Watch out

Temporary you, Permanent me


The three girls walked with their arms linked into the school gates. Everyone around them was staring in awe at how the three of them formed sort of like a goddess trio. It had barely been two days since Mina had started school but almost everyone knew her. As they walked towards their lockers, a few students, male and female, had given her chocolates and letters which she gratefully took.


"The people here are so nice! I didn't know they give welcoming gifts to new students." Mina exclaimed looking excited and happy about how welcoming her new school was. 


"Mina, those aren't welcoming gifts. Those are the "SENPAI NOTICE ME" gifts from your secret admirers. Gosh you haven't even gone for a proper school day and people are already crushing on you." Sana explained to Mina looking at how shy and flustered the younger girl became in a second. 


"Looks like Jieun has some competition. Anyway hi guys what's up, everyone has been coming after me asking about the new eye candy of the school AKA Mina. I need a break from your fanclub." Jeongyeon walked over to them with her arms around Nayeon. 


"Oh . Jieun, that two faced dog." Tzuyu commented as she took her books out from her locker with Chaeyoung and Dahyun behind her. Oh Jieun is the richest girl in school and also very popular because of her looks. She acts nice in front of everyone but honestly anyone's nightmare come to life. There was this one time when Tzuyu had bumped into Jieun causing Jieun's coffee to spill on Tzuyu. She pretended to worry about her but when they were in the Chemistry lab for lesson, she burnt Tzuyu's hair and thank god she wasn't hurt anywhere else. 


"Mina, you should be careful of her. At the rate of how fast your fanclub and popularity is growing, she's gonna be jealous af." Jihyo warns Mina as she grabs Mina to go off for their next class which they had together. Momo just shrugs. She doesn't get why everyone doesn't really like her. Jieun is her table partner in English and Math class and she has been nothing but super sweet to Momo. Jeongyeon says it's because Jieun likes her but nah. The 9 of them split for their next class and arrange to meet during recess as per normal.


Mina's POV 

I walked with Jihyo to class. As we walked I could hear everyone around me whispering and looking at me really differently. It was honestly very flattering because in the States I had always been bullied for being a typical Asian nerd. 


"The hype about you is really no joke man. But anyway I realized we haven't sort of talked so Hi, my name is Park Jihyo and I'm a '97 liner. I'm quite talkative and friendly so I hope we can get close since we have quite a few classes together and who wouldn't want to be friends with the goddess am I right?" 

"Oh my same! I'm a '97 liner too. I'm guessing you got pushed up from your grade too. I'm a bit shy so I really like when I'm with talkative people like you. But seriously though don't look at me any different okay. This change of attitude from the States and Korea is really drastic though. I was bullied a lot in the States because you know racism, discrimination all that stuff." 


I continued talking to Jihyo as we got to class. She was really nice and she knew how to make a conversation out of nothing so there was no dull or awkward moment between us. I found out that we had a lot in common too. Jihyo had the ability of making anyone feel comfortable around her. I knew we would already be very good friends. 

Class ended early so me and Jihyo decided to buy our food and helped the others buy food too before the whole student body came down for recess. We sat down and not long after Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun arrived followed by Sana, Jeongyeon and Nayeon. They all thanked Jihyo and I and we all started eating when Jihyo asked where Momo was. 

"She was with the devil's spawn." Jeongyeon replied with slight annoyance. Turns out "devil's spawn" was Jieun and I saw Momo walk in with her. She saw me and immediately waved. If looks could kill, I would have already been dead because the glare that Jieun was giving me was honestly terrifying. Momo, who was oblivious to Jieun's glare, quickly ran over and plopped herself down next to me. As recess was ending, I decided to go to the toilet alone to wash my face and wake myself up. I felt someone push me against the wall. I felt a pain as my back hit the wall. I looked up and saw Jieun. 


"Look new girl. I don't like that you're here trying to steal everything away from me" 

"I'm not stealing anything?" 

"LET ME FINISH MY SENTENCE. You better back off cause only one of us will can be the top girl in the school and I'm gonna be that girl. You better not do anything more and also stay away from Momo. She's mine. Don't say anything to anyone about this or you'll die." 


She lets go of me and walks off. Wow what a . If she thought that was gonna scare me, she better think twice but my back is really aching now. God my back hit the door knob no wonder it hurts so bad. Thankfully as someone who dances almost whenever she isn't in school, I have lots of relief patches in my bag but how am I gonna put it on? I need someone to help me but I definitely can't call Sana or Momo because I don't want anything big to happen so I immediately thought of the one person that wouldn't say anything. Jihyo. 


"Woah your back is like really smooth but at the same time your bruise is really bad. What happened?" 


I would lie to Jihyo but I know I can trust her so I tell her about the encounter with Jieun. 


"I managed to anger Jieun. I don't really know how? But I got threatened by her. I'm not scared, don't worry. I trust you to not tell the others please. I don't need anyone going behind my back and beating her up because that's going to be even worse." 


"Tough luck man. You've barely been here for two days and she's on to you. Aigoo but you're really strong for someone who just got threatened. I won't tell anyone but come talk to me if this happens okay?" Jihyo finishes putting on the patches for me and gives me a pat which obviously made me groan in pain but I thanked her and we walked back to class together since recess was already over. It was drama class next and turns out, Sana, Momo and Jieun was also in the same class. As the new kid, I introduced myself to the whole class and since it was drama class, we didn't exactly have seats so I decided to sit next to Jihyo and Momo. The minute I sat down, Jieun started clinging onto Momo as if she was marking her territory. I ignored her and continued listening to the teacher. 


"Okay so today we're going to learn how to improvise. So get into groups of 10 and get ready." Everyone rushed to find their groups and settled down as fast as possible. 


"Nice. So I will give each group a scenario and one by one you come out and just improvise. No words just a freeze frame will do. Explain your role to everyone. You can be anything, you can even be a tree. No discussions, I want to see where your standards are for now. Okay first up Jihyo's group. The setting is a cafe. Action." 


My group members stood in a line as we slowly build up the scenario. Momo went first and she acted as a customer. Jihyo went next and sat opposite Momo pretending to be her blind date. Everyone was starting to get interested in this whole scene. As my turn got closer, I knew what I was going to do already. It's gonna be super cringe but it's just acting anyway. Jieun was behind me and as usual she told me to stay away from Momo. 


"Hey, why not you go act as a table? Just don't go near Momo." 

"Hmm why not you be the table? You'll make a prettier table than me." 


I left her standing as my turn came. I walked over to Momo and pulled her arm as if I was pulling her away from the date. Now everyone was talking. 


"Mina, explain." 

"I'm acting as the jealous ex who still likes her and I'm stealing her away from her date." 


"MIMO!!" Sana shouted loudly as the whole class started chanting along with her. From the corner of my eye I could see Jieun shooting her lethal glare at me again. The teacher took a photo of our freeze frame and we all went back to our places. Momo sat next to me with Jieun on my other side. 

"Oh my Minari, I didn't know you had such great improv skills! Even I was shocked. I wouldn't mind if you steal me away from my blind dates in the future like that. Don't you think so Jieun?" Momo casually joked about it while she put her arms around me and leaned on my shoulder. 

"Oh yes Mina was great out there." Jieun says while purposely hitting my back where the bruise is. I hate this girl so much gosh. I forced out a smile and ignored the pain. As class was dismissed I quickly walked off to my next class to avoid any conflict with that dog. I entered the next class which was Math. I saw Tzuyu and she was waving back at me and offering the seat next to her to me so I gladly walked over to her. 


"I can call you Unnie right?" 

"Yeah sure whatever you want. I don't really know you that well but from your name I'm guessing you're not Korean right?" 

"I'm actually Taiwanese but I moved here quite a few years back. I know quite a lot about you because Momo Unnie and Sana Unnie talk about "their long lost best friend" sometimes so yeah. Anyway Unnie, I'm quite bad at math so I might be annoying and I'll keep asking you questions and stupid stuff so please bear with me. Also I'm quite straightforward and honest so if I offend you, I'm sorry." 

I chuckled as we continued talking until the teacher arrived. I'm glad that Momo and Sana have really nice friends and that their group of friends willingly included me into their circle. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher walked in and slammed his books on the table. 


"He's always in a bad mood don't worry." 

"YOU, AT THE BACK STOP TALKING." The teacher shouted and Tzuyu just gave me a sheepish smile. This is gonna be an interesting year.





A/N: YO I am back with another boring chapter because Mina needs to make friends and just saying Jieun is just a totally made up person!! Any similarity to real life characters is strictly COINCIDENTAL. Anyway MIMO KISSED!!!!!! I wrote a one-shot about it if you wanna check it out here's the link PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT SEE Y'ALL NEXT WEEK!! (or earlier)

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?