[Yuki] My Everlasting Sunset

The Girl in the Rain


“I am still in our memory
I am still in our love story
I am still waiting for you here
I never to lose heart my love, my love

I’m missing you  always
I’m telling you even now
The old times, are all of our true stories
I’m thinking you always
I’m drawing you even now
My lady, You’re my memories in my life~”


Stupid Jonghyun. I was crying my eyes out with my iPod and speakers on full blast. Good thing Ichi made my room soundproof. I had just texted Jonghyun to go to the Friendship Festival. I didn’t know why I did that.

I went to my desk and crumpled the piece of paper that was supposed to be the song I’m singing for the festival. No, it won’t do.

I took my guitar out of its case, sat down on my desk and grabbed a pen. This will be a long night. So I began to write a new song.


“Yuki-sshi, how’s the song going?” Eunhyun, my classmate, asked me. I was one of the performers who will participate involuntarily. I had no choice. When the teacher asked who’s gonna present for the fest, they all said, “Yuki!!!”

“By the way, loved that stage with SNSD! I downloaded it in my laptop and watch it every night,” Kibum, another classmate, said.

“That’s just disturbing, Bummie!” the rest exclaimed. We were all laughing. Our Japanese Language professor gave us the time to help prepare for the fest and I was just about to leave for the spare classroom I asked for so that I could practice. The Music Department was far from our building so I had to make do with a spare classroom.

I was walking down the hallway and I could hear people whispering.

“Isn’t that Yuki-sshi? She performed with SNSD.”

“I didn’t know she was in a band.”

“I suppose she’s pretty enough to be an idol.”

“Why’s a Foreign Studies student going to be an idol? That doesn’t make sense.”

Sigh. I expected this thing to happen. Ichi even braced us. All I had to do was ignore them. Hey, if I can ignore my boyfriend, I can definitely ignore mere whispers.

Ex-boyfriend, I told myself. Get that right, Yuki.


“Eh, Yuki. I can’t understand this song. It’s in Japanese,” Eri turned the paper upside down. The 3 of us were in the usual café we used to hang out. Hana had extra work to do in school so she didn’t come.

“Awww.. I miss my baby already,” I pouted.

Miyo raised her eyebrows, “Baby? As in Jonghyun?”

“Yah, Miyo, stop that,” I made a fist at her and she just laughed.

“Anyways, it IS Japanese because it’s for the festival,” I explained to Eri.

“What’s the use of showing this to us if we can’t understand it?”

“Babo, Eri, just the fact that Yuki is composing again should be a good reason,” Miyo pointed out.

It was true. It has been a while since I’ve made a song, and in Japanese at that.

Eri still look confused, “Don’t call me babo, Miyo. Uh-huh. But judging from the feel and the music sheet this is a slow song. We can’t use this on air.”

I sighed, “Eri, getting it released and in Korean will kill me. No, it’s just for the festival.”

“At least Yuki is composing again. I have to work hard too,” Miyo thought aloud.

The 3 of us looked at each other and laughed. The idea of us being idols just sinked in.

My phone beeped and I got a text from Hana

From: Hana

Message: Unnie, I’m sorry I couldn’t come today. My schoolwork is piling up.

I texted her back saying that it was okay and she should work hard for school. Just then, I noticed something. A realization.

“I don’t understand why Hana has a lot of schoolwork. I mean, she goes into an Arts high school and she’s in the Music stream. How much schoolwork does that entitle a student?”

“Yeah. I mean, we went to the same school too. We didn’t have that much schoolwork. I see Yuki’s point,” Miyo said thoughtfully.

Eri snapped her fingers, “Could it be? She’s just using schoolwork as an excuse?”

The 3 of us looked at each other and said at the exact same time, “Our baby’s got a boyfriend?!”


We decided to leave Hana’s mystery for later. Miyo pointed out that my performance for the fest was more important because there was going to be delegates from Japan. Well that put pressure on me. I had decided on the title of my song and I could play it perfectly now. I had to work on my singing though and I couldn’t ask help from Oppa because he understood Japanese so well he will see through my song.  So, I asked help from Yoona on who to go to and she offered Seohyun’s help.

We all knew Seohyun was a good person but I was kind of shy to go ask for help from a person younger than me so I asked Yoona to tag along. Hopefully she wasn’t busy lately so she could come.

It was the second time Yoona was in my music room. I remember that last time she was here. Fortunately I remembered and kept the picture in my room instead. I didn’t know what that meant though.

I played the song on my guitar and Seohyun sang along and then she taught me how to do it properly and I got the hang of it in just one try,

“Yah, Yuki is a prodigy too! I can’t wait to see you on music shows!” Yoona exclaimed.

“I am not a prodigy,” Seohyun and I both said.

“Anyway, do you guys want to go to the festival?” It was kind of weird inviting idols to a school event but I had to admit, SNSD have become my friends.

To my surprise, Seohyun smiled and replied, “Hyo and Sooyoung unnie would like that.”

Yoona nodded and added, “We’ll see what we can do, Yuki. But we’ll be there.”

I hugged the both of them before they rode their van and went home.


Finally the big day of the festival came. I was unloading my guitar from my car when I heard his voice.

“Hey you.”

I turned around and saw Jonghyun wearing shades and a hoodie. Too early, don’t you think? He helped me by carrying my guitar case to my “waiting room” and he collapsed on a chair beside me.

Idiot. His face was smiling. I stood up and went out of the room. I felt him grab my arm.

“Let go. People will notice.”

“I don’t care.”

“Jonghyun, can this wait until after my performance?” I guess he realized that too because he replied,

“I understand. I’ll be in the audience with your brother, then.” And he left without a word. I felt kind of disappointed. Wait, what am I thinking?

Yoona and Seohyun came because they texted me that they were in the audience, wearing disguises. I laughed at the thought. I guess I needed to calm down my nerves.

The time for my stage came and I emerged when the curtains opened. I sat on the chair and performed the song I wrote. The song I wanted him to hear.


You were around the street-corner, which I try gazing into
The warmth of the good old days comes back,
my cheeks, and goes away again
Under a cloudy sky, leaves rustle and flutter down from the trees
The season’s changing, I have just dim memories
I cannot still forget you

If I had not released your arms that day
The day would come when I could see you, who are gentle, I wonder

If I do nothing but walk around the town, I wonder if the memories of the time with you would escape
I wanted to see the sky together all the time
Watching an everlasting sunset

I saw with you an autumn sky, which I try looking up
With the loneliness that your shadow is leaving me far behind
I’m just shedding tears

If I could have talked honestly that day
The day would come again when I could walk hand in hand with you, I wonder

That sky is getting in yellow, I wonder if my feelings for you could reach you
I feel like you were always around me
Watching an everlasting sunset

Secretly I open the small and sweet music box that you gave me
When I stop walking, I find myself faintly surrounded by the melody

That sky is getting in yellow, I wonder if my feelings for you could reach you
We always walked hand in hand
Watching an everlasting sunset


Hello! It's a bit late here now and I've got school tomorrow. I just finished this chapter so I'm posting it before going to sleep. 

For those of you who don't know, Yuki's song is actually "Everlasting Sunset" by Juniel (she's CNBLUE and FT Island's labelmate who just recently made her debut in Japan). I've been listening to the song lately and I felt that I could put it somewhere in the story and when I looked for English translation, I had that Oh-My-God-It-Fits moment. It really does, doesn't it?

Yuki actually cried when she heard Illusion! I can't blame her though. Haha. We'll see what Jonghyun's reaction will be to Yuki's song. Ahhh, love between musicians is just nice huh?

And Hana! Hana, Hana, Hana. Can you guess about Hana? Hihihihihi^^

Link sharing time! I got the lyrics from: http://junielsg.wordpress.com/about-juniel/albums/ready-go/lyricsromtrans-everlasting-sunset/ (cr: JUNIELSG)

And here's the song (it has a nice melody too): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IMRxQsS7HU

Don't say that it's not nice! LOL. I just love the FNC family. Hehehe^^

OK. That's all for now. Please don't forget to comment and/or subscribe!

And Good night, everyone. Hehehehe...

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please update soon.. i miss this story.. ><
please update soon.. this story is getting really interesting.. ;3
Omo is he going to leave here behind again??? I hope not,, I just know that I'll cry if he does... :$ And than i can't read because my iPod will be wet with tears who are falling from my face on the screen.... or my whole face would be black because of the mascara tapering... :$ plzz make it happy so I don't have to cry *POUDY FACE*
Btw... So cute how they are together!!
Ong still love it... Today I actually had no time to read... But now in my bed... I thought I can read now... So I did... :)
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
UPDATE!! Keke~ Been waiting long?
@Deborah, thank you so much. Hehe. And please take care of your things! I think I'd kill myself if I lost my phone... or my ipod too. Hehe...
still love it... i think i'm to exited for the updates... i rarely do my homework... most of the time i'm reading your fanfic over and over again... :$ even in class... almost lost my ipod though,, but i managed to keep it... =D
I just discovered your story, but it is great so far! Looking forward to reading it all. Keep up the good work!
so today i read the rest of it... and I LOVE IT! it's great...!