, and yes, there will be a sequel. I hope you keep reading till then! Love ya all, awesome nerds, I'll see you in a bit my lovelies!

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Little update about the state of things has been added.


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Alyssamaer #1
Chapter 22: May 2020 and waiting. ?
Duh_carrot #2
Chapter 22: Are you ing kidding meeee!???

Tf Cheol!????
ververthesecret #3
Every time I go back to this fic, I feel like one piece is missing T_T I still cannot call this an ending, it's just... unexpected and incomplete T_T Please come back with a sequel.
realELF #4
Chapter 22: April 2019,
And I'm still waiting for the sequel :(
keigojjc #5
Chapter 22: Just spam read this in one day. U’re not leaving this like that r u? It really needs a sequel. Am crying for Jeonghan.
ververthesecret #6
Chapter 2: So seungcheol is kind of a unreasonable and selfish guy. I know he's self-centered type but isn't it too much? He asks for everything but on the other hand he just doesn't want to let people know a piece about him. Basically he's that type who will sooner or later get on your nerves until you can't bear it anymore and snub him haha. Anyway talking about getting on nerves, I really like that scene where jeonghan scolded junhui. Yeah deserve. Sometimes we just have no choice but go straight forwards and scream at other people's face. We still have chances to make up later so don't hesitate haha. Besides I like the way seungcheol sofly calmed jeonghan down too. He has magic ^^
ververthesecret #7
Chapter 1: Why do I feel like all this is just a plan by choi seungcheol? I mean everything is just his plan to get together with jeonghan and later make jeonghan fall for him. If it's true then nice idea seungcheol, jeonghan wouldn't be able to resist you haha. Anyway I hope to read more about their relationship, because they don't seem to be close friends but absolutely not strangers to each other and looks like they have the same circle of friends too. Move to the next chapter now!
I wanna watch the trailer!
BornThisMiu #9
Chapter 22: Omg. No. You can't do this to my poor romantic and emotional self. I liked this story. I liked how they went from that fake relationship to actually loving each other. It wasn't that sappy as most of the fics i read with this theme. Baksu!