The Beautiful Exorcist

Snow White

[When visiting the palace, Seol was told that Queen died due to her illness and for the upcoming Spirit Ritual, she had her brothers, Wang Chi and the Crown Prince participate. But this time, Seol becomes the Bangsangshi, the centric role to surprise her uncle So who doesn’t know Seol returned.]


Five people, in their red robes and mask as Jinjas*, stood on their spot with one woman in black priestess robe of Bangsangshi*. The other young woman in the furred robes, with the mask of Changsu* stood behind. The practice for the Spirit Ritual has over and they took their mask off. Five, in red, were Hwangbo Seol, Cheon Chu-Jeon, A-Ji, Wang Chi, and the Crown Prince Ju. The Changsu was Hwangbo Su. And the central role, Bangsangshi, was Seol.

“Princes and princesses, well done for today. His majesty would be very proud.” Seol smiled as she brushed off the sweats from her forehead.

“And also switching our roles to surprise out king is a great idea,” Ju grinned, “he would be so surprised with you.”

Seol giggled playfully. It’s been years since she didn’t visit the palace. When she met the Crown Prince and his sisters, Seol didn’t saw the Queen. She asked for her once, and Ju told her that his mother passed away due to her illness. Seol had seen their face and somehow, she felt as if they were hiding something as their face were filled with fear, dread, and anxiety. But she decided not to press any further.

Then they heard Lady Gyeonghwagung enter with Princess Wang A-Ji, nicknamed A-Ran by her siblings, Bo-Hwa, and Moon-Duk.

“I see everyone’s prepared for the ritual for tonight,” The lady smiled then she turned to Seol, “it’s been long time, child.”

“I’m very glad to see you again. Oh, don’t tell his highness about me.” She smiled as she whispered.

The lady smiled back.
 “Of course, I promise.”

“I can’t wait to see Seol’s Bangsangshi!” Princess Moon-Duk squealed.

Seol sighed as she glanced at the sky, hoping the night will come soon. She heard the noise of her brothers running around as Chi and Ju laughed. She stifled hers, but nonetheless with a broad smile she giggled openly unaware of Ju and Chi’s gaze on her. But two young men’s eyes were also noticed by Hwangbo sisters who made a knowing smile.

“Seol, after the ritual…don’t forget to teach me martial arts!” Hwangbo Su said excitedly.

Yoo Seol looked at her friend, with a small curl in her lips she smiled.

“Of course~!”

Then she directed them all to restart the practice, couldn’t wait to surprise her father and uncles. Lady Gyeonghwagung and the princesses only grinned, promising to keep Bangsangshi’s identity in secret until she reveals herself.

The young night has come as the pale moon glowed along with stars. The palace had the preparation for the ritual done. Lanterns hanged on the hook at each corner, the halls decorated with large lanterns with the shape of dragon, phoenix, and other imaginary animals. Goryeo flags were on the wall. 

With the slightly aged king on the throne and the lady beside, Jung and Baek-Ah was on both sides, anticipating. The drums began to strike, announcing the presence of Bangsangshi, the guardian of the gate between the earth and the underworld. The king and his brothers were a bit confused with the appearance of the central role. Bangsangshi has a dark robe of priestess with finely built mask with four holes of eyes. She was holding the bronze shield and the spear, swooshing its direction summoning the Jinjas and Changsu.

The doors opened, revealing the red and white Jinjas who were holding their sword. The White ones appeared from the bottom as Changsu emerged along. Even Changsu was wearing the furred priestess robe. The men were behind her, holding their whip. They all stopped at their respective spot, waiting for the king’s permission to begin.

“Now with all Jinjas gathered, let us begin to slay the demons!” Jung announced with loud voice so everyone can hear.

With smile, Gwangjong held his arm, beginning the ritual.

The drum rang twice, and Jinjas, with Bangsangshi raised their swords swooshed them in different direction as if in attempt to slice the wind. Rotating the spots as they stomped their feet in every rhythm. The king and his brothers focused on the central role, wondering her identity.

“She’s really talented…” They heard A-Ran mused.

“Of course,” Moon-Duk agreed, “she was known for excellent martial art skills.”

Their conversation provoked more curiosity. Even the officials murmured in awe and wonder. The Jinjas formed a line started with Bangsangshi, Their swords spun as a circle, divided the group with another summoning positions. Their hand raised and reached to the door. All of sudden, the clowns with the mask of demons, ogres and evil spirits appeared they diverse to different direction in an act of causing the discord. But stopped as Bangsangshi, Yoo Seol, jumped on the center, spun around with her spear in such intense, overwhelming grace and might blocking every attack from the evil spirits.

Jung and Baek-Ah was impressed as the king raised his eyebrows, extremely curious of the identity. A-Ran, Bo-Hwa, and Moon-Duk gasped in amazement, smiling as Seol displayed an exceptional role. Lady Gyeonghwagung smiled as Munhye remained silent as she was worried for Seol due to her overworking practice previously.

The crown prince Wang Ju and Chi stared at Seol’s every movement, admiration on their face. The powerful grace looming over her like a white tigress. Cheon Chu-Jeon and A-Ji smiled in pride as they witness their older sister. What the elder brother didn’t noticed was A-Ran’s devoted glance towards him.

They were all looking at Changsu chanting the spell as her men whipped the ground in attempt to chase the demons. Changsu and Bangsangshi spun in circle, cornering the spirits who were trying to attack the guardians. The spirits held their wooden swords and directed to Seol’s. She used her spears to block them, but as one wooden sword managed to hook beneath her mask it shoved upward, revealing her face. ‘Now’s the surprise!’ Ju and Chi exclaimed in their thought. 

As the mask unraveled, her hair—which tied in buns—had the ribbon ripped, causing her long black hair flowing. Her doe-like eyes focused the the spirits as she shoved them back with her spear, proud smirk on her face as they collapsed on the floor, indicating the defeat of demons.

Ju and Chi’s eyes grew wide as they saw a vision in fair snow and night. Seol looked like a beautiful priestess whom no one can dare to touch. Princesses giggled as Lady Gyeonghwagung smiled. Baek-Ah and Jung’s eyes were wide as much as their mouth hung. Their Seol was the Bangsangshi, the guardian of the portal between earth and underworld, the priestess in black. Their eyes were locked on one another, then at the king.

Gwangjong’s almond-shaped eyes were directly on Bangsangshi as the finale was over. Her skin was fair as a fragile snow, hair black as starless night. Her eyes were bright and innocent as one doe on the woods. As if his paternal instincts says, he immediately recognized her.




Bangsangshi: The representative guardian/god who exorcise and slay the evil spirits.
Jinja(s): The princes, eunuchs, or other additional roles who help Bangsangshi with the process of spirit ritual.
Changsu: The caster who chants the spell to chase away the spirits during the ritual.

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Mardjoon #1
Chapter 22: So sad and touching at the same time?
riooojieee #2
Chapter 40: So kawaii~ anyways, MLSHR will be aired on our country on March or Summer. Huehue excited! -skl
stevelisen #3
Chapter 40: made this series come to such an awesome ending. I am going to miss this series. I hope you start writing Snow White and Seven Uncles soon. I can't wait for more amusing protectiveness of all the princes. Wang Yo is so cool with his rules. Eun has not changed at all.
katriananovera #4
Chapter 39: So sweet. . love how this story ended. . ^^
Hae Soo always looking for her children, her Seol.
Poor Gwangjong. Hopefully they'll meet again in movie premier ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
stevelisen #5
Chapter 39: Aww...they have their own little family, how sweet! Three kids and one on the way... It is absolutely the best ending to Wang Ju and Seol's love story. Can't wait for the next Snow White series to start!
Lovefreely17 #6
Chapter 38: Whoa! Ju faked his own death (and illness) and gave up the thrown and his power for the love of his life, Seol, so that they could truly love each other freely. If that's not true romance & love, then I don't know what is? I can't wait to read how Seol & Ju will hopefully live a happy life from here on out :)
katriananovera #7
Chapter 38: Gwangjong maybe should choose this path. But if he choose same thing as Ju's, there no more King that make a great slavery law.

Nice story Nakahara씨
stevelisen #8
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh, I know the man who stole Queen Hunjung's lips are sealed though...I can't wait to see how you play it out.
Lovefreely17 #9
Chapter 33: Does Hwangbo mean evil in Korean because it seems like that clan seems to have quite a history of evil seeds & continuing none the less. Chi is like the epitome of evil, who plots to poison & kill their own father & grandmother? Oh I know a psycho! Also who treats their own sisters like their just something to be controlled & given away like candy? Oh I know a psycho!
Lovefreely17 #10
Chapter 32: Seol is truly the mother of a nation, for only a mother would make you think & reflect. Hopefully, Seol & Ju still have a chance at becoming parents to their own child(ren) in the future.