Unintentional payback

Temporary you, Permanent me


It was time for extra practice again. They decided to continue with their 'Crazy in Love' choreo. After clearing things up, they felt that the awkward tension between them was gone. Their chemistry was undeniable and they both knew how well they danced with each other. All the moves came naturally and they definitely improved a lot from the first time. As they reached the part where they kissed the last time, they were interrupted by a phone call.



"Is your ringtone actually cheer up from TWICE?" Mina laughed at an embarrassed Momo in disbelief. 


Momo hurriedly ran over to her phone and picked up the phone. She didn't know that Momo was actually a big fan of TWICE. 


"ITS A GOOD SONG OKAY? Don't judge me! Everyone has their guilty pleasures and I just happen to love TWICE okay?" Momo goes ahead to answer call. 

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE HERE! OKAY HOLD ON, WAIT FOR ME. I'm so happy, you're here. There's this super good Jokbal restaurant down the street okay we're going to get SUPER fat tonight. I'M SO EXCITED! I'll be out in 10 okay! Love you lots!" 


Mina stared at the older girl. She wondered how could it be that made her THIS excited. It's been awhile since she's ever got this happy over anything. 


"Minari, I'm sorry but like someone called me and she wants to meet up. How about we end practice here and you follow me to meet this person?" 

"But I don't want to interrupt you guys... It's fine Momoring. I can wait for Chaeng and we'll go home together." 

"No! Come with me! Please? I want you to meet this person. Please Minari? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?" 

"Who actually says that now oh my Moguri you're super outdated but fine I'll go with you then." 


Momo excitedly hugs Mina and quickly packed her bag. The two girls locked arms and walked towards the school gates. As they got closer to the exit, Momo had noticed a certain girl with a rilakkuma bag. It seemed like the other girl had noticed Momo too. They literally ran towards each other in slow motion like in those cringey dramas and movies which caused Mina to hide her face in case anyone was around. The two girls hugged each other for approximately 5 minutes with Mina standing very awkwardly at the side. 


"I missed you so much, Unnie!" 

"Me too, Hirai! You're so tall now and you look so fit! Come on let me squish your cheeks." 

"Don't you dare!" 


The two girls were openly chasing each other in front of their school gates. Thank god no one was around to see this sight. All Mina wanted was the ground below her to open up so she could hide from embarrassment. Eventually the security guard shooed them away calling them a nuisance and a public disgrace. 


"Oh right! I sort of brought a friend with me. This is Myoui Mina, she's my friend. Minari, this is Kim Jiyeon, or you can also call her Kei." 

"Hi Mina! I'm Kei, nice to meet you. I've heard A LOT about you." 

"Oh really?" 

"Yeah, Momo talks about you like 24/7 and..." 

"Let's go eat shall we?" Momo quickly covered Kei's mouth before she says anything more to embarrass her. 

Mina regrets agreeing to come along with Momo. During their whole meal, the two girls were just stuffing themselves with Jokbal and talking between themselves. Mina was on a diet because of a recital that was coming up so technically it was quite pointless for her to be eating with the two meat lovers. Thank god she saw Chaeyoung across the street from the store. 


"Erm I'll get going now. It's getting late and I have a curfew. Bye Momoring. It was nice to meet you, Kei." 

"Aww so soon Minari? Alright then be safe!" 

"Bye, Mina-ssi."


The two girls continued to gobble down their food without giving Mina a second look, which annoyed her a bit especially since Momo would usually ask her to stay. She hurriedly ran across the street to Chaeyoung. They hadn't gone home together in awhile because of Chaeyoung's grandmother. Mina didn't want to admit it but she missed the younger girl's presence. 



"Mina Unnie? I thought you were out with someone?" 

"Well erm yeah I was but I got annoyed and sort of left early because I saw you from across the street!" 

"That's not like you to leave in the middle of something. Seems like you must've been ticked off. Good thing you saw me! I actually made this spotify playlist for you so if you want to listen to new music, I'll update it regularly. I even made separate ones for different moods. Since you're annoyed now, let's listen to the mood booster playlist." 

"Thank you Chaengie, this is so sweet! You didn't have to..." 

"I'd do anything to make you happy."


Chaeyoung says as if it was just a casual remark which causes Mina's face to turn red. Chaeyoung never fails to make her speechless with her sweet tongue. Sometimes she wished Chaeyoung was the one she fell for, I mean come on Chaeyoung is caring and attentive and she's literally perfect, but you know the heart wants what it wants and Mina's heart only wants dumb Hirai Momo. 


"Unnie, the bus is here let's go."

"Huh? Oh yeah okay." 

2 whole weeks pass with Momo constantly running off after practices to meet Kei. Sometimes she even blows off their extra practices but it had never gotten as bad as today. Mina was already angry at Momo for blowing her off but inviting Kei to their first extra practice in two weeks without telling her was a bit too much. Mina wasn't the type to openly show her feelings and she didn't really like picking fights or causing discomfort to other people so she didn't say anything although she really wanted to. 


"Minari! Let's show Kei our 24 hours routine!" 

"Oh uh okay." 


They had already perfected that routine. Mina wanted to focus on 'Crazy in Love' but again she couldn't say anything against it. During the whole time, Kei was giving remarks like 'Wow Momoring, you're so y!", "Date me Momo senpai." and honestly Mina was almost at her limit. Who was this girl and what is her relationship with Momo? Was she that special and important to Momo? If someone else were to see, they would probably think they were dating. All these thoughts flooded Mina's head as she tried to keep a poker face to finish the dance. As soon as they finished, instead of the usual "Good job, Minaring!", Momo went straight to Kei and started talking to her. 


"I was super good right?" 

"You were amazing! Super y! You were as good as Sunmi herself. Gosh you're like super hot." 

"I know but you flatter me too much." 


'What the , are you freaking kidding me? I didn't sign up for this. Stop touching my property gosh. Are they dating or what? Was Momo just trying to play with my feelings? Hirai Momo, you're so confusing. If you liked me, then why are you acting as if you're already someone else's girlfriend. , so this must be what Momo felt like when she saw me with Chaeng. Okay but come on she knows we're just friends. I don't even know who and where did this Kei come from.' Mina's thoughts were cut off when Momo left the room to go to the washroom. 


"Aren't you going to ask me how I'm related to Momo?"

"Nope." Of course she wants to. 

"Aren't you curious about why we're so close?" 

"Nope." Another lie, good job Mina. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yup, I'm sure." No lmao Mina was dying to know. 

"Hmm cause your expression gives me the vibe that you're about to rip my head off my body if I continue talking to Momo." 

"People tell me I look scary." 

"Wow, you really don't say much do you?" 

"I guess so." 

"Momo describes you as someone who's practically like an angel you know? Judging from your cold remarks, I can tell you don't really like me." 

"It's because I don't know you that well. Don't take it the wrong way." 

"Are you jealous of me?" 

'Of course I am. I want to be able to freely shower Momo with compliments too.' Mina thought to herself. 

"I heard that." 

'Oh .' 

"I heard that too. You're really not that good at thinking to yourself." 

"Fine, I am jealous. There, I said it." 

"But you have no reason to be jealous." 

"I mean, for the past two weeks she's just been busy with you and this is the first practice we've had together in 2 weeks. We've barely spent time together. Not that it's your fault because you must be quite important to her but I don't even know how you guys are related. Seeing you two so close and how you can easily compliment her and stuff makes me feel a bit jealous like how could I not? If you didn't already realize, I sort of really like that idiot." 

"Mina, Momo likes you a lot. Trust me." 

"Really? I mean you guys could pass off as a couple to me..." 

"Ask me how Momo and I are related." 

"Okay, how are you guys related?" 


"We're cousins." 






A/N: I am back HAHAHAHAHHA guys my life has changed after reading twix.docx but I'm not jumping ship altho I do ship jeongmi super hard now. HAHAHAHAH MIMO WILL AND ALWAYS BE MY OTP (and so will all the other mina pairings but I'm not admitting to it) anyway yes I'm going to update as often as possible before 2017 comes because I'm going to be super duper busy next year because there's like this super big nation wide examination HAHA so yes anyway it's nice to be back! I re wrote this chapter like 3 times HAHAHAHA Anyway do subscribe (if u haven't) because I update irregularly and leave comments because your comments give me life and motivation also if u have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to suggest!!

Special thanks to Channychanchan, Reacth, baejoohyunswife for jealous mina suggestions !! THERE WAS THIS ONE PERSON WHO COMMENTED LIKE THE THIRD PERSON (KEI) BUT I can't find the comment :( so anyway thank you guys!!


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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?