Chapter 2

Six Weeks till Forever

Jeonghan was out of his apartment and halfway to campus when he realized that he had forgotten his bag and laptop, which meant that he would be carrying around his Psycology books for the rest of the day untill he got home. Psych was the only class he had today, but his friends liked to drag him to random places on Saturday afternoons. 

Jeonghan perked up when he spotted the familiar strawberry blonde head through the crowds of students going to their classes. "Jihoon, hi!" 

The smaller boy looked up from the book in his hands and blinked slowly. "You're late," was all he said. 

"Yeah, sorry, I was uh, dealing with a skin emergency," Jeonghan replied, thinking of the mark Seungcheol had left that he had covered up carefully with Jun's makeup this morning. 

"Right," Jihoon murmured. "Well, let's go, we're going to be late." Jeonghan nodded. 

"Hey, Jeonghan, wait up!" A voice called. 

"Oh, that's just great," he muttered to himself. 

"Uh, Jeonghan, why is Choi Seungcheol running over here?" Jihoon asked. 

"Long story," Jeonghan replied, then was prompty swept off his feet as Seungcheol ran into him and picked him up. "Put me down!" He yelped, smacking Seungcheol's shoulder. The elder laughed and obliged. "What are you doing here?" Jeonghan asked, adjusting his sweatshirt. 

"What does it look like? I'm walking you to class." 

"Thank's but I have Jihoon for that," Jeonghan told him. 

"Uh, Jeonghan," the smaller boy murmured. "What's going on, why is Choi Seungcheol talking to you?" 

"I'm his boyfriend," Seungcheol replied for Jeongan, wrapping his arms around the latter's waist. 

"Oh, wow, okay," Jihoon said, blinking. 

"You seem surprised," Jeonghan noted. 

"Oh, it's just that I didn't think you went for guys like that," Jihoon said quickly. 

"I don't," Jeonghan muttered. 

"What was that?" Jihoon asked, not hearing. 

"Oh, nothing," Jeonghan told him, wriggling out of Seungcheol's grasp. "Come on, let's go." 

Just then the sound of heels clicking on pavement began to make it's way closer to the three. 

"Uh oh," Seungcheol muttered. 

"Is it..?" Jeonghan tralied off. 


"Jeonghan?" Jihoon prompted. 

"You go on ahead Jihoon, I'll be right there," Jeonghan told him. 

"O-okay." The small boy turned and began to head towards the Psych building. 


Jeonghan turned to find Seungcheol's ex glaring at him forcefully. 

"Who is this?" 

"Eunbi, this is my boyfriend, Jeonghan," Seunghceol said slowly. 

"You're cheating on me?" Eunbi accused. 

"No," Seunghceol said. "We," he gestured towards himself and Eunbi," are not together." 

"Stop lying Seunghceol!" Eunbi cried. "You love me, you said you did!" 

"People lie," was Seungcheol's stone-cold reply. 

Eunbi glared at him. "You'll come to your senses soon enough," she hissed. "As for you," she snapped, turning on Jeonghan. "Stay away from my Cheolie, you hear me? I'll send my brothers after you if I see you with him again, you , you understand?" 

"Hey," Seungcheol snapped. "Don't you dare speak to him like that!" 

Eunbi blinked. "Cheolie, he's ruining our relationship." 

"No, you did that," Seunghceol hissed. Tears filled Eunbi's eyes and she ran away, which was rather impressive, as she was in six-inch heels. 

Seungcheol let out a long sigh and without any warning, turned and wrapped his arms around Jeonghan, resting his head on his shoulder. "I hate having to deal with people like her," he murmured. Jeonghan blinked and looked down at Seunghceol's shaggy black head. But as soon as the change in his fake boyfriend had come, it was gone. 

"Don't you have a Psych class to get to?" Seungcheol asked, pulling away. Jeonghan's eyes widened. 

"! I'm late!" He hissed, then turned to run towards his class. Before he took one step, he was pulled back by Seungcheol. "What are you doing, I need to go!" Seungcheol just smiled down at him. 

"You think I would let you get away without a kiss?" He teased. Jeonghan blinked up at him, then let his eyelids flutter shut as Seungcheol lowered his kips down to Jeonghan's in a soft kiss. "Have fun, study well," Seungcheol said. "Remeber to act Jeonghan," he whispered covertly after his first statement. Jeognah rolled his eyes and nodded, then turned and darted to his class. 

Mrs. Jung paused her speech as Jeonghan burst into the lecture room. She pushed her librarian's glasses up her crooked nose disapprovingly. "You're late, Mr. Yoon," she observed. 

"Sorry Mrs. Jung, it won't happen again," he said, bowing. 

"I should hope not. Have a seat." 

He nodded and hurried to his seat next to Jihoon. The younger glanced up from his notes. "What was that all about?" He whispered. 

"Tell you later," Jeonghan replied. "Sorry to ditch you like that," he continued, opdning his Psych textbook. 

"It's okay. I ran into Jisoo and he was nice enough to walk me here," Jihoon murmured. 

"Oh yeah, the Biblical Literature major you were telling me about, that guy?" Jeonghan asked, copying down the quotes on the board. 

"Yeah, that's him, apparantly he-" 

"Mr. Yoon, Mr. Lee, I have told you two to stop chatting since the beginning of the year, will you ever heed my demands?" Mrs. Jung snapped. 

"Sorry Mrs. Jung," they chorused and continued with their notes. 


For once in his life, Jeonghan wasn't dragged of to the mall with Mingyu, Minseo and Wonwoo as soon as he stepped out of the Psych Building. He glanced around just to double check that they weren't waiting to kidnap him, but when he didn't see any of them anywhere, he couldn't help jumping up and down in happiness. 

Jihoon looked at him. "What's with you?"

"I don't have to go shopping!" Jeonghan cried gleefully. 

"Right..." Jihoon trailed off. 

"Ahh, I can't wait to get home, and sleep and-"


Jeonghan scowled at being cut off and immediately glared at the newcomer. "I was talking, Soonyoung." 

The Performance major shrugged. "Sorry." Soonyoung walked over to Jihoon, who was just looking at him. 

"Hey Soonyoung," he said. "Been a while since I've seen you around here." 

"I know, right? You guys just come from class?" Soonyoung said, adjusting his messenger bag. 

"Yeah," Jihoon replied. 

"Mr. Yoon! Mr. Lee! do not loiter around here after class!"

"Sorry Mrs. Jung!" Theu chorused and decended the stairs of the Psych Building. 

"Do you guys have any classes after this?" Soonyoung asked. 

"Nope!" Jeonghan cried cheerfully. 

"I have Music History and Free Compsition later," Jihoon replied. 

"Cool, you still writing songs?" Soonyoung asked. 

"Mmhmm," Jihoon hummed. "You still dancing?"

"Yep. Actually, Jeonghan, you know Jun's ex? Minghao?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Jeonghan asked, looking at Soonyoung. 

"Well, I think he recently changed his major. He used to be a Photo Journalism Major, right?" 


"Well, I think he changed to performance. He's in our Choreography class now," Soonyoung told him. Jeonghan blanched. 

"Uh oh." 

"What?" Jihoon asked. 

"That can't be good. Junhui and Minghao in the same class? How awkward was it?" Jeonghan asked, stopping to wait for a group of giggling freshmen girls to pass by. One of them winked at him, and he just glared back. she huffed and followed after her friends. 

"Pretty awkward. neither of them could focus on the dance and kept running into each other. At one point Minghao tripped over his own feet and fell onto Jun, who also fell over. Now that, was probably the most awkward situation I'd ever been in," Soonyoung said with a laugh. 

"I bet. Hey, I'll see you guys later," Jeonghan said, stopping as his phone rang. 

"Okay," Jihoon replied, and he and Soonyoung waved and headed off. 

"Hello?" Jeonghan said into his phone. 

"Jeonghan, get home right now," Jun's voice said. He sounded panicked. 

"What, what's wrong, did something happen, is the apartment going up in flames?" Jeonghan asked, starting to run in the direction of his apartment. 

"What? No." 

Jeonghan stopped. "Then what is it?" 

"You're um, fake boyfriend is standing in our living room. I got back here and he was waiting outside, but he didn't leave when I told him that you probably wouldn't be here for a while. Are you out with the Distruction siblings and Emu?" Junhui asked. 

Jeonghan rolled his eyes at the stupid code names. "No, actually, I'm on my way home right now." He checked both sides before hurriyng to cross a busy street on the outskirts of campus. 

"Good, because it doesn't look like he's leaving anytime soon," Jun told him. 

"Ugh, that's just great. Tell him I'll be right there," Jeonghan said. 

"Yeah okay." Jeonghan hung up and came to his apartment building. Ugh, just the thought of seeing Seungcheol right now made him want to be sick. How many times was that guy going to bother him? 

He briefly greeted the doorman and headed to the stair well. And when were they going to get around to fixing the damn elevator? He was tired of going up the stairs every day. 

Grumbling under his breath, Jeonghan came onto his floor and dragged himself to his door. As soon as he opened the door, Junhui came rushing over. 

"Do something!" his roommate hissed. Jeonghan looked over Jun's shoulder and sighed. Seungcheol was casually leaning against he wall by the fridge, looking (surprise surprise!) smug. 

Placing his Psych books on the counter and closing the door, Jeonghan sighed. "We're not in public, Seungcheol, I don't have to deal with you," he said, placing a hand on his hip. 

The elder shrugged. "I know. I'm bored." 

"Well, too bad," Jeinghan snapped. "You should've thought of that before findining a fake boyfriend who wants nothing to do with you in reality!" 

Seungcheol gave him an extremely unimpressed look. "Better not lose your temper," he warned. "You forget, I know your secret." 

"Yeah, and how many more?" Joenghan burst. 

"Uh, Jeonghan, I think you should know-" 

"That you're the one who told him?" He snapped, turning on Jun. 

"H-how did you know?" His roommate stuttered. 

"Oh please Junhui," Jeonghan spat. "You're the biggest gossip on campus! And if you thought you were bad when you were dating Minghao, then take a good look at yourself now. Telling the worst person that I wear girls' underwear just so you can spend a few more minutes with the Choi Seungcheol? What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled, his blonde hair flying. 

"J-Jeonghan, I can explain," Jun tried. 

"No, Jun you've done enough for me. Maybe it's time you stop trying to interfere with my life and take a good long look at your own. You know, it's no surprise Minghao broke up with you. Aside from being a huge flirt, you're also the nosiest person I know. Plus an who doesn't know when it's time to stop!" Jeonghan knew that he shouldn't be saying things like this to his roommate, but he couldn't help it. He was just so mad. 

Tears filled up in Jun's amber eyes and he ran from the room, disappearing with a broken sob into his bedroom. 

"Jeonghan," Seungcheol said quietly, approaching him. 

"Get away from me!" He hissed, rasing his hand to hit him. Seungcheol merely grabbed his hand and his hip to keep him from moving. 

"Jeonghan," Seungcheol called softly, his deep voice vibrating through Jeonghan's ears. "Look at yourself. Is this who you are?" 

With a shuddering sigh, Jeonghan relaxed and lowered his head. 

"There you go," Seungcheol hummed, releasing him and taking a step back. Jeonghan shook himself out and combed back his hair. "Just breathe, you're fine. No one is trying to hurt you here."

"Aren't you?" Jeonghan breathed thickly. 

"No," Seungcheol replied calmly. "I'm trying to help myself. But I have never wanted to hurt you like this." 

Jeonghan didn't know what to say. "I-I'm sorry," he offered. 

"It's not me you need to apologize to," Seungcheol told him. Jeonghan let out a long sigh and rubbed his face. 

"I'll talk to him later. He would probably throw something breakable at me if I went in there right now." 

Seungcheol didn't say anything. 

"Hey," Jeonghan called. "How did you do that?" 

"What?" The elder replied. 

"Calm me down." 

Seungcheol shook his head. "That's not info I like to give out," he said. 

"Okay, I was just wondering." Jeonghan stretched. "I need a nap," he mumbled, 

"it's 11 in the morning," Seungcheol told him. 

"So?" He defended. "I'm tired." With that he turned and stalked into his bedroom. To his dismay, Seungcheol did not get the hint and leave. Instead, the campus crush followed him.

"Can you not?" Jeonghan snapped, laying down on his bed.

"What?" The elder asked dumbly.

"Stay? Why don't you leave, there's gotta be someone else you can bother." 

Seungcheol shrugged and lay down next to him, ignoring Jeonghan's growl of discontent. "I could try my cousin, but he's a freshman and drowning in homework, so I doubt he'd be able to chill." 

"Ugh, how did I get stuck with you?" Jeonghan complained. "Me, of all people! What even made you choose me? I'm probably the single person on campus who isn't affected by what you claim to be your charms, plus my personality and yours just don't match well." 

"Well, I guess, that's why," Seungcheol said thoughfully. "People wouldn't expect it." 

"I sure didn't," Jeonghan grumbled. 

"Look, I'm sorry that I'm ruining your life, but I kinda need a break from obsessive exes and mobs of freshmen girls trying to drape themselves across me wherever I go. This relationship, however fake it may be, is going to be a nice long break from all of that." Seungcheol looked calmly up at the ceiling as he spoke. Jeonghan blinked. 

"Is it really that bad being popular?" He asked.

"You have no idea," Seungcheol breathed. Jeonghan lay back and thought. Seungcheol's reasoning was fair, if a little bit self-centered. I mean, it was all fine and well to try to get away from all that, but dragging Jeonghan into this was a tad inconsiderate. 

As he thought more about it, Jeonghan realized he new next to nothing about the guy he would be calling his boyfriend for the next month and a half. Seungcheol already knew his deepest secret, where he lived, what Major he was, and where he would be on Saturday mornings. Yet all Jeonghan knew about the terribly egotistical, dark-haired male was that he was rich and liked to blackmail people into getting what he wanted. 

"Tell me something about yourself," Jeonghan said suddenly, breaking the silence. 

"What do you mean?" The elder asked, craning his neck to look at him. 

"Just that. You already know so much about me, credit to our very own Wen Junhui, but I don't know anything about you. Come on, you've gotta have some juicy secret, or maybe a weird uncle that nobody talks about? Maybe you love dogs and have a pet chihuahua, or you've got some weird kink, just talk to me." Jeonghan cast him a teasing look. "It's about you, your favorite subject." 

Seungcheol scowled at him. "Har har, so funny," he droned sarcastically. 

Jeonghan laughed and his side to look at Seungcheol. The elder mirrored him and thought for a second. 

"Okay, here's something," he said. Jeonghan nodded eagerly. "Oh, but I don't know... it could be the downfall of my reputation," Seungcheol added in mock indecision. 

"Stop mocking me, you ," Jeonghan said with a laugh, playfully hitting Seungcheol's shoulder. The elder laughed. 

"Okay, okay, here it is," he told him, falling back dramatically and tossing an arm over his eyes. He peeked at Jeonghan briefly before covering his face and mumbling, "my favorite color is grey." 

Jeonghan frowned. "That's it? That's what you made me wait for?" 

"It's embarrassing," Seungcheol muttered. 

"Not really," Jeonghan replied. "Grey is my favorite color too." 

"Really?" Seungcheol asked, intrigued. "Why?" 

Jeonghan thought. "Well, how do I put this. Have you ever seen the dawn sky just before the sun begins to show?" 

Seungcheol frowned. "You know, I can't say that I have. When youre as rich and busy as I am, you don't have time for thise things." 

Jeonghan hummed, then continued. "Well, the color of the sky is a beautiful grey, and it just feels like something amazing is going to happen. That's why I like grey. It has the feeling that the world is on the verge of finding true beauty." Jeonghan felt his face heat up as Seungcheol propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at him. 

"You know, I think anybody who has eyes and has seen you would say that they've already seen true beauty." 

Jeonghan scruched up his face. "Oh, gross, did you just come up with that? Ugh that is the worst line I've ever heard. And I've heard a lot of bad ones, believe me." 

Seungcheol laughed. "I have to agree with you, that was pretty bad." He fell back on his back and looked up at the ceiling. "But you're description of the color is rather intriguing." 

"I guess," Jeonghan thought. "It's just the way I feel. And stop using big words, they don't suit people like you." 

The elder scowled over at him. "I'll have you know that my vocabulary is rather intimidating compared to other people's." 

"Seungcheol, we're not having a business transaction, you don't have to be formal. In fact please don't be, it's weird." Jeonghan looked over at the elder to see him making the most ridiculous face Jeonghan had ever seen. It looked like Queen Elizabeth had her portrait painted and the artist sneezed at the last second, smearing her face into one that looked like a disgusted chicken. He held back a laugh, but when Seungcheol didn't stop, he couldn't hold it. He let out a snort and covered his mouth, embarassed of his laugh. It would start with a snort then continue with a series of rapid giggles. 

Seungcheol's face lit up with a smile at Jeonghan's laugh. "Your laugh is adorable " he told him. 

Jeonghan shook his head, still trying to hide it as he continued to laugh. "No, it's not " he broke out between giggles. "I hate it, I sound ridiculous!" 

Seungcheol just laughed with him. "It's okay, nobody judges you for your laugh," he said. 

"That's where you're wrong. I have been judged several times for my laugh," Jeonghan told him. 

"Well, those peoples are asshats," Seungcheol told him factually, as if it couldn't be argued. 

"True," Jeonghan replied, smiling at the elder. Seungcheol smiled back, then stretched. 

"What about you?" You got anything else to share with me?" He asked. 

"Pfft, as if, you already now I wear girls underwear," Jeonghan scoffed. 

"Oh, speaking of," Seungcheol said slyly. Jeonghan looked flirtatiously back at him, going along. "I was wondering when you would give your boyfriend a look at your wardrobe choices." Seungcheol reached out and drew his finger along the waistband of Jeonghan's sweatpants, looking at Jeonghan hopefully. 

"Sorry Seungcheol," Jeonghan replied, moving the elder's hand away. "I don't give out teasers." 

"Oh, pooh," Seungcheol said with a pout. "My boyfriend won't let me look at him." 

Jeonghan rolled his eyes. "You . Why don't you find someone else to whine about, hmm?" 

"You see, I would, but I rather like whining about you. Annoying people is what I live for." 

"Yet anoter reason I hate you," Jeonghan told him. Seungcheol cast him a disapproving look. 

"It would be nice if you tried not to say that every five minutes," the elder said pointedly. 

"What, your massive ego can't take it?" Jeonghan scoffed. 

Seungcheol's frown deepened into a glare. "Stop acting like you know me, becuase you don't." 

"Yeah, I noticed!" Jeonghan cried, sitting up. "I don't even want to know how much Junhui told you, yet you refrain from giving me the most basic things about yourself! If you're looking for someone who can deal with secrets, keep moving Seungcheol, cause real or fake, secretive realtionships are not my thing!" 

In a massive motion, Seungcheol had him pinned against the bed, his wrists held above his head. "Look, Jeonghan," the elder hissed down at him. "Like it or not, anything that has to do with me, is going to involve secrets, and I am not looking to switch partners after one day. Wether you want to or not, you will pretend to to be my boyfriend for the next six weeks, and if I don't tell you anything about myself in that time, then so be it!" 

"I will not just sit here and let you pick me apart untill you know everyhting about me while I know nothing about you!" Jeonghan snapped. "While you may be okay with that, I'm not." Seungcheol opened his mouth to reply, but Jeonghan cut him off. "I get that you may have things that you want to keep hidden and to yourself. We all do. But just becuase you're self-centered and rich doesn't mean that you actually get to keep it to yourself. One way or another, I will find your secrets and then I will admit we're even. But I refuse to go through this whole charade if you keep hiding yourself. How embarassing can it be? If you haven't forgotten, I wear girls underwear. You can't really go back from that." 

Seungcheol glared down at him for a moment before sighing and releasing him, rolling to the side  and standing up. "I'll just head out." 

Jeonghan blinked. We wasn't expecting that. "Seungcheol-" 

"No, you're right. Relationships, real or fake, are no place for secrets. But I have too many secrets that I can't risk getting out. So, I'll just leave." 

Letting out a long sigh, Jeonghan stood up and walked over to  Seungcheol, gently grabbing his wrist. "I didn't ask you to leave, Seungcheol. I asked you to not keep secrets from me while this whole act is up." 

The elder looked down at him for a moment, before nodding. "Okay. I can try that." 

"Thank you," Jeonghan told him. "Now then," he dragged Seungcheol back to the bed and flopped on it, pulling out his laptop. "I'm on episode twelve of Descendents of the Sun, and I really want to finish it soon. You think you could keep me company? My usually binge-watching companion is visiting his mom in Jeju, and my back-up has classes today." 

Seungcheol nodded thoughtfully. "I suppose it couldn't hurt." 

"Cool. Just please, no flirting," Jeonghan begged. "I only asked you becuase my other options are out." 

"What about Junhui?" Seungcheol asked. 

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. "Um, i'm pretty sure he's a bit occupied with crying his eyes out over a break-up right now." 

"Touché," Seungcheol replied with a wink. "Yeah, let's do this." 

Jeonghan smiled and hit play.




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Little update about the state of things has been added.


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Alyssamaer #1
Chapter 22: May 2020 and waiting. ?
Duh_carrot #2
Chapter 22: Are you ing kidding meeee!???

Tf Cheol!????
ververthesecret #3
Every time I go back to this fic, I feel like one piece is missing T_T I still cannot call this an ending, it's just... unexpected and incomplete T_T Please come back with a sequel.
realELF #4
Chapter 22: April 2019,
And I'm still waiting for the sequel :(
keigojjc #5
Chapter 22: Just spam read this in one day. U’re not leaving this like that r u? It really needs a sequel. Am crying for Jeonghan.
ververthesecret #6
Chapter 2: So seungcheol is kind of a unreasonable and selfish guy. I know he's self-centered type but isn't it too much? He asks for everything but on the other hand he just doesn't want to let people know a piece about him. Basically he's that type who will sooner or later get on your nerves until you can't bear it anymore and snub him haha. Anyway talking about getting on nerves, I really like that scene where jeonghan scolded junhui. Yeah deserve. Sometimes we just have no choice but go straight forwards and scream at other people's face. We still have chances to make up later so don't hesitate haha. Besides I like the way seungcheol sofly calmed jeonghan down too. He has magic ^^
ververthesecret #7
Chapter 1: Why do I feel like all this is just a plan by choi seungcheol? I mean everything is just his plan to get together with jeonghan and later make jeonghan fall for him. If it's true then nice idea seungcheol, jeonghan wouldn't be able to resist you haha. Anyway I hope to read more about their relationship, because they don't seem to be close friends but absolutely not strangers to each other and looks like they have the same circle of friends too. Move to the next chapter now!
I wanna watch the trailer!
BornThisMiu #9
Chapter 22: Omg. No. You can't do this to my poor romantic and emotional self. I liked this story. I liked how they went from that fake relationship to actually loving each other. It wasn't that sappy as most of the fics i read with this theme. Baksu!