
Temporary you, Permanent me


2 months have passed which means 4 more months to the dance concert. The past two months have just been eat study dance repeat and maybe a bit of feelings for Mina and Momo. Within the 2 months, they've perfected 24 hours and their group performances which leaves them with their last duet. 

"Now we will start working on your last duet routine. Let's call it Crazy in Love because the song we're using is Crazy in Love by Queen B. Momo will be the obsessed one and Mina will be the poor victim. Most important points to focus on is the eye contact and the chemistry between you two. It has to be super intense for the performance to be amazing. Let's get started then." 


Momo's POV 

Eye contact? Intense chemistry? Crazy in Love? I can't deal with this man. I've been trying to ignore all these weird feelings in my heart and stomach whenever Mina dances or pouts when she has no ketchup or when she smiles at the stupidest things or when she walks like a penguin or when she says she has no aegyo but she's already super cute without aegyo or when she just basically breathes. I don't think I like her in that way I think? It's probably just cause we haven't seen each other for very long. Maybe I'm just super happy she's back? I don't know but whatever it's not important right? We started off with the first part which was just both us back to back and we take turns to bend down following the rhythm. So far so good until I realized what we had to do for the next part. I had to slump down on Mina's back and grab her hand then pull her into a tight back hug. She'll try to escape but I have to pull her back and caress her face. When I back hugged her, I had to hold in my breath to slow down my heart beat because the rate at which it's beating is probably faster than Usain Bolt sprinting his 100m. Honestly the worst part was caressing her face because we had to stare into each other's eyes but I couldn't bring myself to look into her eyes. 


"Momo, come on just look into her eyes it's not that hard! This is the tenth time we're doing this. If you can't get it right again, you and Mina will have to stay back for an extra hour." 


Not that hard? I mean it shouldn't be hard. I don't like her so why is it so hard for me to look at her brown orbs that always mesmerize me if I look at it for too long? We tried it again and I successfully looked into her eyes but I quickly looked away. Thankfully dance practice came to an end. 


"Momoring, am I making you uncomfortable or something?" 

"No, it's not you please don't think that. I'm just a bit troubled by some things." Yeah sure troubled by some things keep thinking that way Hirai. 

"Oh well if you need to talk to someone I'm always here for you! I need to go now cause Chaengie is waiting for me. See you tomorrow Momoring!" 


She packs her bag and rushes off to Chaeyoung who is already outside waiting for her like it's always been for the past 2 months. I don't hate Chaeyoung but I always feel so salty whenever I see them together laughing. I mean they get to spend so much time together because they go home together almost every single day. My hearts feeling a whirlwind of emotions and I don't know what to do so I call the most sensible person I know, Jeongyeon. She might laugh and tease me all the time but when it's serious she gives one of the best advices. 


"Hey Jeong can we meet for awhile? I need to talk." 

"You're lucky Nayeon's busy. Okay I'll see you at the cafe opposite school." 


I bought a drink and sat down while waiting for Jeongyeon but I didn't have to wait long till she arrived.


"What's up Hirai? What do you want to talk about?" 

"I don't know Jeong, I feel very frustrated. I don't understand what I'm feeling and it's annoying. It's been 2 months already and this weird feeling doesn't go away." 

"Erm okay what feeling are you talking about and is it caused by a person or what?" 

"How do you know if you like someone?" 

"There's many different definitions I guess? You could have a fluttering feeling when the person does something or you always want to be around the person. You feel jealous when the person is with other people even though you know they're just friends. You feel even more awkward and shy than usual. I guess those are just a few?" 

"Jeongyeon, I think I like her." 

"Who? Mina?" 

"Yes but I'm scared. Does this mean I'm like gay or something? Will people judge me?" 

"Momo, it's not a big deal. Who cares if you're not straight? Everyone has their own preference. Besides it's not a must to label yourself. Mina doesn't have a label. Come on Momo, no one will judge you. Who cares what people think? What matters most is what you feel and what you like. If you like Mina, you like her. Don't suppress your feelings! For all you know she may like you too." 

"Thanks Jeong. I feel so much better now that I've admitted to myself that I like Mina but what do I do with my feelings now?" 

"It depends. You can tell her or you can just like her and not say anything? If you want to tell her, you better make sure she doesn't like anyone else cause that'll make your friendship awkward." 


Hmm maybe I should find out if she likes anyone. I feel great now that I've finally admitted to my feelings but it's really going to if it's one-sided and this is my first time ever liking someone more than a friend. If she knows that I like her, our friendship could be ruined. I'm never telling her that I like her. My feelings could probably die down by then. Yes that's the best way for all of us. 



I walked into the school gates and I saw Mina walking to school alone. I rushed to her side and she gave me her cute smile which had me dying inside because her smile is just too cute. 


"Good morning Momoring!" Gosh even her voice is freaking cute. 

"Morning! Where's Chaeyoung?" 

"She's sick today. Must have been the expired strawberry milk she drank yesterday." 

"Hmm no wonder you're alone today. Hey just asking, do you like anyone at the moment?" I decided to ask. 

"That's erm a sudden question but I guess so? I don't know but there's this one girl who's crazy talented and she's super great to me. She's kinda cute too. I think I like her but I don't think she likes me anyway."

"Ah I see but who wouldn't like the black swan of the school? I bet your crush likes you too!" 


Crazy talented and cute? It's obviously Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung is talented af she's like my talent crush if that even is a thing. Looks like I can say goodbye to my non-existent chances. 


Mina's POV 

. Why did Momo Unnie ask me if I liked anyone? What do I say? How do I describe her without her knowing that I like her? 


"That's erm a sudden question but I guess so? I don't know but there's this one girl who's crazy talented and she's super great to me. She's kinda cute too. I think I like her but I don't think she likes me anyway."

"Ah I see but who wouldn't like the black swan of the school? I bet your crush likes you too!" 


Oh if only she knew that she was my crush maybe she wouldn't be saying that. I've only told Sana Unnie, Jihyo and Chaeng about my feelings. Momo's supposedly super straight anyway. What if she thinks I'm disgusting for liking her? Oh no man that can't happen. Friendships can break easily over stupid feelings and I've seen that happen to my best friend. Maybe I should ask her if she likes anyone. 


"How about you Unnie? Do you like anyone?" 

"Oh uh yeah I do. She's really pretty and she's nice to me but I don't think she likes me too." 


Hold on. Momo Unnie likes someone and that someone is a she. A SHE. 


"It's a she?" 

"Yeah it's a she." 


Oh no what if Momo actually likes Jieun? I'm screwed. If I offend Jieun, she's probably going to tell Momo to stay away from me and if Momo likes her then she'll probably do whatever Jieun wants her to do. I wouldn't be as sad if it was someone else just not Jieun please. 


"I'm sure your crush will be honored to have someone as amazing as you like her! Don't worry Unnie. Anyway I gotta rush to Chemistry so see you later for extra practice?" 

"See you later Minari! Don't run, you'll fall down." 


I rushed off to class smiling to myself. I love it when she cares about the little things. I walked into class and sat next to Sana as she starts talking about how annoying her seat partner is but all I could think about was Momo's crush. 

Who could it be?





A/N: I AM BACK AFTER ONE DAY!! SURPRISE Y'ALL but okay I'm going to reply to comments and yeah I have this super strong desire to write one shotssssss and I'll try to update as much as I can before I go on holiday!! Thank y'all for reading remember to comment and subscribe because I love replying to your comments!! PEACE OUT GUYS (im on twitter @onoffsituation)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?