Accidents happen

Temporary you, Permanent me


It's lunchtime and only Sana and Momo we're eating at their usual table because the others had an earlier lunchtime. It had been awhile since the two girls had time to talk to each other because of their super busy schedules that always clash. 


"So what's up how's life?"

"The usual just practicing for the dance concert. You?" 

"Meh nothing interesting about me but okay so how's practice with Mina? I heard you two are duet partners! Aww it'll be so cute to see my OTP dancing together." 

"Okay honestly, dance practice is really tough with her like ugh I can't concentrate and it that I can't do as well." 

"Why? Did you two fight or something?" 

"No, it's not that but I have something to tell you." 

"What is it?" 

"Erm I sort of have a crush." 


"CHILL. Don't worry your mimo heart won't break because yes I like her but she likes someone else too and that someone is probably like Chaeyoung I mean they spend so much time together and they go for all those concerts and high class dinners together so it's obviously Chaeyoung." 

"I know who her crush is. She told me." 

"Minatozaki Sana, tell me who her crush is. Is it Chaeyoung? Or else who is it?" 

"Damn, I would tell you but it's supposed to be a secret. It may be Chaeyoung, it may not be Chaeyoung. All I have to say is, just confess to her if you want. She won't judge you okay. Plus you two will look super duper cute together!" 

"No thanks if she doesn't like me then there's no chance I'll tell her. Come on I'm not crazy." 


Sana shakes her head as Momo stares aimlessly at her food while stabbing the poor sausages on her plate. Momo doesn't know why her feelings are making her go crazy. She thought it would be easy to suppress and control all her feelings but her mind was just flooded with the younger girl. She never knew that her brain had the capacity to think so much. 


"Being one sided big time." 

"Cheer up Momoring! Who knows? It may not be one sided." 


Momo can only hope as they put back their food trays and head off to their classes. 



Mina was already in the practice room and she was closely watch the routine they were supposed to do and taking down notes because their instructor has sent them a video. Momo walked in and she saw Mina focusing intensely with her hair tied up in a messy bun. She also had her round glasses on and she had changed into her practice clothes. Mina looked so effortlessly pretty and Momo might have taken a few pictures or maybe more than 50 but she carefully made her way to the younger girl, trying not to disturb her. 


"Momoring, you're here!" 

"Sorry I was a little late. I got held back by my math teacher. So what are you deeply focusing on?" 

"Oh I was just taking down notes and stuff for the new routine. So I guess let's practice?" 


The two girls awkwardly started their practice. To get used to the routine, the song was played at 0.5 speed so they could get all steps right. Everything was going fine until they reached the problematic part. The backhug was fine but when Mina pretended to escape and Momo pulled her back to caress her face, the two of them had direct eye contact but instead of looking away they continued staring into each other's eyes. It wasn't helping that Momo's hand was on Mina's face. The two could definitely feel the intense tension in the room but strangely they couldn't break the contact between them. Before they could control it, their heads tilted as they slowly leaned in and their lips touched. If their lives were like High School Musical, there would be fireworks everywhere now. The two pulled away after a few seconds and both girls were flushed. You would expect them to say something but nothing came out of their mouths. They were trying to avoid each other's eyes. 'What do I do now? Why did she respond to the kiss? Does she like me? Or was she just into the moment? Did I just ruin our friendship?' These thoughts flooded their mind. Mina was the first to break the silence. 


"So erm oh look at the time I gotta go, Chaeng's probably waiting for me. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." 


Mina quickly grabbed her things and walked out of the studio, escaping the awkward air that was suffocating the both of them and leaving an equally confused Momo in the studio. 

The next few days that followed after had been nothing but awkward. The two girls didn't meet for their usual extra dance practice and whenever they ate with their friends, they usually sit together but now they were at opposite ends of the table. When it's just the two of them, one of them will excuse themselves to god knows where. Thankfully for them, the past few dance practices have been focused on the group performance so they didn't have to interact at all. However the awkward tension between them hasn't gone unnoticed by their friends. Neither Mina or Momo had told anyone about what had happened which left everyone very confused because there was no logical reason for two best friends to suddenly act strangely around each other so they decided to take matters into their own hands. 


"Hirai Gaymo, come here for awhile. I want to talk to you." Jeongyeon managed to catch Momo after school on the way to the canteen to get some food. They sat down at one of the tables and Momo started eating her sushi roll. 

"Yes what do you want to talk about?" 

"You, I want to talk about you." 

"Me? What about me? I'm fine." 

"I don't think avoiding Mina sounds like you're fine to me." 

"We're not avoiding each other!" 

"Then why haven't you two been talking or going for your extra practices that you two always look forward to? Did something happen between you two?" 

"Jeong, what do I do? I think I messed up big time." 

"Why? Did you do something wrong?" 

"We kissed." 

"But isn't that a good thing? You like her right?" 

"I mean I do like her a lot but we kissed and then ever since then it's just really awkward and maybe she's avoiding me or maybe we're both avoiding each other but I just don't know what to do. The thing is even though we kissed it was like a mutual thing and if she didn't like me, she would've backed off wouldn't she? At the same time, what if she's disgusted by me? Ugh JEONG HELP ME." 

"The fact that she didn't push you away already means something and come on you're not going to avoid her for the rest of your life, are you? I think you should talk to her even if it's going to be awkward. That's the best way to solve this issue okay? Trust me, you'll be fine. Talk to her okay? If you need any more help, I'll always be here to help." 

"Yeah okay thanks Jeong! I'll talk to her later." 

"You better talk to her or I'll tell her that you like her." 


"At least you'll talk to her that way but anyway Nayeon's calling me and I gotta run so good luck Hirai! You can do it!" 


Momo took out her phone and typed in Mina's number that she may have purposely memorized. 


"Come on Hirai Momo, it's not that hard, you can do this." 


She quickly hits the call button. 

Sana and Mina were in the library waiting for school to end because their teacher was absent. 


"Minari, are you and Momo okay? You two look really awkward these days..." 

"Minatozaki Sana, keep it down. This is a library." Their class chairperson whispered to Sana. The two girls shot a death glare at him and continued with their conversation. 

"Sana Unnie, I think Momo hates me. She's been avoiding me and I don't know what to do." 

"But why?" 

"We were practicing our duet and like stuff and then we kissed. The thing is that it was like mutual and she didn't push me away or anything so I'm super confused now." 

"Mina, Sana get out of the library now. You're too noisy and you're disturbing everyone."


The two girls packed up their bags and left to the dismay of all the boys and some girls because they had been admiring the two goddesses to pass time. It was almost time for school to end anyway so they slowly walked out to the school gates. 


"Hey maybe you should talk to Momo! I mean it's the best way to clear things up and I don't want to see my two best friends drift." 

"But you know I'm not the type to make the first move." 

Mina's phone started ringing and she picked it up without looking at the caller ID. 

"Hello, who is this?" 

"It's Momo erm are you free to like talk now in person or are you busy?" 

"Oh uh yes I'm free now. I'll see you outside the dance studio then?" 

"Yeah okay." 


Mina quickly hanged up and let go of the breath that she didn't even know she was holding in. 


"Unnie, it's Momo and she wants to talk." 

"That's good! Go clear things up with her okay? You two will be fine don't worry!" 

"Thanks Sana Unnie. I'll update you later if anything happens." 


Mina nervously walked to the dance studio where Momo was already there sitting on the bench outside the studio. Mina sat opposite Momo and the two girls awkwardly looked at each other. 


"So erm hi." 



The two girls went into complete silence after that. They were trying to think of what to say but they didn't have enough guts to say it out loud. 




The two girls looked and saw Jeongyeon and Sana walking over. Jeongyeon was afraid that the two wouldn't be able to talk so she decided to spy on the two girls and it got too frustrating for the both of them so they decided to step in. 


" Jeong what are you doing here? Aren't you with Nabongs?" 

"Sana Unnie..." 

"We're going to give you 10 minutes to talk. If you guys don't say anything, we'll do the talking for you and I don't think you guys will like that so TALK!" 


Sana and Jeongyeon went back to their hiding spot leaving the two girls bewildered but they both knew they couldn't keep avoiding this situation. Momo knew she had to make the first move between the both of them. 


"I'm sorry about whatever happened that day. It shouldn't have happened and I hope we can get over that small incident. I don't want us to be awkward over it anymore like you're really important to me and I don't want to lose you. Please don't hate me." 

"I'm sorry too and I don't hate you! Thank god you don't hate me. I was really scared that you were going to avoid forever or something. You're really important to me too."

"So are we okay now?" 

"Like we always were. I just want to ask you one question and you have to promise that you'll answer me honestly." 

"Okay go ahead ask me." 

"Why didn't you pull back from the kiss?" 


Momo was dumbfounded because that's what she wanted to ask Mina too. The answer was obvious that it was because she liked her but Momo doesn't know whether to state the truth or not. 


"Hmm then why didn't you pull back from the kiss?" Momo threw the question back at Mina who was then also flustered. The two girls looked at each other as if they were challenging the each other to see who would answer it first. 


"Because I like you."






A/N: Guys, I love your comments so much and thus IT HAS MADE ME UPDATE THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK. Super love you guys!! Just saying this story is probably gonna be more than 20 chapters so it's actually much longer than you guys think HAHAHAHA okay anyway remember to comment and subscribe if you're new also feel free to give suggestions on things you wanna see cause I'll definitely consider your suggestions!! till next time then

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?