Sports Day Pt. 3

Temporary you, Permanent me


 -DAY 1-

0800-0820: 100m Finals (Female), Shot put (Female) ✔️

0830-0850: 100m Finals (Male), Shot put (Male) ✔️

0900-0930: Touch Rugby- Match A (Green VS Red) ✔️

0940-1010: Touch Rugby- Match B (Yellow VS Blue) ✔️

1020-1030: 400m Relay 4x4 Finals (Male) ✔️

1040-1050: 400m Relay 4x4 Finals (Female) ✔️  

1100-1130: 800m Finals (Male) ✔️  

1140-1210: 800m Finals (Female)

1220-1250: 200m Finals (Female), 200m Finals  (Male)  

1300-1400: LUNCH  

1420-1450: Touch Rugby- Green VS Blue  

1500-1530: Touch Rugby Finals - Red VS Yellow

 -END OF DAY 1- 


The 9 girls gathered at the start point of race. It was the 800m Finals and Chaeyoung was participating in it. Putting all competition aside, Chaeyoung was still one of the babies of their group that everyone had a soft spot for so they willingly put away their house tensions to root for Chaeyoung. It was her first time running a long distance race which explains her slight nervousness. They all took turns to cheer her on and quickly ran to the end point as the race was going to start. Mina was the last to wish her luck. 



"Sort of. I hope I do well." 

"I'm sure you will! I believe in you so you have confidence in yourself." 

"Unnie, can you do me one thing?" 

"What is it?" 

"Wait for me at the endpoint?" 

"Don't worry. I will be there. Now good luck and do us proud you little beast! Make sure to finish the race and don't give up!" 


Mina runs off to join the rest as the race quickly begins. As the runners started, they were all shocked at Chaeyoung's speed. She was already way ahead of everyone and it was only the first round. 



"Babe, shut up! I don't want to suffer from second-hand embarrassment!" 


Jeongyeon quickly calms an overly excited Nayeon down. Sana just sat quietly at the side with ajar, you could say she was in disbelief that someone could run that fast. 


"Hey erm maybe close your mouth before flies actually fly into it?" Eunha tries to get Sana's attention as she sits next to her. It's not that Eunha doesn't like the sight of dumbfounded Sana, in fact it was really cute. 

"Oh my god HAHA. I was so into Chaeyoung's running. What are you doing here?" 

"I lost my friends after you dragged me to the toilet so I'm currently trying to find them but I'm tired so let me hang with you till I decide to find them?" Sana agrees apologetically, feeling bad that she caused Eunha to be a loner but she felt happy because she got to spend a bit more time with her new friend. 

As Chaeyoung approaches the last few metres of the race with the other competitors still very far behind, everyone could already tell that Chaeyoung was going to win. But as she approached the end, one of Jieun's minions, yes even though she wasn't there physically but her presence is still felt, stuck her foot out in Chaeyoung's path causing her to stumble and fall. This got the attention of her other 8 friends who hurried over to Chaeyoung. Anyone could tell she was in excruciating pain but she quickly got up and pushed herself to finish the race. Although Chaeyoung still won, the atmosphere was filled with tension. Jihyo and Mina pulled Chaeyoung to the side to check on her with the others, more like the angry Jeongyeon and everyone else to hold her down in case a fight breaks out, approached Jieun's minions. 


"Yah! Minion no. 1, what the hell was that for?" 

"My name isn't minion no. 1 and I have no idea what you're talking about." 

"You clearly know what I'm talking about! YOU TRIPPED CHAEYOUNG. What has she ever done to you?" 

"Do you have evidence that I tripped her? If you don't, stop accusing us of things that we never did." 

"You are a fking dog-" 

"Jeong, let's just go and check up on Chaeyoung. Let's not waste our time and breath on lowly people like them." 


Momo intervenes and pulls Jeongyeon away from Jieun's minions. This definitely did not extinguish the anger within them but it was the best way to deal with the situation. 

"I think it was just a slight sprain nothing serious-AHHH THAT HURTS!" Chaeyoung tries to assure her 97-liner Unnies but the injury was worse than she had expected it to be. She silently sat as Jihyo went to get ice, leaving Mina to take care of Chaeyoung. 


"Chaeng, you should have just stopped! By finishing the race, sure you won but your injury got worse." 

"You told me not to give up and to finish the race and I didn't want to disappoint you..." 

"Gosh you're so stupid. Don't do things at the expense of your safety next time okay?" 

"Yes ma'am!" 


Jihyo comes back hurriedly and gives Chaeyoung instructions on how to use it. Soon, the rest of the group is back and all of them are worried for Chaeyoung. 


"My baby, are you okay?" 

"That looks pretty bad, you okay?" 

"Want us to beat her up for you?" 

"I'm fine! No worries! Chill alright and please don't beat her up. I don't need any drama." 


Chaeyoung feels eternally blessed and grateful to have an amazing group of friends who bother to take care of her. 


"Guys, I just realized that there's rugby finals later..." 

"No, you are not going to play." 

"But Jihyo Unnie!"

"No buts!"



Sadly, because they had no time to find a relief player, the red house had to pull out which made yellow house the champion for rugby. 

"Alright! We have officially come to the end of our sports day!" Mr Jung announces as all the houses are gathered. 

"I will now be revealing the house rankings! I'll announce third and second place first. Second runner up for JYP High's Sports Day is......... BLUE HOUSE!" Everyone was left in shock. This was the first time that the blue house had been ranked in the bottom half but still they cheered for their hardwork and effort. 

"First runner up is... definitely not blue house haha, got you didn't I?" This earned a loud groan from the student body. 

"Alright alright geez, youngsters these days don't know how to have fun! Anyway first runner up is... RED HOUSE!" This caused an even bigger shock. Everyone had expected either blue or red to win but they were both 3rd and 2nd respectively which means there was a new champion between green and yellow house. Jeongyeon and Nayeon ran to each other. Both filled with confidence that the champion title was theirs. 

"Now it's between the yellow house and the green house. Let's listen to a few words from their captains! Green first!" 

"GREEN IS GOING FOR THE GOLD THAT YELLOW HOUSE!" All the green house members started getting up on their feet and cheered as loudly as they could. 

"Mind your language! Yellow, anything you want to add on?" 

"The only that will be green after they announce the results is your faces when yellow takes the crown." 

"TAKE THAT BURNNNNNNN." The yellow house cheers as one. 

"Alright so the champion house is... YELLOW HOUSE! CONGRATULATIONS!" The yellow house erupted in cheer and happiness. After so many years of being last, they were finally champions! Nayeon hurried to receive the trophy and everyone in the stadium cheered for them. 

"We have one more award to give out and that is the MVP award, given to an athlete that displayed values of a good sportsman. This year the award goes to Son Chaeyoung of the red house! Despite her injury, she pressed on and did her house proud! Not only that, she remained humble throughout. So let's invite her to say a few words!" 


"Wow, it's such an honor to be able to receive such an amazing award. I guess I would just like to thank everyone for participating so actively today and also to my friends for taking such great care of me when I got injured! I love you guys!" 

"WE LOVE YOU TOO! Look my baby is growing up! I think I'm gonna cry." 

"Nayeon, stop overreacting! This second-hand embarrassment gosh."





A/N: erm I'm alive? and this chapter is super y and rushed but it will only get better from here!!! yes, I'm still in preparation for my exams and I feel so drained AND I FEEL REALLY BAD FOR NOT UPDATING FOR 3 MONTHS. I'VE NEVER STOPPED THINKING ABOUT THIS FIC LIKE LEGIT. I will try to update but no promises made man but I can assure you that I won't give up on this fic. I will finish it no matter what!! Thanks for sticking by and dealing with my super disgusting skills. Love y'all subbies and hope you guys are doing well!!! Do comment and subscribe if you haven't!!! See y'all sooooon. 

btw TWICE is coming this week but I CAN'T GOOOOO TT 

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?