Temporary you, Permanent me


"Okay students you are all dismissed. Please get home safe and see you tomorrow in the dance studio." 


All the members hurriedly left the place to go home because it was late already and also they were hungry. Everyone left except for Momo who was waiting at the backstage exit. She saw the performers starting to come out from the exit and quickly ran over to Mina. She was still in shock to know that Mina was actually a professional ballerina or whatever they called it. She had so many unanswered questions and she wanted answers. As she approached the younger girl, she gave her a big hug and congratulated her on the amazing performance before starting to bombard her with millions of questions. 


"Momo, you need to chill. I will tell you everything okay. It's quite late already, why not we call an impromptu J-trinity sleepover? Before you can reject, my parents already informed your parents and Sana's so I guess it's not really impromptu but you're going home with me! Let's rush back, I think Sana might already be there. I'll tell you guys everything later!" 


Mina had excitedly replied and grabbed Momo's hand as the two rushed off to Mina's house. Luckily, Mina's house was actually not that far from the concert hall so it didn't take that long. Momo took a look at Mina's house. It wasn't super big but it wasn't small at the same time. It was a good size for the family of 3. As they walked in, Sana ran over and hugged Mina while ignoring Momo. 


"Yah Minatozaki, I'm here too?" 

"Shut up Hirai. I see your face everyday there's nothing to welcome. Why did you guys come together though? Mina your hair has way too much gel. I'm confused someone explain please?" 

"I'll explain EVERYTHING later okay let's go up to my room first and I'm pretty sure Momo and I need to shower first." 


Mina led the two girls to her bedroom and she lent Momo a random shirt and shorts so that she could change into something more comfortable. Sana being Sana decided to snoop around Mina's room while the other two were washing up. When they were done, the trio set up the mattresses on the floor and sat in a triangle while Mina explained her story. 


"Okay as Momo already knows, I'm actually on a scholarship to this school and I applied through dance." 

"What??? Mina since when did you dance? Momoring, how did you know?" 

"You know how we came back together just now and Mina had an excessive amount of gel on her hair? I also called you to complain about the sudden concert. Mina was actually performing at the concert. She was doing a ballet solo and it was so good. But how long have you been doing ballet Mina?" 

"I've actually been doing ballet around 10 years? Ever since I went to the States. I came back mainly because my father wanted to do work in Korea and because he wanted me to study here so we decided to come back. I think this will be permanent so I'll probably be back for good! I really missed you two. I'm sorry I left so suddenly." 

"Too sudden! Momo cried for a month after you left." 

"Hey Sana you cried for a month too." 

"Haha I can imagine. I cried too but we're back together now! I had to work really hard for that scholarship but luckily they put me in Sana's class at least I won't be a loner and I'll be with Momo after school at dance. So we'll probably see each other very often!" 

"Hey guys let's play games like we used to when we had sleepovers! It's tradition we can't possibly ignore it right?" Sana suggested. 


The three girls had always played stupid games whenever they had a sleepover. They had even spent one whole night playing scissors paper stone before. No matter how stupid or lame the game was, they always had fun thus it became their "must do thing" during a sleepover. They decided to play "Never Have I Ever". Through the game they learnt that both Momo and Mina have never taken a rollercoaster more than once, all of them have snuck out of home before and none of them have been in a relationship. 


"I guess we're all single cat ladies now." 

"Momo you're gay. We already know you're a single cat lady." 

"Oh my god Sana stop it I'm straight." 

"That's what she said." 

"Not you too Mina." 


They decided to call it a night and the three of them slept on the floor with Mina in the middle, Momo on the left and Sana on the right. All was nice and peaceful until it started raining and the thunder was so loud and fierce, causing Momo to wake up. She was terrified of the sound of thunder. She had to try not to scream and cry because she didn't dare to wake the other two up but being a light sleeper, Mina had woken up and saw Momo in a vulnerable state. 


"Momoring, are you okay?" 

"I...I'm fine d...don't w...wor..ry go back t..to sleep." 

"Unnie, you're shaking so badly! Oh my are you crying? I think you're not okay..." 

"I..I'm sca...red of th..thund..der." 


Mina immediately pulled Momo closer to her body so that she was hugging the older girl. 


"I'm here so don't be afraid okay? Just hold on to me and calm down." 


Momo brought herself closer into Mina's embrace and listened to Mina's heartbeat as she calmed herself down. She had never felt so safe and secure in her life. Mina smelt like flowers and her scent was so light, it was soothing and pleasant to Momo. After awhile, she let herself fall into a deep sleep in Mina's arms. Strangely, she had never been like this before but she doesn't want the morning to come because she wanted to be in Mina's arms for as long as possible. They stayed in that position all night long until...


"YAH! You two lovebirds I didn't know love could be formed overnight but you guys cuddled without me knowing what is this sorcery OMG but this is kind of cute too let me take a picture. I officially ship this. What's your ship name hmm MoNa? Nah thats weird oh I know! Mimo!" 


Momo got up and strangled Sana while Mina just sat there watching as usual. Mina looked at the two bickering girls and a sense of nostalgia hit her. 


It was nice to be back.





A/N: Hi guys IM BACK with a chapter with not much interactions but this is to build up the story so bear with me guys :) btw it's #TT5thWIN already!! so proud of our girls for doing so well!! Please subscribe and comment for more updates and also because it really makes me want to write better for all of you so yes (◕‿◕)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?