[Jinwoon] The Next Time

The Girl in the Rain


“Jinwoonie, how are things?” Kwonnie hyung asked me as I collapsed on the sofa. I just arrived from the studio, recording yet another song for my solo album. I’ve been tired these days, with so many things to do. I muster up my strength and turn on the television.

Just in time.

On Mnet’s channel there has been a show I’m watching lately, despite the fact that I’m constantly tired everyday. “One Entertainment presents… DNA.” is always the opening to the show. It’s one of those shows which features a group just before their debut. I knew that this was recorded a few weeks ago since DNA had their debut stage last week with the song, “The Chains That Bind”, composed by no other than the great ONE himself. Still, I find the show relaxing so I never fail to watch it everytime it’s aired.

“Oh, it’s on!” Seulong hyung sat down beside me. Through the times I’ve been watching the show I know they were curious on my interest with the group. To be honest, though, I wasn’t interested in the whole group itself.

“Where are we going today?” the PD asks from behind the camera.

“I promised the café across the street to play a few songs, I always come there during my free time,” the girl replied with a smile.

It has been more than two years, but I never forgot that smile in my head. It was just one encounter but it made an impression on me that lasted perhaps a lifetime.

Onscreen, the girl was just wearing jeans and a shirt with a leather jacket, though in any outfit she would always be just as beautiful to me. She took out her acoustic and went up on the café’s stage,

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’d like to play some songs for you today. This is my rendition of B2ST’s On Rainy Days.”

Kwon hyung noticed the smirk on my face, “I always see Jinwoonie smile whenever he watches this show, I wonder why.”

“Yah, you’re one to talk, Kwon. Aren’t you always staring at the television, mouth opened wide whenever you watch BEG’s performances?” Changmin hyung joined in, “leave Jinwoonie alone. Haha.”

“I’m hungry,” was the only thing Seulong hyung said. Changmin hyung hurriedly went back to the kitchen to resume his cooking.

I was still watching the girl on screen as I remembered that day… the first time I told someone about my dream to become a rock star.

The day I met Yuki noona.


“Hah, today we made a lot of progress. Take the rest of the day off, Jinwoon,” manager told me. I was relieved. Going solo was harder than I thought. Even though I loved what I was doing, rock and roll and guitars and all, I couldn’t wait for 2AM’s comeback, when I would share all this tiresome work with my hyungs.

So, where should I go today?

I remembered the show from last night. I wonder… though wouldn’t it be stupid? But today is a school day after all…


“Yah, isn’t that Jinwoon from 2AM?”

“Jung Jinwoon! He’s so tall and handsome!”

“I wonder if we can talk to him?”

I sighed. The café was full of people, but not one of them was the person I wanted to meet. I was stupid to think that I could meet her here.

Just then, “Yuki-sshi! The usual, I assume?” the café owner called from behind the counter.

“Deh, ajusshi. Thanks!”

It was her. She was wearing a trench coat today over the usual jeans and plain shirt. I wouldn’t blame her, though. It’s starting to get cold outside since it’s November.

“Two idols in one day! We should come here a lot,” I heard the girl from the next table tell her friend. I tried to hold back a laugh. If other idols came here, they would be for the same reason I am. The thought sent an uncomfortable feeling through my stomach.

I should talk to her, right? But I was afraid of how other people were going to react. I mean, DNA and 2AM haven’t even met yet and I was conscious of the fact that our meeting would spread all over the place if I didn’t know how to act correctly.

I was about to make up my mind when I saw Jonghyun hyung come in. What is he doing here? He went to the counter and ordered something and then sat in front of Noona.

“CNBLUE’s Jonghyun!”

“What is he doing here?”

“3 idols!”

The whispers were too much to the point of them being annoying. I looked over at Noona’s table and she had a skeptic look on her face while Jonghyun was trying his best to maintain his smile. I don’t sense any awkwardness between them so I assume they’ve known each other for a while lately?

Aw, what the heck? I stood up and went to their table, Noona saw me and smiled. Oh, she recognized me after all.

“Kid! Long time no see!” and she gestured me to take a seat so I did. Jonghyun looked at me, curious.

“You two know each other?”

Noona took a sip from her drink which caused a slight pause in the conversation. She was looking at Jonghyun intensely. In a good way or in a bad way, I don’t know.

“Yes, in fact, I saved him from being beat up a few years ago.”

My face flushed. I remembered that it wasn’t exactly like that, though it was about to until Noona showed up. I was a kid then, so you couldn’t blame me.

“Anyway, Jinwoon, I’m surprised you debuted with 2AM. Aren’t they a ballad group? I thought you loved rock music,” noona commented. She was looking at me now and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Aish, what is wrong with you today, stomach?

“Yes, but I still love what I’m doing. And I’ve been doing rock lately since 2AM won’t have a comeback for a while,” I replied, looking down at the table.

Jonghyun cocked his head and said, “Have you always been this shy? I never knew.”

I noticed the strain in his voice. It was the same tone Yonghwa hyung used whenever he heard me talking about Seohyun. What kind of relationship do these two have?

“Yah, don’t scare the kid,” Noona told him. She was still smiling at me, looking like she’s deciding on what to do next.

I was surprised when she stood up, “We better get going. More people are coming in so we should give this table to let them occupy it.”

As we exited the café, she turned to Jonghyun and said, “You should go home now. And don’t forget to tell me what Minhyuk’s been doing lately the next time you come here.”

It seemed as if she was holding back a scream. Jonghyun hyung merely smiled back and nodded, he was about to give her a hug when she shook her head, glancing at me. Hyung seemed to understand so instead he replied, “Until next time, then.”


Noona and I were at the park. It was kind of empty today so we sat on the swings. I could tell she was lost in thought.

“Um, noona, congratulations on your debut,” I said. Lame, I know.

She laughed and replied, “All that was unintentional. I never knew my brother was planning this. I have to go along anyway. I don’t have much of a choice.”

“But, noona, you’re doing music again! And you’re good! That’s great!”

I sound like a kid. Great.

“Hah. It’s all thanks to you, Jinwoon.”

I was stunned by the answer. Because of me?

“I didn’t do much except almost get beaten up,” I replied,  I dunno what expression I had on my face.

Again, she laughed. I’m beginning to love her laugh.

“I’m happy that you got to pursue your dream. I’m happy that we met before. I’m thankful that you knocked some sense into me. I’m happy that you came to see me now. Thank you, Jinwoon,” was all I heard before I felt lips on my cheek.

I was in a daze for a while. When I came to, the seat beside me was empty. Noona was nowhere in sight.

Did I just imagine that part? Did she say anything after that like “See you later,” or “We’ll meet again soon,” or something?

Stupid Jinwoon, spacing out like that. I should have done something else, something manly and not stupid.

Next time for sure, next time. We’ll meet again soon, Noona, you can count on that.

And when that happens, I’ll try not to look stupid. Hopefully.


Hello~ Long time no update? I think so. Haha. Anyway, I've got some good and bad news for all...

Shall I start with the bad news?

I've been diagnosed with a slight metacarpal and wrist strain so my doctor said I shouldn't spend a lot of time typing (and writing, and texting, and playing the guitar. Nooo~!) but no need to worry much since I'm taking medicine and enough rest to earn a few hours of writing time. 

And have you guys heard of SOPA? Tsk. We should support the movement against it, ARASO? Haha. Wikipedia is already rebelling.

Now for the good news!

In an unexpected turn of events, I received good grades and on the honors' list! (so unexpected, I know) PLUS, I got into the University I wanted to go to so all is well and happy! I'm getting more motivated to write~!

That's all I guess.

On the story...

Yuki is being weird. Jinwoon is still very much a kid. And Jonghyun is trying his best. More to come! Promise!

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please update soon.. i miss this story.. ><
please update soon.. this story is getting really interesting.. ;3
Omo is he going to leave here behind again??? I hope not,, I just know that I'll cry if he does... :$ And than i can't read because my iPod will be wet with tears who are falling from my face on the screen.... or my whole face would be black because of the mascara tapering... :$ plzz make it happy so I don't have to cry *POUDY FACE*
Btw... So cute how they are together!!
Ong still love it... Today I actually had no time to read... But now in my bed... I thought I can read now... So I did... :)
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
UPDATE!! Keke~ Been waiting long?
@Deborah, thank you so much. Hehe. And please take care of your things! I think I'd kill myself if I lost my phone... or my ipod too. Hehe...
still love it... i think i'm to exited for the updates... i rarely do my homework... most of the time i'm reading your fanfic over and over again... :$ even in class... almost lost my ipod though,, but i managed to keep it... =D
I just discovered your story, but it is great so far! Looking forward to reading it all. Keep up the good work!
so today i read the rest of it... and I LOVE IT! it's great...!