First date (Part 1)

Temporary you, Permanent me


Momo can't believe she just asked Mina out on a date. She's never been on a date let alone plan one. What do people do on a date? She would bring Mina to an amusement park but it would be a waste of money because they both HATE rollercoasters. She would bring Mina to watch a concert but then they wouldn't be able to talk. Momo wants this date to be memorable, she's tempted to call Jeongyeon for help but she wants to plan something by herself because it would have more of a special meaning. She doesn't want to but she decides to text Chaeyoung. They go home together so often, Chaeyoung must know some things about Mina that she doesn't. 

Hey Chaeng, can I ask you a few questions?

Hmm yes what Momo Unnie? 

Has Mina ever told you like what kind of activities she likes doing

like maybe on a date?

Why don't you ask her yourself? 

Because I'm totally not planning our date? 


Lucky for you

She has actually told me about how she imagined her first date 

but I'm not going to tell you exactly what because that's just cheating. 


Chaeyoung gives her 2 hints. Effort and sincerity. Momo wanted to smash her head on the wall. Obviously it would be effort and sincerity. She thanks Chaeyoung for the hints anyway and decides to sleep but not before praying that she gets an idea for the date. It takes less than 10 minutes for her to knockout into dream land. 


The three Japanese girls lay down on their picnic mat as they looked up to admire the fluffy clouds in the sky. They were having a field trip at a park and it was free time. 

"When I grow up, I'm definitely going to do this with my Prince Charming! We're going to have a picnic, eat sushi and we're going to kiss!" 

"I don't think anyone would want to be your Prince Charming, Sana." 

"That was mean. Hmph I'm not going to talk to Momo anymore." 

"It's okay Unnie. If no one wants to be your Prince Charming, then I'll be your Prince Charming!" 

"Minari, you're so sweet not like a certain someone." 

"Yah! Mina is mine!" 

"No! She's mine!" 

"Unnies, you're so childish. I love you both equally hehe." 

"Mina-chan, what would you want to do with your Prince Charming?" 

"I want to go on a night date and I would want him to ride his bicycle while bringing me around!" 

"Isn't that too simple? Don't you want more like a picnic under the stars?" 

"To me, simplicity is always the best!" 


Momo immediately wakes up from her sleep at 3am. She quickly takes out her phone and writes in her notes. 'Bicycle date. night.' She thanks the heavens for about 5 minutes for blessing her with this dream. This date is going to be so amazing that she's sure Jeongyeon and Nayeon were going to be proud of her for this amazing idea. Thankfully, she knows how to ride a bicycle and she loves riding her bike when she's stressed so choosing the location wouldn't be hard. She smiles to herself as she goes back to sleep but not before sending a text to Mina. 


Dress casual! See you tomorrow ;-). 


It's 10am and she wakes up to the sound of the notifications on her phone. Momo thinks about going back to sleep until she sees that Mina had sent her a message. 


Good morning! And what on earth were you doing at 3am in the morning?

I told you to sleep early >: 

Morning, Minari. I was just thinking of some stuff 

and I was scared I would forget to tell you to dress casual for our date! 

I wonder what the great Hirai Momo has planned for our date. 

You'll see later ;-)


Momo puts away her phone as she goes downstairs to eat breakfast while on the other hand Mina was looking at her closet. She's been on many dates but it's the first time she's been on a date with someone that's like her unofficial girlfriend and it's nerve wrecking. She's afraid she'll mess up or do something stupid but she'll think about that later because now she needs to pick something to wear. She sort of regrets having so much black in her daily life. Almost everything she owns other than coats and thick jackets were black. The weather was chilly but it wasn't cold. Mina starts to worry. What if she underdresses and suffers because she gets cold easily? What if she overdresses and ends up looking like an idiot? She ends up texting Jihyo for ideas. 



Yes Minari, what can I do for you on this beautiful day? 

What casual wear would you recommend for a date in this weather? 

ö OMG you're going on a date with Momo? 

Well sort of? 

Okay, I think you should wear your white knitted sweater and maybe ripped jeans!

You look good in everything honestly.

You could go in an oversized hoodie and people would still fall for you. 

Aww that's so sweet anyway THANK YOU GODJIHYO. Love you <3 

Hey! You shouldn't be saying things like "Love you" to other girls now okay! You're taken! 

I'm still single okay like I'm half single. 

That doesn't make any sense but have fun on your date! Tell me all the details! 

Thank you my 97 liner friend!! 


Mina pulls out the outfit suggested by Jihyo and sets it aside as she starts doing her homework and countdowns till 5pm. 



It's two hours before their date and Momo is freaking out. She runs to Sana's house which is a 5 minutes walk away from hers. Thank God Sana's parents were overseas or they would've been annoyed at the loud and continuous knocking on their door. Sana opens the door and honestly isn't surprise that it's Momo. 


"What do you want now, Hirai?" 


"Oh am I hearing a date with the black swan, who is my best friend, who is also your girlfriend? Come on in." 

"Okay firstly she's not my girlfriend. Not yet AND SECONDLY I'M SO SCARED THIS IS MY FIRST DATE." 

"Calm your gay heart. You'll be fine. Mina is not a monster, she's not going to eat you up if the date doesn't go well. At the most she'll just go for Chaeyoung!" 


"I'M JUST JOKING. You'll be fine but you're not going to the date like that... right?" 


Momo looks down at her outfit and she's wearing a Dora the Explorer sweater and neon pink sweatpants with bunny slippers. She even wonders how she went out of the house without anyone telling her how ridiculous she looked. 




She runs all the way home and she decides to take the longest shower of her life because she can't risk smelling like a trash can in front of Myoui Mina. 

Mina is now restless on her bed. 1 more hour till Momo picks her up. She couldn't focus on her homework so she just chucks it aside for the next day. She tries to keep herself calm like she usually is but she's too nervous to function. Not even her penguin plushies could calm her down. She eventually decides to go on spotify and she finds Chaeyoung's playlist for when she's nervous and she sits upright on her bed as she listens to the soothing voice. Surprisingly, the playlist manages to calm her down by 25%. It's not much but at least she feels better. She reminds herself to thank Chaeyoung after her date for the playlists. 



Momo is already at Mina's house but she's panicking because she's half an hour early and she doesn't want to seem like a creep for being early. Mina is in her room pacing back and forth until she notices a figure outside her house that's also doing the same thing when she realizes it's Momo. Momo is half an hour early and Mina decides to put on some light makeup. She grabs her handbag and rushes down the staircases. Almost falling over which was very unlike her usual composed self. She bids her parents goodbye as she walks out the door towards Momo with her heart pounding against her chest. Momo had her back against Mina so when Mina suddenly tapped her out of nowhere she got the shock of her life and fell down. 


"MOMORING, ARE YOU OKAY? OMG I'M SORRY." Mina shouts as she helps Momo up. 

"I'm fine I was just shocked because it's only 4:40 and I didn't expect you to be here." 

"I mean since you came early, you should've called me! We could spend more time together!"

"Minari, you look pretty today. I've never seen anyone look so good in casual wear!" 

"You look good too! Our outfits are well matched surprisingly! Anyway, what are we doing today?" 

"We're going to rent a bike and cycle around the Han river!" 

"But I don't know how to cycle..." 

"That's why we're only renting one bike." 


The couple made their way to the bike rental shop and Momo got on at the front while Mina hesitated. It wasn't that she didn't trust Momo but okay who are we kidding it's Hirai Momo, the chances of them crashing into a tree and getting injured is at least 75%. 


"Erm are you sure about this? I might be too heavy..." 

"It'll be fine don't worry! I've done this before okay it's safe trust me." 


Mina gets on and puts on knee protectors. Better safe than sorry she claims. Mina grabs Momo by her sweater although she wanted to hug her waist but she's afraid Momo would want that so she plays it safe. Momo starts cycling and to Mina's surprise the ride was smooth. The area wasn't that crowded, the weather was good and it was also the season for flowers to bloom which made the entire experience so much better. Momo cycles around and finally stops at her secret spot.


"Wow, this place is so pretty." 

"I know right? I like to come here a lot." 

"Hmm, you were really good at cycling even though there was extra weight behind you and you easily maneuvered yourself through this place. Tell me honestly, have you been here with other girls before me?" 

"Maybe?" Momo teases Mina while giving her a slight smirk while Mina looks seriously at Momo. 

"How many girls have been here before me?" 

"Maybe a few like 5?" 

"YAH! You're such a player, I'm going home." Mina hits Momo's shoulder as she walks off unintentionally looking like a penguin. 

"NO COME BACK! I was just joking. Come on this is my first date and I'm only used to riding a bike with an extra person behind because Sana can't ride bicycles so she makes me bring her around when she's tired of walking. I swear you're the first girl I've ever brought to this place!" 

"You swear?" 

"I swear I'm telling the truth! I'll even bet Jokbal on this." 

"Fine, I believe you but gosh this place is so nice how did you even find it?" 

"I accidentally found it one day when I was cycling. I come here often. This is like the place I come to when I need to think and do deep stuff." 

"I never pegged you as someone who actually thinks." 

"Hey! Didn't I tell you to stop hanging around Jeongyeon?" 

"I'm just joking, don't take it seriously." 

"Anyway, I'm super hungry because I sort of forgot to eat lunch so what do you want for dinner?" 

"Surprise me." 


Momo gets back on her bicycle and steadies it before Mina sits behind her. As they set off, Mina decides to hug Momo's waist for safety. Momo wasn't expecting it at all. Thank god Mina couldn't see her face that was probably as red as her big fat F on her math test. She had to take time to process what she felt. Mina's arms are tight around her waist. It's like an indirect backhug and she should be used to this. Sana always does this but she feels like she's on cloud nine with Mina's arms around her waist. Well she must've been too deep in thought because all she hears is Mina's shouts. 







A/N: HEY Y'ALL IM BACK. I love making Momo whipped because why not HAHAHAHA anyway I need your opinions!! Quite a few of you guys have asked or mentioned about side ships and I was like heck I want a side ship too so guys TELL ME WHO U GUYS SHIP (preferably someone w Sana bcs come on we can't leave our single J-trinity member out) tbh just surprise me HAHAHAHA anyway subscribe if you haven't and do comment your thoughts or suggestions BECAUSE i love your comments they're all so cute I love it man. I love replying to your comments too so yeah TILL NEXT TIME !!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?