
Temporary you, Permanent me


"Because I like you." 


Momo stared at Mina now as if she just said that she actually invented Jokbal. She couldn't believe what she just heard from the younger girl. 'Because I like you?' So she felt the same way she did? 


"C..could you like erm repeat what you ju..just said? I don't think I got what you said..." 


Mina was internally freaking out. She didn't know what came over her when she decided to confess. Mina isn't dumb and she catches on to things really fast. She may or may not have guessed that Momo liked her too but when it comes to Momo, it's really confusing because she's so gay to the point you don't even know when she's actually being gay-serious about someone. Now Mina sort of regrets telling the older girl because the look the older girl was giving her didn't look too good. 


"I said that I didn't pull back because I like you. Now your turn to answer." 


It took quite awhile for Momo to process whatever Mina had said. Mina just confessed to her. The school's black swan, the goddess from Japan, her best friend, her crush just said that she liked her. What were the chances that she would actually like someone that liked them back too? 


"Erm Unnie? Are you okay? Did I freak you out or something? I'm sorry, I just made everything awkward again, didn't I?" 

"No! No, I was just speechless. I mean if your crush, who's also the most crushed on person in school, tells you that they like you it would be like you are in heaven right? And to answer your question, I didn't pull back because I like you too Minari, I like you (and the kiss) a lot." 

"So we're mutual then?" 



Now the two girls felt great knowing about their mutual feelings for each other. They looked at each other with shy glances as the whole entire atmosphere changed from being awkward 10 minutes ago to a cherry blossom kind of feel. 



"What the . Yoo Jeongyeon, STOP SHOUTING FROM NOWHERE. I HAVE A WEAK HEART and yes we managed to sort things out and maybe talked a bit more and stuff." 


Momo gave Mina a small smile and the two went back to looking like two lovebirds. 


"THIS IS SO CRINGE BUT I LOVE IT. MY MIMO SHIP IS SAILING BETTER THAN THE TITANIC EVER DID. Come on Jeong, let's leave these two cuties alone." 


Sana dragged Jeongyeon away, leaving Mina and Momo alone. As they were already aware of each other's feelings, they started asking typical questions like 'Why did you like me? Since when?". As they were happily enjoying each other's company, Mina spotted a certain girl and called out to her. 



"Oh Mina Unnie! Momo Unnie!" 


Chaeyoung ran over to the two of them as Mina called her over. Momo knows that Mina is somehow already hers and that Mina didn't like Chaeyoung in that way but still she couldn't help but feel jealous of the younger girl. Even the way Mina calls Chaeyoung makes her jealous. 


"Chaeng, what are you doing in school at this hour? You don't have any extra activities today though." 


Oh great. Mina even knows Chaeyoung's schedule very well. 


"I was in the art room because I wanted to finish up an art piece! It's going to be displayed at the arts exhibition that the arts council of Seoul is organizing!" 


Chaeyoung is achieving all these crazy things and all Momo has achieved is a membership card to her favorite Jokbal restaurant. 


"Ah I see, do you want to go home together?" 

"Yes! I've found some new music and I think you'll love it." 

"Momoring, do you want to follow us?" 

"Erm nah it's fine Minari. I need to get some stuff. Go ahead first. Be safe, see you tomorrow. Bye Chaeyoung!"


Momo stood up and walked away from Mina and Chaeyoung. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't jealous. Chaeyoung was definitely going to be a threat. If Momo were Mina, she would've already fallen head over heels with Chaeyoung. Who wouldn't like someone who can draw, sing, rap, write lyrics, write poems, has AMAZING music taste AND is the fastest runner in our school and is the reason why our school's track team is the best in Seoul? The only thing that makes her situation seem better is that Mina actually likes her and not Chaeyoung. Oh well that's better than nothing. 

Mina and Chaeyoung board their usual bus and take their seats at the back of the bus. Mina was smiling all over and her general vibe didn't go unnoticed by Chaeyoung. 


"Unnie, did something good happen today? You're unusually bright and energetic today." 

"Remember I told you that I sort of liked Momo? So like a few days ago we actually kissed and today we talked things out. Turns out she likes me too! Ah Chaeng, I'm really happy like knowing your crush likes you back is a super big thing." 


Mina looks at Chaeyoung and she swears she sees a look of dejection but it quickly turned into a big smile that looked a bit too fake.


"That's good for you! Who wouldn't fall for someone as talented and as beautiful as you are?" 


Mina can't help but blush at what Chaeyoung had said. Chaeyoung definitely knew her way around words. The rest of the bus ride was filled with comfortable silence as Chaeyoung let Mina listen to her new found music. 

After that whole episode had passed, everything went back to normal. Mina and Momo were back to their extra practices and they were like how they used to be, the only difference was Momo's jealousy. After watching all those K-dramas, Momo swore she wouldn't be like those jealous girlfriends in those dramas but now she understands why they get jealous. She didn't think she would be the jealous type, but with such an attractive crush, how could she not get jealous? She had never felt this way before but whenever Mina is around Chaeyoung, all she wants to do is steal Mina away but she can't because it's not like they're together or are they? Which brings another issue into this whole situation. What exactly is the relationship between her and Mina? Were they friends? Were they like official unofficial? Momo didn't really show that she was confused and slightly angry until that one day. 

It was after school and she was supposed to meet with Mina for extra practice but Mina was already 20 minutes late. So she decided to look for her and as she passed by the art room she looked in, Mina and Chaeyoung were hugging in a way that was too intimate for Momo to handle. A sudden surge of anger and jealousy hit her. She ran to the dance studio, turned the music up to the max and danced because dancing is a way for her to relieve her stress. She must have been really been intensely dancing because Mina had to turn off the music before she even noticed that the younger girl was there. 


“Momoring, the music was a bit too loud.”

“You’re late."


Moms swears she didn’t mean to sound cold towards Mina but her anger and jealousy has really taken over her. She could sense Mina getting nervous. 


“I’m sorry. I was just…"

“You were just with some other girl, hugging that you forgot the time?”

“I was with Chaeyoung okay? Something happened and…”

“Obviously you were with Chaeyoung. Who else could it be? You're always with Chaeyoung 24/7.”

“Hold on, are you jealous?"


Mina asked, sort of smirking because she now knew why Momo was acting that way. 


“So what if I am?”

“But why are you jealous? We’re not even dating so you don’t have the right to be angry at me because I’m not your girlfriend.”


Mina was teasing Momo now and it was honestly very amusing to see Momo dumbfounded. 


“I think you need to think things over, Momoring. I only comforted Chaeng because her grandma passed on so she was feeling down. If you will excuse me, I will be leaving with Chaeyoung because she is in a really bad state. See you tomorrow, cutie.”


Mina shot Momo a wink as she left the studio. Mina just called her a ‘cutie’ and she winked (sort of cause Mina can’t wink but it makes her look super cute when she tries to). As someone who is honestly too dumb to even be alive, she doesn’t know what to do so she calls her mighty sidekick again. 

This time they meet at Momo’s favorite Jokbal restaurant because Jokbal is the answer to everything according to Hirai Momo. Jeongyeon walks in with Nayeon and they spot Momo in a corner playing with her food rather than eating it which is a very rare sight. 


"Yah Hirai, are you okay? You haven't even touched your food yet?" 

"Women are so hard to understand." 

"Momo, you're a woman." 

"Alright, Hirai tell me what happened between you and Mina." 

"I got jealous and then I got angry at Mina but then SHE TOLD ME THAT I DIDN'T DESERVE TO BE ANGRY BECAUSE SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND. Then she winked at me and called me a cutie. Gosh she's so cute." 

"Momo, you sound drunk af right now." 

"Okay but she's right. You guys aren't even dating so why are you getting angry at her? Just because she likes you doesn't mean she can't fall for someone else. It's not even counted as cheating because you two aren't even together." 



Jeongyeon and Nayeon stare at each other in disbelief. They've never ever seen Momo this worried before and it was honestly kind of funny but very very worrying. 


"Calm the down, Hirai. Just answer our questions. Do you like Mina?" 

"A lot." 

"Does Mina like you?" 

"She said she likes me." 

"Do you want to make her yours?" 

"No sherlock." 

"Then go get the girl! You know she's on high demand. She's already opening the freaking door of opportunities for you! Don't be stupid! Go grab that chance before she gets swept away by someone else." 

"You're right. I need to do something about it." 

"Yes, that's the spirit!" 

"So erm what am I supposed to do again?" 

"You are a real amateur at being in love. Just be yourself and do what you have to do." 


The couple facepalmed as they shook their heads and left the restaurant leaving Momo to think for herself.





A/N: OKAY I RUSHED TO UPDATE THIS. THIS IS MY 4TH UPDATE THIS WEEK AND I'M GOING ON HOLIDAY TOMORROW so yes I'll try to update but it won't be very often so HAHA. Looks like someone is having difficulty being in love hmm. BUT ANYWAY I LOVE EVERYONE OF Y'ALL READING THIS YOUR COMMENTS MAKE ME WANT TO WRITE A THOUSAND CHAPTERS FOR U GUYS SO YEAH my fic isn't the best and like most interesting story out there and I think it really compared to other fic out there but you guys are amazing and yes ALL OF U ARE AMAZING !! Comment and subscribe for more updates because I love replying to your comments and cause I update irregularly and yeah LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH TILL NEXT TIME !!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?