Confusion no more

Temporary you, Permanent me


"We're cousins." 


"Yeah we're pretty close for cousins. I lived with her for a few years so we're practically like sisters. I live in Australia now and I decided to visit for 2 weeks. I'm actually flying back today." 

"I'm so sorry... I didn't know. I sort of feel like an idiot now." Mina was so embarrassed. She got jealous of Momo's cousin. Now she couldn't help but feel really bad for overreacting. 

"I'm guessing that girl you went home with when we had dinner was Chaeyoung? Damn you shouldn't have left, I suffered the next few hours listening to that idiot talk about you two." 

"You guys saw?" 

"After you left, she was worried about you so she wouldn't stop looking until you got on your bus safely. Momo really likes you and when I mean really, I mean like she's willing to die for you. Even when we went out together, half of the time was spent talking about you. You should try and assure her because from your little ramble just now, I can tell you really like her too. You both know how you guys feel about each other so why not talk it out? I mean you don't have to date but at least know what your current status is? Momo keeps comparing herself to Chaeyoung because she's scared you'll fall for her. So I suggest you go talk to her? I can tell you're the shy type but Momo is such an idiot so I guess it's better if you take the lead. My flight's in a few hours time so I'm going to leave you two to talk okay?" 

"Have a safe flight and thanks for the talk Kei-ssi." 

"Just call me Unnie. See you at your concert!" 

With that Kei left and not long after Momo walks back in. Seeing how Momo doesn't question why Kei isn't around anymore, she must've already said her goodbyes.


"Momoring, sit here. Let's talk." 


Mina motions for Momo to sit next to her on the floor. There's a confused look on her face but she quickly walks over and sits next to Mina and starts playing with Mina's fingers. 


"Why didn't you tell me Kei was your cousin?" 

"Because you didn't ask?" 

"If I had known she was your cousin, I wouldn't have been jealous these past two weeks..." 

"You were jealous of Kei? HAHAHAHA That's really funny." 


Mina shyly hits Momo's shoulder and uses her hair to hide her face which cause Momo to melt at how cute Mina was. Mina claims that she's bad at aegyo but honestly she doesn't even have to try to be cute. 


"Anyway, Kei talked to me just now." 

"WHAT DID SHE SAY? Did she say anything embarrassing? Gosh I'm going to kill her the next time she comes." 

"No! I mean she did say some things but more importantly, I just think that you should know something." 

"Hmm what is it?" 

"You're an idiot." 

"Are you serious? That's what you want to say to me?" 

"You're an idiot but you're my idiot, Hirai Momo. I really like you, I'm not going to fall for someone else okay? I don't want you to be perfect. I just want you to be the best version of Hirai Momo you can be because I fell for you and not anyone else. Don't ever compare yourself to someone else okay? You're already good enough for me." Mina was internally cringing and she couldn't believe that she would be the one taking initiative because it was very unlike her to be bold and take the first step. 

"Minari, I wish you would stop being so sweet because you're making it hard for me to keep my sanity. I really like you too but this is the first time I've ever been in love and I'm just scared and new to this." 

"It's fine. Anyway, just because we like each other it doesn't mean we have to get into a relationship now. A relationship is a lot of commitment and I think we need time to be prepared for it. So I guess right now our status is like more-than-friends-but-not-officially-dating?" 

"More-than-friends-but-not-officially-dating? So we're sort of dating but we're not official?" 

"Yeah. So we can act like girlfriends but we're not really officially girlfriends in a way? You get what I mean?" 

"I think I do. So I can bring you out on dates?"

"Of course!" 

"I can hold your hand?" 

"If you want." 

"How about kissing?"

"Don't push it but maybe depending on the mood." 

"I really like you, Myoui Mina."

"I really like you too, Hirai Momo." 



The two girls turned their heads towards their Japanese friend that had just barged into the room. 


"Aish, what are you doing here? Don't tell me Jeong is with you please." 

"HI! IT'S ME JEONGYEON AND MY GIRLFRIEND NAYEON." The couple appeared behind Sana. 

"Why are you guys here? Is there more of you guys?" 

"Unnie, we dropped by because we missed you guys." The maknae line appeared. 


"Hirai Momo-nim, we just wanted to invite you guys to watch a movie with us that's all." Jihyo added in. 

"We're watching fantastic beasts or whatever it's called. The movie starts in half an hour so we gotta get going. Lovebirds move faster! I want to watch the ads!" Jeongyeon shouted at the couple as they grabbed all their stuff and left with their group of friends. 

The 9 girls quickly settled into their seats. Momo and Mina managed to sit next to each other with Chaeyoung beside Mina and Sana next to Momo. Momo had brought in popcorn, nachos and a hotdog in with her because apparently the best part of a movie is eating while watching it. Within the first few ads of the movie, she had already finished her nachos and was halfway through her hotdog. 


"Wow, you must be really hungry." 

"Isn't this the norm for everyone?" 

"Not really, anyway I'm sort of hungry too... Could you give me some food? Please, Momoring?"

"You know very well I don't share my food with anyone but since it's you, just take as much as you want." 

"Thank you, Momoring!" 

"Hirai, I want some food too!" 

"Yah, Minatozaki Sana aren't you on a diet? Go get your own food!" 

"Why does Mina get food and I don't? I thought we were friends." 


Sana jokingly played around with Momo causing Mina to laugh. Apparently they were making too much noise cause someone shouted from across the hall to shut up. As the movie started, everyone quieted down and focused on it. Mina had never watched or read Harry Potter but she had easily caught onto the storyline and was enjoying herself until she started feeling cold. She wanted to mentally curse herself for forgetting to bring her cardigan out because it felt like she was literally in the north pole. She blew her hands with warm air and put it under her legs to try and keep it warm but she was obviously shivering by now. This didn't go unnoticed by Momo who gave up trying to understand whatever the movie was trying to show. She had a mental battle in her head. Should she lend Mina her jacket? She didn't get cold easily and it was quite warm in her jacket. She took off her jacket and put it over Mina's shivering body. Mina gladly took it and put it on.  However, her jacket had no pockets which meant that her hands were still shivering.

"You must be really cold." Momo whispered as quietly as she could as she grabbed Mina's hands and interlocked their fingers. She constantly blew warm air onto her hand, trying to keep Mina's hands from feeling cold. On the other hand, Mina who was stunned at how smooth Momo was could feel her face getting red. Thank god the cinema was dark so she couldn't see her face. The two girls couldn't help but love the way their hands fit together perfectly, like pieces of a puzzle. The movie went on with their hands interlocked and after awhile, Mina felt a head on her shoulder. She turned to see that Momo had fallen asleep but her grip on Mina's hand never loosened. ( Momo might have purposely pretended to sleep so that she could lean on Mina's shoulder, but that's a secret for now. ) 

The movie ended with a high note and Mina enjoyed the movie because of how interesting it was, she makes a note to herself to start reading the harry potter series and also because Momo was still holding her hand and she was fast asleep. She was amazed at how Momo could sleep through the loud sound. 

"Momoring, wake up. The movie is over already. I can't believe you slept through all that." Mina says as she moves her shoulders up and down to annoy Momo as her head was still on Mina's shoulders. Momo eventually woke up ( she really didn't want to though ). 

"PDA ALERT! GUYS, THEY WERE HOLDING HANDS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MOVIE AND MINA IS WEARING MOMO's JACKET. This is so cute." Sana shouts, thankfully they were the only one left in the cinema hall. The two looked at each other and quickly let go of each other's hands as they got shy. 


"It's not like that! I was just cold and Momo saw so yeah..." 

"Look they're so shy! Reminds me of us when we just started out." 

"Jeong, we were never shy. Are you talking about your relationship with another girl?" 

"No, of course not haha erm GOTTA BLAST, BYE GUYS."



The group eventually dispersed and went off their separate ways home. Momo was going to ask if she could bring Mina home but Mina and Chaeyoung were already going together and besides it would be weird if she went with the both of them. She let out a sigh and left with Sana. 


I just got home. Are you still on the way home? 

I just arrived actually.

Thank you for lending me your jacket

and for keeping my hands warm today... 

And thank you for lending me your shoulder...

Oh yeah and erm I was wondering, maybe if you want to,

We could do it again? Just the two of us? 

Are you asking me out on a date? 

I guess so...

Hmm, I might have to check my schedule 

Oh if you're too busy then it's fine forget I asked

I was just joking!

Yes of course I would love to go out on a date with you. 

YES! I'll pick you up at 5 on Saturday evening? 

See you then Momoring. Goodnight for now. 

It's pretty late, don't stay up to watch your stupid K-drama.

Goodnight, Minari. Dream of me tonight ;-) 



No thanks I don't need any nightmares. 

HEY! What was that supposed to mean :( 

I was just joking! Nights Moguri, dream of me too alright? :) 

You're so cute. Alright go sleep.





A/N: omg is it time for the first date jitters?? HAHAHAH Hi guys I'm back and I'm dead from the new ep of TWICE TV 4. MINA IS SO WHIPPED. She literally just heard Momo say she wanted to eat spaghetti and she's gonna cook it. It's just like during RM when Momo wanted the Eonyang Bulgogi and in the end Mina's team won and Mina wanted Eonyang Bulgogi. GFS RIGHT THERE MAN. I love MIMO so much :") anyway I have also made like a one shot collection thingy idk if you want to check it out you can and if you don't want to then it's fine HAHAHAH yes here is the link. 

Anyway subscribe for more updates and do comment your thoughts and suggestions because I love your comments and I also like replying to them !! TILL NEXT TIME THEN

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?