Special Chapter Part II

Bout Game: The Game Begin's
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Special Chapter for "Bout Game: The Game Begin's" (Mina meet Chaeyoung)



March 24th, Birthday!



"Arf ! Arf! Arf! Arf!" 

A distinct noise of a night howler dog from the neighborhood growled and it somehow ascended in the whole neighborhood..


*Clack!* *Clatter!*


Did I hear anything? Or it is still part of my dream?


*Clack!* *Clatter*


Well, I'm just totally dreaming.






The tapping and the howling dogs are so irritating! I covered my ears with my pillow just to prevent hearing those midnight brawling. Until...


"Mina...." A soft voice whispered that made me shiver.


For the curious sake, I mustered my courage to pull off the pillow and look for the voice who just called my name. I draw myself near the window and the latter makes me startled..


"Happy 12th birthday!"


It was Nayeon. She was climbing my window without thinking that it is so dangerous! Especially that she's a girl. It's even quite cold out there since it's the middle of the night. Thankfully, she's well covered.



"Shhhh!!" I hushed her voice down. "It's not happy anymore, you just disturb my lovely dream." I said irreverently.


"Yah! You should be thankful that I climbed here and greeted you before anyone does!" Nayeon screeched.


"Shhhh shhhhh.... Lower your voice, okay???. Don't shout or you'll wake my mom up." I said while gesturing her to silent.


"Fine. That's what I came here for." Nayeon said while going down. "Sorry for disturbing you." Nayeon sarcastically said.


"Bunny!" I called her.



Nayeon finally reached the ground. She then look at me and shot me a 'what?' face in exchange, I give her my gummy smile.


"Thanks." I said.


Nayeon then give back her bunny smile and said "Jalja~" and waved her hands.


"What a complex kid."




I yawned and got up from my bed. Remembering that today is my 12th birthday.



"Ahhhh.... Another ordinary day. Yeah.... Just an ordinary day." I murmured, trying to convinced myself that, indeed it is just an ordinary day. I lay down to my bed and sleep, again.


I was supposed to went back to my dreamland when suddenly someone abruptly enters my room and screamed,




I grunt, the thought of me making this day an ordinary day is absolutely obsolete for Nayeon.



"Yah yah. My ears keep ringing because of your voice." I said as I covered my ears with a pillow.


"I will let Nayeon to keep on shouting Happy Birthday if you ain't gonna get up from bed, honey." That's mom.


"Mom!" I get up and approached my mom and give her a hug.

"Otanjoubi omedetto watashi wa hime. Aieru yo."  (Happy Birthday my Princess. I love you.) Mom said in Japanese and a peck landed on my forehead.

"Arigatou Oka-san." (Thank you Mom) I said and give her a tight hug.

"You made my morning."


"Excuse me.." Nayeon cleared .


"Opps. It looks like we forget that your cute little friend is here." Mom said as she poke my nose.

"Leave her mom. She's annoying, though." I teased Nayeon.


"Yah! That's not how you supposed to say thank you at my full effort greetings!" Nayeon yelled that made mom laughed. So the latter it makes me laughed, too.


"Like mother like daughter." Nayeon said and wheezed. She then pout and interlaced each arms.

"Nayeon-nah. Come here darling." Mom said and Nayeon followed too.


When N

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