Black swan?

Temporary you, Permanent me

5th January 2002 


"Momo!" Sana shouted and ran over to her other same aged friend to give her a hug. 

"Good morning, Sana! I can't wait to play with you today. My mum made Jokbal for us today so we can share!" Momo had said while returning the hug. They bid their parents goodbye and headed into their kindergarten. Ever since the two met in kindergarten, they had been inseparable and their parents had also known each other which made them as close as siblings. Being Japanese in a Korean school, they mostly hung out together as their Korean wasn't as fluent thus they were afraid of saying something wrong to the other Korean kids but it didn't mind them that it was only the two of them in fact they liked it that way. Just Sana and Momo forever until that day. 


"Kids gather around! Today we have someone special who will be joining us! Please introduce yourself." 


Sana and Momo ran over to their teacher and sat down with their class. They stared at the shy girl with big eyes while she introduced herself. 


"Hi... My name is Mina. My birthday is on the 9th of March so I'm 5 years old this year. I like the color red." 


Everyone clapped as she finished her introduction. 


"Teacher Jung, she is younger than us but why is she in the same grade as us?" 

"She passed the test to join our grade that's why. Please be nice to Mina as she just moved to Korea. Sana, Momo I have assigned you two to buddy with Mina so take good care of her alright?" 

"Okay..." Sana and Momo stared at each other while replying.


The two had never interacted much with anyone else and were afraid. What if the new girl refuses to talk them? What if they scare off the new girl? Despite their worries, they decided to try and be good buddies for the new girl. Their teacher had brought Mina to the both of them and Mina re-introduced herself. 


"My name is Myoui Mina. I just moved here from the States but I'm actually Japanese. I'm quite shy so I might be boring..." 


Sana and Momo immediately felt an instant attraction towards the younger girl after hearing that she was Japanese like the both of them. They had realized why their teacher chose them to be her buddies. 


"We're Japanese too! I'm Minatozaki Sana. Nice to meet you Mina!" 

"I'm Hirai Momo. Let's be friends!" 




Momo's POV 

"Hello? Earth to Hirai Momo?" Sana waved her hand in front of my face and gave me a nudge. I finally realized that I had been into my mini flashback for a bit too long. 


"Momoring, do you not remember me?" 


Oh . Mina's actually legit. She recalled a few minutes ago when she asked if she was a goddess and her face turned red in embarrassment. Way to go, Hirai Momo. 


"Oh haha oh my god Mina. Welcome back please excuse erm whatever I erm said earlier haha. But seriously puberty did you so well! When did you come back though and why? Where are you staying? How was life the past few years?" 


I started blurting all my questions out and Sana had to shush me up while Mina just laughed at me. 


"What a nice way to say hello and I'd say puberty did you well too but I'll explain everything later don't worry. For now I have to head to the general office so please excuse me for now. It was nice meeting all of you!" 


I stared at her as she walked off. 


"Oh not so straight anymore huh Hirai?" 


I threw my bread at the short haired girl while she continued taunting me. Gosh I can't believe she's back. It would be the return of the J-trinity as they liked to call themselves when they were kids. 




I rushed over to the dance room for usual practice. I expected everyone to already be warming up but instead everyone was silently sitting and I saw our teacher-in-charge. She rarely ever visited us during practice so this must be special. I walked over and greeted her while she told us what she needed to tell us. 


"So as you all know, our school is famous for our performing arts and this year is the first year that we have actually introduced a scholarship program for those specializing in performing arts. Basically we have one student this year. She's been learning ballet for 11 years already but she can also do many genres of dance too..." 


Wow, to be accepted through dance to our school on a scholarship program is really a big deal. Whoever this person is must be super talented. Many of us started wondering who this new transfer is and we were obviously really excited to see this ballet "prodigy". 


"Okay I know all of you are very excited to see her and everything and we will introduce her to you but in a different way. I'm sure you all know that tonight there's a prestigious ballet concert going on. Our new student is actually going to be performing a solo at this concert." 

"But Ms Kim aren't all the tickets already sold out?" Someone asked. 

"Yes they are but our new student has actually reserved tickets for us and it's free. So all of you the bus leaves in 30 minutes. Call up your parents and get some food. We don't want to be late do we?" 

"Yes Ms Kim!" 


I grabbed my phone and called Sana to tell her about the sudden outing and started complaining. Honestly, I wasn't a big fan of ballet. Sure I loved dance because of how powerful the message and emotions conveyed through a dance could impact people but ballet and me had never clicked. No matter how hard I tried to understand it and try to like it, it just never worked out. I would always fall asleep halfway due to boredom. I also decided to ask Sana about Mina but apparently Mina had to leave school early due to personal reasons so even Sana didn't get a chance to ask her any questions. Both of us were really eager to find out more about Mina because even though we never really kept in contact, she was still our best friend and we never forgot her. We loved her a lot and she was like the little sister we always wanted. As we were deep in our conversation, I saw our teacher signaling for everyone to board the bus. I hung up the call and headed to the bus. Our school was located near the concert hall so it took less than 20 minutes. Everyone there was dressed so elegantly and the atmosphere there was so calm and pleasant even the rowdy kids in our dance club kept silent. If people like this come to watch this performance which our new member is performing in, means she must be quite a big deal. We all walked into the grand hall and took our seats and waited silently and patiently for the concert to start. 


"Pass down the message. The new kid is the opening performance." 


Woah she's doing the opening? Man now I'm really curious about this mysterious girl. Soon enough the curtains opened and the emcee had introduced the first performance which was the new girl's solo. Luckily I was quite near the stage which meant I could easily see the performer's face. As the music played, a ballerina appeared and started gracefully executing her moves. I had never been interested in ballet but I was strangely mesmerized by this girl. The way she moved and all the emotions, I connected with everything. I understood why and how she got accepted into our school. The way she danced was out of this world. As the song came closer to the end, I started to try and recognize her but she was moving around a lot which made it really hard. At the end, she stood and bowed. I saw her face crystal clear but I had to rub my eyes a few times. Was it who I thought it was? I couldn't believe it. My mouth was wide open while I unknowingly stood up with the rest of the audience to give her a standing ovation. Wow.


I had never pegged Myoui Mina as a ballerina.





A/N: Hi guys!! Things are progressing a bit slowly but I promise it's worth it. Do vote for our girls for MAMA!! Also subscribe for more updates because I post at random timings and do comment too! It really motivates me to write more for you guys! So yeah thanks for reading this if u did HAHA have a great week ahead :-)







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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?