Hey brother

Temporary you, Permanent me


It's 8:30am in the morning and Mina's natural body alarm clock wakes her up. It kind of to have this natural alarm clock because she rarely ever wakes up late. As she opens her eyes, she sees Momo's sleeping face in front of hers. She knows Momo sleeps like log so she wouldn't ever get caught staring at the older girl. As she looks at Momo's features she thinks to herself that damn Momo is really pretty, but it's not like she didn't know that already. Mina can't bear to wake the older girl up or leave her embrace but she realizes that her older brother is coming home today to get some of his clothes because he's staying at his University's dorm. Mina gets up as slowly as she can but Momo pulls her back down. Damn Momo really had a strong grip. 


"Where are you going?" Momo asked in a slight husky voice which sounded awkward because Momo had a naturally high pitched voice but still it sounded hot to Mina. 

"Good morning you idiot. I just realized that my brother is coming home in the morning to grab his stuff." Momo immediately gets up after hearing that she might have to see Mina's brother who is super protective of Mina and he's also a football player which made him look really intimidating. 

"Erm I think I should go..." 

"Why? Have breakfast first! It's fine my brother doesn't mind unless you're scared of him. You know he's REALLY protective of me right." Mina turns to look at Momo and Momo is honestly terrified of Mina's brother. The last time they met, Momo accidentally punched Mina's stomach when they were playing around and even though Mina was fine, her brother had never stopped giving her the eye whenever he saw them together. So if he finds out that she had sprained his precious sister's ankle, she's dead. She'll never be able to talk to Mina or be within 5m radius of Mina. 

"Hahaha uh..." 

"MINA, WHERE ARE YOU?" The sound of the door being unlocked could be heard. 

"I'll be down in a few minutes hold on!"

"Momoring, carry me down." 

"Ehh? Carry you downstairs? To see your brother? Like now?" 

"If you forgot my ankle is sprained." 

"Won't he question why I'm here and erm ya."

"It's fine, don't worry. I'll explain it to him." 


Mina got on Momo's back as Momo carefully made her way downstairs. She took one step at a time because she's not going to slip down the stairs and make Kai hate her. Kai's face when he sees his sister on Momo's back was priceless. He was so confused and he almost didn't recognize Momo at first until Mina mentioned her name. 


"Mina, what is she doing here at 9am in the morning and what happened to your ankle? Who did this to you, tell me." 

"Oppa, I fell down and sprained my ankle, it's just a light sprain. It'll be fine by tomorrow! Don't worry so much okay?" 

"Alright then but you haven't answered my other question?" 

"Ah that's because Momo and I went out on a date yesterday, but I fell down so she brought me home and took care of me!" 

"YESTERDAY? So you mean she spent the night here?" 

"Well that's because it was already very late and I was afraid something would happen to her. Bus services around here end early so there would also be no way for her to get home. It's fine Oppa, I asked her to stay. We didn't even do anything!" 

"You sure?" 

"Yes I'm sure. Now give me a hug! I haven't seen you for a month already!" 


The two siblings reunite as Momo stands awkwardly at the side. She's grateful that Mina didn't actually say that she sprained her ankle because of her. She was deep in her thoughts until Kai called for her attention. 


"Hey would you mind helping me carry my stuff down? I'm in a bit of a rush and since Mina can't help me, why not you help me?" 

"Oh uh yeah sure." 


Kai makes his way to his room with Momo awkwardly following him. Momo silently prayed for her safety. Not that Kai was a dangerous man or anything but he was that type of brother that really would do anything for his sister. 


"Hmm so you were on a date with my sister?" 

"Erm well yes...?" 

"And you stayed over at our house?" 


"Did you guys do anything that you weren't supposed to do?" 

"Nope everything we did was pure and innocent yup nothing we didn't do anything wrong." 

"Do you like my sister?" 

"I do." 

"What if I say you're not good enough for her?" 

"Although I know I'm not good enough for her but at least I know I can be the best version of myself for her." 


The room goes into silence as Kai dumps all his things into two boxes and he hands one over to Momo. She hopes that she didn't give Kai a bad impression of her because this silence was killing her. 


"Hirai Momo, you better not hurt my sister or make her cry because if you do, I will run over from wherever I am and you'll regret it. Other than that, I think you're okay for my sister. You've got my approval." 

"Trust me, I wouldn't dare to cause her any unhappiness." 


They left his room and made their way downstairs to see that Mina had somehow managed to make eggs and ketchup. 


"Yah, I told you not to move around Minari." 

"Momoring, it's fine. I can walk now!" 

"You guys enjoy breakfast okay. Mina, I've gotta go already. I'll bring you out for lunch soon okay?" 


Kai walks over to Mina and gives her a super tight bear hug as he messes up her hair, earning him a slap on his shoulder. 


"Hirai, you better take care of her." 

"Yes sir!" 


With that Kai heads back to his dorm, leaving the two girls at the dining table. Momo sits down at the table opposite from Mina who's already flooded her plate with ketchup. Mina grabbed Momo's plate and put a stingy amount of ketchup on it. 


"Minari! Be more generous with your ketchup!" 

"No way! This is my super precious ketchup. It's like my baby okay."

"Come onnnnnnnn, Minaaaaaaaaaaa, I want some ketchuppppppp." Momo tried her best to look cute in front of Mina who had already given in. 

"Alright fine but you better know that this is an honor because I don't share my ketchup with anyone." Mina puts more ketchup on Momo's plate and continues to eat. 

"I just realized something. You're going to be alone for quite awhile since your parents are overseas right?" 

"Yeah I'll be alone for a week."

"Isn't that dangerous? I mean now that you're injured and all. How are you going to get to school?" 

"Chaengie can help me with that. She doesn't live that far from here so I can call her if I need any help."

"Oh yeah right Chaeyoung lives in this neighborhood."

"Why? Do you want to stay with me until my parents come back and take care of me?" 

"Can I?" 

"Dream on. Your parents will be worried. I'll be fine alone and it's not my first time anyway." 

"You sure about that?" 

"Yes I'm sure Momoring." 

"Well okay but you better not be dancing until your ankle is fully recovered." 

"These kind of sprains heal in less than a week, don't worry! Gosh you nag like my mum but even worse."


The two girls enjoy their breakfast while continuing their small talk. Momo forcefully volunteers herself to do the dishes because she doesn't want Mina moving too much. Momo carries Mina up the stairs again so that she can take a shower. Mina is totally capable of walking up and down the stairs but she just likes it when Momo piggybacks her so she makes the older girl carry her over and over again. Momo changes back into her own clothes to go back home. 


"Are you sure you don't need me here to take care of you?" 

"Yes, I'm sure. I have Chaeyoung! I'll be fine." 

"Call me if you need anything okay? Be safe! Use a walking stick if you need to. I would highly recommend just traveling on your if you need to go up and down the stairs." 

"Yes, mother." Momo carries Mina down the stairs one last time and walks towards the doors. 

"Thanks for taking care of me Momoring, this was definitely the longest and the best first date I've ever had." 

"Same here. Well, it was my fault you're in this state but at least we had fun so maybe it was good that we crashed into that tree." 

"That's true. Anyway, get home safe okay! See you tomorrow in school." 

"See you tomorrow! If you need a wheelchair, call me okay? Take care of yourself and try not to fall. I'll text you when I'm home okay." 

"I'll take care of myself, you get home okay? Say hi to your parents for me. I haven't seen them in awhile." 

"They've been dying to see you for a long time." 

"Really? Should I pay them a visit now?" 

"Why not? You could stay over and we could go to school together!" 

"Oh wait I can't. There's a package coming today and I have to collect it. Maybe next time." 


Momo opened the door and they said goodbye but not before Mina gave Momo another kiss on the cheek. Mina quickly shut the door leaving Momo looking like a lovestruck fool. That's 3 cheek kisses from Myoui Mina in one date. 'What a great time to be alive.' Momo thinks to herself as a big smile is plastered on her face for the rest of the day.





A/N: YO SURPRISE MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Here's a real update HAHAHAHA guys jeongyeon is looking on point today and my heart just i can't even anyway im almost at 200 subs which is amazing cause I didn't expect people to actually read my fic?? I thought it would be a total failue honestly HAHAHAHA so thank you all for actually reading my fic!! I'll do my best to improve and I pray I will actually finish this fic HAHAHAH 

do remember to comment your thoughts and suggestions (what other side ships y'all want!! they won't be a super big part of the fic but they'll be there HAHAHAH) subscribe if you haven't because I update irregularly and yes TILL NEXT TIME !!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?