First date (Part 2)

Temporary you, Permanent me




A young toddler was in front of them picking up her toy. Momo had momentarily forgot that breaks existed on a bicycle and she swerved right, missing the toddler by a bit. Momo heaved a sigh of relief. She didn't want to be known as a child murderer. 


"Oh phew, that was close." 

"You almost hit that girl!" 

"But I didn't! There's nothing to worry about when I'm riding. I'm almost like a professional at riding bicycles you know." 


Momo turns back and smirks at Mina, trying to show off her "skills" without realizing that she was actually riding in the wrong direction. The minute she turned in front, she could see she was riding straight into a young boy who was struggling with his bicycle. She quickly swerved left but this time they weren't so lucky as they crashed into the big tree, causing them to fall down with the bike. The two girls pushed the bike off their bodies and got up but as Mina tried to get up, she felt a sharp pain around her ankles and fell back on her . 


"Oh my god, Minari are you okay?" 

"I think I may have lightly sprained my ankle..." 


"Nah it's fine. I'm very prone to spraining my ankle and this is just a light one but I may need help walking for now." 

", I feel so bad. I'm sorry Minari. I should've been more alert. This is all my fault. Look, the bike rental place isn't very far from here. I'll return the bike and come back okay? Just sit here and wait." 


Momo gets back on the bike, which is still somehow intact, and she rushes back to return the bike and runs back. She's never felt so bad. She just ruined their date and caused Mina to injure herself. 


"Well seems like I need to text Sana to get me some ice-cream." Momo mutters to herself as she rushes back to Mina. 

"Minari, I'm going to bring you back home. Get on my back." 

"Ehh? No way! I'm too heavy, it's fine just hold me as I walk okay? See, I'm fine I can walk!" Mina says as she gets up and tries to walk but fails immediately as she falls back but Momo grabs her before she could fall. 

"Just get on my back please? You're going to make the sprain worse." 

"Okay then but I'm warning you that I'm super heavy." 

"It's fine, I work out okay? Besides your place isn't that far from here." 

"Alright then." 


Momo manages to carry Mina and turns out Mina was literally as light as a feather. Mina puts her arms around Momo's neck tightly because she's not going to risk falling down and getting injured again. They quickly reached Mina's house and Mina passes Momo the keys so she can bring her in. Momo gently puts Mina down on the sofa in the living room. 


"Where are your parents?" Momo immediately questions because it would be really awkward to tell her parents that their precious daughter sprained her ankle because her date crashed into a tree.

"They left for the airport an hour ago, they've got a conference to attend to overseas. So it's fine don't be nervous. By the way, would you mind bringing me upstairs? I need to you know put medication and put on my ankle guard." 

"Oh yeah okay." 


Momo carries Mina upstairs and it's creepy but Mina can only say that she really likes Momo's scent. Momo puts Mina on her bed as gently as she can and helps her put medication on her swollen ankle and then putting on the ankle guard. 


"Thanks Momoring for carrying me all the way home." 

"No it's fine, I should be doing this for you. After all I was the one who caused all this. I'm sorry, I feel really bad for ruining our date and it was our first date." 

"You know it wasn't all that bad besides it's still early and my parents aren't home so I mean if you want to continue on with the date maybe we could watch some movies and order Chinese food since we were about to go eat?" 

"Are you serious? You sure?" 

"I mean like only if you want to..." 

"YES I WANT TO! Oh erm I mean sure." 


Mina's room was big and it wasn't her first time here but it definitely felt different with just the two of them. Momo called the delivery place as Mina picked out movies to watch. It didn't take long for the food to arrive and since Mina couldn't walk down. They had no choice but to eat in Mina's room. They were eating Jajangmyeon and playing around. 


"Momoring, you know in the movies and dramas they always do that thing where they eat from the same bowl and accidentally eat the same piece and end up kissing. Don't you think it's unrealistic?" 

"Yeah omg I think it's really cheesy and unrealistic like why on earth would you share a bowl of noodles when one bowl isn't enough? But then again it's cute. Wanna try it?" Momo smirks at Mina with covered in black bean sauce. 

"Ask me that when half of your face isn't covered with sauce then maybe I'll consider. Gosh you eat like a kid." Mina takes a few pieces of tissue and wipes off the mess on Momo's mouth. 


As they finished their meal, Momo threw away their trash and Mina set up the movie system in her room. As Momo came back, she saw Mina on her bed and she didn't know what to do. Was she allowed to be in the same bed space as Myoui Mina? Was it possible to control her raging hormones? 


"Come up on my bed." 

"You sure?" 

"Don't worry, it's fine. I'm not going to eat you up." 

"Okay then. What movie are we watching?" 

"It's this Taiwanese movie called Our times. There's subtitles so it's okay." 


Momo carefully got up onto Mina's bed as they both sat next to each other to see the screen with the bedsheets covering them. As the movie went on, their positions gradually changed. From a sitting position, they were eventually lying down with Mina's head on Momo's shoulder. They both noticed the changes and just pretended to not know because they were enjoying it anyway. As they reached the sad part, both girls were on the verge of tears. 


"...雖然你又矮又笨,喜歡別的男生,其實這樣我還是...很喜歡你... (even though you're short and stupid, and you like another guy. Even so, I still like you a lot)


"Momoring, it's just a movie..." 



Mina grabs Momo's face and gently wipes away her tears that are uncontrollable by now. 


"Minari, if you ever have a tumor or cancer or you're going to die, don't ever leave me because you're scared of being a burden. I DON'T WANT THIS HAPPENING IN MY LIFE." 

"Don't worry. I won't okay. You're such a crybaby and to think that I'm supposed to have a softer heart. Stop crying, you baby." 

"I can't help it!" 


Mina chuckles at the girl in front of her who's bawling her eyes out in her sweater. Mina gently holds Momo's face and quickly kisses her on her cheek, which immediately stops Momo's crying. Instead now she's blushing and her face is red. 


"Now you stop crying?" 

"I'm not going to ever wash my cheek."

"That's gross please wash it." 

"Then will you kiss me if I wash it?" 

"Hirai Momo, you ."

"But you like this er." 

"Damn it. I want Chaeyoung now." 

"Oh I see how this is going. BYE." Momo pretends to get up but fails as Mina grabs her from behind so that is they're hugging on the bed.

"Noooo! That was a joke okay. And oh it's already 11. How are you going to get home? Bus services around this area ends quite early..." 

"Oh . I have no money for a cab..." 

"Do you want to stay over?" 

"Ehh? Are you sure that's okay?" 

"I mean it would be dangerous to be out there." 

"Damn isn't this too fast for a first date?" 

"There's no such thing as too fast for a first date so are you going to stay over?" 

"Would I give up an opportunity to stay over at my unofficial girlfriend's house? Nope, I wouldn't." 


Momo shoots a quick text to her mum saying that she's at Mina's house and her mum doesn't disapprove because 1) Myoui Mina is a good kid and any parent can trust their kid with Myoui Mina. 2) Her mum LOVES Mina. She doesn't forget to update Sana about her date. 

I'm staying over at her house. ;-) 







Mina lends Momo her oversized clothes and she laughs at how cute Momo looks. She looked like a literal fluff ball with the blonde hair and everything. 

"Hey erm I don't know where the extra mattress is and I don't want you sleeping on the couch or on the floor so is it okay if you sleep on my bed?" 

"Yeah sure. It's not like it's the first time anyway. Remember when we were kids?" 


Momo gets into the bed next to Mina, who's also in her pyjamas. They put the covers over them and face each other while lying down. Somehow they had become less awkward and nervous around each other. 


"Yeah omg you kicked me in my sleep and I fell off the bed. I ALMOST DIED. Do you still have sleeping habits?" 

"Nope not anymore! I don't even move in my sleep." 

"Okay good. Let's sleep, I'm really tired. Thanks for today, Momoring. Even though my ankle is sprained, you took care of me and in the end we still had fun. It was a really good first date."

"As long as you had fun, I had fun too. Thanks for letting me stay over. Goodnight Minari, sweet dreams." 

"Goodnight Momoring." 


Mina gives Momo another kiss on her cheek and Momo swears this is the best day of her life. Mina turns around so her back faces Momo and they slowly fall asleep. 

The two girls claim they didn't have sleeping habits but their bodies find their way to each other and now Mina's head is on Momo's chest and Momo's arm is wrapped around Mina. Their legs are also intertwined. So much for no sleeping habits. (They may have purposely done that but it's okay no one needs to know.)





A/N: YO FIRST DATE PT2 IS HERE. AND UR RESPONSES TO THE SHIPS DAMN GUYS DAMN. I'm officially changing this story to michaeng! 





HAHAHAHAH JOKING this is going to be mimo all the way (I LOVE TEASING Y'ALL W MICHAENG) keep the ships coming man. I was thinking of throwing everyone off guard and using a super underrated ship which is SANAHYO but let me think about it HAHAHAAH BTW IF YOU GUYS HAVE NEVER HEARD OF OUR TIMES, YOU. NEED. TO. WATCH. IT. ASAP. IT'S FREAKING GOOD AND HSU TAIYU IS HOT AF (it was released last year) it's really good man. 

okay enough with my bs HAHA subscribe if you haven't because I update irregularly and comment your thoughts and suggestions because I love replying to your comments!! LOVE Y'ALL TILL NEXT TIME!! and merry x'mas to everyone celebrating (lol me)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?