A Day For Us (For Her)

Snow White

[Seol wanted to have Ju and the king to have father/son time. But it wasn’t easy as she thought. She believed that if she interferes it will only make it worse, but Ju willingly let her join with him and Gwangjong because he knew what his father really wants was to spend his time with his daughter.]


Seol groaned as she laid on her bed. It’s been weeks since she tried to make Ju and the king having a father/son bonding and NOTHING  seemed working. She even tried to spy on them and Ju or her uncle always wanted her to join them. She could even see the difference of how the king behaves towards her and Ju, especially during his birthday. The king only managed to thanked Ju when the crown prince gave him gifts, but when Seol gave hers to him, he immediately thanked her with fatherly smile Ju never gained from. And that made Seol guilty.
She heard the knock from the door and Ju asking if he could enter. He was wearing a plain green and light purple robe.

“Why didn’t you join the teas with everyone?” He asked, concerned, “are you feeling well?”

Seol shook her head no. Figuring out what she planned, Ju couldn’t help but smiling at her. He knew she purposely wanted to have Ju and the king, her father, to share some father and son times but if she interferes her plan will only make it worse.

“Seol, I know you want me to get along with him, but that’s not what we both want.”

Seol looked at Ju.

“Like I said before, I had know about your identity long time ago. I heard them when I was only twelve. And I realized what he wanted the most…”

He remembered the time he overheard the king’s conversation with Baek-Ah. And he finally realized how Seol was important to him.

Twelve years old Ju was always the boy to avoid his father—no, he was a king before a father. But when he heard the noise from the king’s chamber. Curiosity overwhelmed him and he carefully leaned on the door and peeked in.

“How’s Jung?”

It was the voice of a king.

“He’s been training Seol with archery and martial arts.” Baek-Ah replied.

Gwangjong sighed. Judging by the voice, Ju could tell the king had a dosed himself into an alcohol while having a conversation with Baek-Ah. The Crown Prince found himself miss Seol also.

“Your majesty, you must stop this vengeance against Hwangbo,” Baek-Ah spoke in serious tone, “for our Seol, it’s for her best. It’s for Soo’s best.”
The king glared.

“I’m getting rid of those dregs, those—demons for her own good!” He yelled, “for my only daughter I never get see now…”

Ju’s eyes grew wide. ‘Seol…is the king’s daughter?’ He thought. And he remembered when the name of Seol’s mother, Hae Soo, was mentioned from different people. Baek-Ah and Jung once told him she was the most beautiful and kindest woman. His youthful eyes softened when he also remembered the time he heard Hae Soo passed away after she gave birth to Seol. And most of all, Ju had aware of the fact that his father, Gwangjong loved the woman…no—he still longed for her.

“My daughter Seol…I let her live without her mother, because of this wretched chair my brothers craved for, she’s dead…! I didn’t get to see Seol being held by her mother…”

Ju’s eyes grew more solemn, compassionate. Instead of feeling the envy for the girl, he felt the empathetic emotions for both her and the king. He could hear the vulnerability in the king’s shaking voice. He could see the one line of teardrop flew from his father’s eyes.

“My Seol’s first words…her first steps…” the king’s fist slammed on the table in anguish, “I…missed it all!!!”

Guilt overflowing in his heart, little Ju left the scene. In every day like this, he really missed the girl whose singing voice couldn’t be much more soothing. He prayed Seol would come back to bring the smile on the king’s face.

Seol remained silent as Ju explained.

“I appreciate you for trying to make me get along with him, but what he wanted the most…was to spend more time with you. He had missed all memories he wished to share with you..so it’s not me who should mend his struggles, his scars. It should be you.” He told with smile.

Seol was close to verged on tears. Ju held her hands tightly.

“So I’m here to ask you to stay with him.” Ju spoke in serene tone.

She nodded her head. Grinned in satisfaction, he stood up and bring her to the pavilion where Baek-Ah, the king, princesses, Wang Chi, and Hwangbo sisters wait for them. Seol and Gwangjong made a promise that she could call him father when they were alone. Besides, the king get the chances to spoil her once again.

Seol bowed stiffly at them, but gave the king a small smile. Gwangjong smiled widely at his daughter’s presence.

“How are you, Seol? I haven’t seen you for several days…”

“I’m sorry, your majesty…I didn’t feel well for three days.” She made a lie. Luckily, he seemed to believe her.

“I see… I should have come visit you,” Gwangjong nodded his head, understanding, “though I’m glad you were able to come in your special day.”

Seol tilted her head to the side and the king chuckled.

“It is your birthday, child.” Gwangjong smiled.

She blinked her eyes and gaped. She had forgotten her day. Princesses, Hwangbo sisters, Wang Chi and others brought their gifts to her as she thankfully accept them. She opened Baek-Ah’s, revealing an empty book with brushes and powders with color.

“Thank you!” She exclaimed.

“You told me you missed the day you painted with me, so I brought them.” Baek-Ah smiled.

The princesses gave their gifts. A-Ran had one from her husband Cheon Chu-Jeon who never get to reach to palace due to his training. She opened the princesses’ and saw beautiful hanboks folded and has accessories. Her face brightened as she opened her brothers’, displaying a rather strong bows and arrows. A-Ji’s were a rather handy, yet fashionable slingshot since that was the only thing he could give her. She giggled as she looked at the slingshot.

“Aww, it’s so adorable~!” She squealed.

Jung coughed and handed her his present. She opened and held the colorful ribbons with decorations. Hwangbo sisters gave her a pair of shoes, decorated with the illustration of peony flowers and butterfly. Wang Chi gave her an exquisite layered necklace, filled with foreign gemstones; diamonds and platinum gold. Ju’s eyes were wide as so did the others.

“This…are these from foreign country?” Seol asked Chi.

“It came from Persia. I brought this,” then Chi made a rather bashful expression with his smile, forming a dimple, “because I think it suits you.”

Ju noticed his cousin’s behavior and he couldn’t help but squinted his eyes. Seol could only remain silent in open-mouthed astonishment. She gently closed the black case, then smiled.

“Thank you…I will wear them someday.”

Chi smiled widely. He imagined Seol, wearing the most radiant necklace that shines just like her smile and as pure as her name that calls the fragile snowflakes.

“I send my gifts to your chambers. You should check them after.” the King said with generous smile.

“Umm, didn’t you send hanboks and hairpins yesterday?” Jung asked.

The king raised his eyebrows, feigned his obliviousness.

“Oh, did I?”

Baek-Ah rolled his eyes, but smiled. Princesses giggled at their father. They knew Gwangjong just wanted to spoil her a lot. A-Ran noticed Ju, who seemed flustered.

“Brother,” A-Ran faked her cough as she call out for him, “is there something you want to giver to our birthday girl?”

Ju flinched as he felt the eyes on him. He averted his gaze as he silently held a rather rectangular chest and folded paper attached. Seol’s eyes were brightened as she accepted and opened the case, revealing two hairpins with a shape of feathers formed with crystals and white gold chains.

“Your highness,” she smiled, “I love them so much.”

Ju managed to smile back.

“I found them somewhere at the market and I felt it is suitable for you and…,” then he whispered, “read this when no one can see it.”

Seol nodded her head.

“Thank you.”

As if an overprotective father mode has clicked, Jung and Gwangjong frowned at their romantic shades of pink looming around her. Chi’s expression darkened, sighed in defeat.

“Seol-ah, you should try the hairpin now!” Hwangbo Su suggested.

“Are you sure?” Seol asked as she spun around to see their face.

They all seemed to agree with Hwangbo Su’s suggestion. Seol tried the hairpins on both of the sides of her head, attached with her braids. Ju smiled in satisfaction, glad that his gift suits her well. Seeing her, Baek-Ah chuckled.

“My, our Crown Prince has a good eyes with gifts.”

The king gave short glare at his brother, but Baek-Ah pretended he didn’t notice. When he looked back at Seol laughing along with Ju, he sighed and formed a rather sad smile. But he was happy that his little girl had a quite eventful birthday as Seol get to smile everyday.

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Mardjoon #1
Chapter 22: So sad and touching at the same time?
riooojieee #2
Chapter 40: So kawaii~ anyways, MLSHR will be aired on our country on March or Summer. Huehue excited! -skl
stevelisen #3
Chapter 40: Aww...you made this series come to such an awesome ending. I am going to miss this series. I hope you start writing Snow White and Seven Uncles soon. I can't wait for more amusing protectiveness of all the princes. Wang Yo is so cool with his rules. Eun has not changed at all.
katriananovera #4
Chapter 39: So sweet. . love how this story ended. . ^^
Hae Soo always looking for her children, her Seol.
Poor Gwangjong. Hopefully they'll meet again in movie premier ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
stevelisen #5
Chapter 39: Aww...they have their own little family, how sweet! Three kids and one on the way... It is absolutely the best ending to Wang Ju and Seol's love story. Can't wait for the next Snow White series to start!
Lovefreely17 #6
Chapter 38: Whoa! Ju faked his own death (and illness) and gave up the thrown and his power for the love of his life, Seol, so that they could truly love each other freely. If that's not true romance & love, then I don't know what is? I can't wait to read how Seol & Ju will hopefully live a happy life from here on out :)
katriananovera #7
Chapter 38: Gwangjong maybe should choose this path. But if he choose same thing as Ju's, there no more King that make a great slavery law.

Nice story Nakahara씨
stevelisen #8
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh, I know the man who stole Queen Hunjung's heart...my lips are sealed though...I can't wait to see how you play it out.
Lovefreely17 #9
Chapter 33: Does Hwangbo mean evil in Korean because it seems like that clan seems to have quite a history of evil seeds & continuing none the less. Chi is like the epitome of evil, who plots to poison & kill their own father & grandmother? Oh I know a psycho! Also who treats their own sisters like their just something to be controlled & given away like candy? Oh I know a psycho!
Lovefreely17 #10
Chapter 32: Seol is truly the mother of a nation, for only a mother would make you think & reflect. Hopefully, Seol & Ju still have a chance at becoming parents to their own child(ren) in the future.