Sports Day Pt. 1

Temporary you, Permanent me


It's time for the annual sports day for the students. For a school that focuses more on the arts, their sports day is quite a big scale event. Renting a big stadium for their sports day and even having a tech team with cameras filming the whole event, it was almost like the Olympics but a smaller scale. The school was split into four different houses represented by four different colors which were red, blue, green and yellow. Each house had a captain and every year the houses fight to win the best house of the year. Momo and Jeongyeon were in the green house with Jeongyeon being the captain of the green house. Mina and Chaeyoung in the red house with Chaeyoung as vice captain (mainly because she was athletic and not because she was enthusiastic). Jihyo and Nayeon in the yellow house with Nayeon as captain. (Jeongyeon and Nayeon like to fight and say that their house is better but their houses have been taking turns to be last place the past few years.) Sana, Dahyun and Tzuyu were in the blue house and Dahyun was vice-captain. The red and blue house have been taking turns being champion house since forever but for the past 3 years, Blue house had been taking the crown. 

The sports festival was made up of 3 main events. Track and Field, Basketball and one special event that changes every year and this year it was touch rugby. All the students had to take part in one way or another. Either by taking part in the sports, being cheerleaders, being part of the filming crew or being part of the planning crew.

As much as Mina and Momo wanted to take part in what they wanted to, they weren't allowed to. All the dance members were banned from being part of the planning crew because it would take time away from dance practice. They were banned from taking part in the sports because they couldn't risk getting injured 1.5 month before the big performance. They weren't banned from being cheerleaders or being part of the filming crew though. The cheerleaders weren't actually like those who jump and cartwheel and tumble those kind of people. They were literally CHEER leaders. They hype people up and shout cheers for people to chant. Being part of the filming crew meant you had to have experience and you had to be sort of a professional. Mina, Momo and Sana were cheerleaders for their own houses. That definitely made the guys try their best to look good in front of the Japanese goddesses but they weren't the least interested in the opposite .

The sports day was all track and field events and the special event in the big stadium. The students looked forward to this day because it was a day where they could show off their athletic side or where they could try and fight for screentime on the big screen. The houses all sat at their respective corners. The students hurried and settled down as the emcee began. 


"Hello everyone! Welcome to JYP High's Sports Day! I'm Mr Jung, everyone's favorite geography teacher and I'll be your emcee for today. Now to start off I would like to invite my hero, our amazing Principal to say a few words." 


Everyone groaned. Mr Jung was famous for being a big up. No one liked him except for the Principal because well he up really well. 


"Hi. In JYP High, the expectations we have for our students is very different from other schools. We want our students to have healthy bodies and minds. What makes me very excited about this sports day is that I don't even know which house is going to win. So let's get this event started!" (A/N: comment if you get this sixteen reference HAHAHA) 


The students all applauded and stood up to say the oath which was lead by Hani, who was captain of the blue house as they had won last year. 





-DAY 1-


0800-0820: 100m Finals (Female), Shot put (Female)


0830-0850: 100m Finals (Male), Shot put (Male) 


0900-0930: Touch Rugby- Match A (Green VS Red) 


0940-1010: Touch Rugby- Match B (Yellow VS Blue) 


1020-1030: 400m Relay 4x4 Finals (Male) 


1040-1050: 400m Relay 4x4 Finals (Female)


1100-1130: 800m Finals (Male)


1140-1210: 800m Finals (Female)


1220-1250: 200m Finals (Female), 200m Finals  (Male) 


1300-1400: LUNCH 


1420-1450: Touch Rugby- Loser of A VS Loser of B


1500-1530: Touch Rugby Finals 



The participants already went through heats before sports day to speed things up. The touch rugby teams were made up of 3 girls and 2 guys. 



Although Mina had been in the school for quite a few months already, she still didn't know that many people but everyone knew her. She barely knew anyone except Chaeyoung in their house so she naturally followed Chaeyoung wherever she went. Not that Chaeyoung minded. Chaeyoung was taking part in the 800m finals and also touch rugby. She had the best timing out of everyone for the heats which made her a very strong contender for 1st place. 

"Unnie, why do you keep following me around?" 

"Is it bothering you? I'm sorry..." 

"No, oh my I didn't mean it in a bad way. I know you're following me around because you love meeeeeeeee that much." 

"Sure if that's what you want to think. Anyway are you nervous for later?" 

"Hmm as long as you're rooting for me, I won't feel nervous." 

"Chaeng, just remember don't hurt yourself." 

"I won't! Don't worry but will you take care of me if I injure myself?" 

"Of course I would." 

"Then maybe I should get injured on purpose." 

Mina lightly punched Chaeyoung as they gathered with the other cheerleaders and Minhyuk, who was red house captain, to discuss on cheers. 


Momo couldn't be bothered to listen to her house captain, who was also her best friend, giving everyone a big pep talk about how they're going to break their last place streak and win this year which sounded bull to Momo because she knew the other houses were way stronger than them. As Jeongyeon finished her talk, she threw her shoe at Momo who was falling asleep with a sausage roll in her hand. Momo immediately woke up.


"You were sleeping during one of the best talks I've ever given." 

"You really showed me today why you're known as the no jam brother. Jeong, I'm so bored." 

"Then start practicing cheers with the house or spy on your girlfriend or something. In case you forgot, she's in the same house as Chaeyoung." 

"Mina isn't my girlfriend and I don't need to spy on her or anything. Chaeyoung doesn't affect me anymore okay?" 

"Sure Hirai. Whatever you say." 


"Jihyo, you got this. You're definitely going to win 100m finals. You have to okay? PLEASE JIHYO I'M BEGGING YOU." 

"Let me guess, you made a bet with Jeongyeon to see if yellow or green house will come in last this year?" 

Jihyo was walking towards the starting line with Nayeon following behind like a bunny. Even though Jeongyeon was her girlfriend, Nayeon would do anything to beat Jeongyeon. The two girls were very competitive with each other. Jihyo would usually be in the center of their mess and honestly all Jihyo wants is someone to bring her out of this 2yeon misery. 


Although Sana was already a cheerleader, she wanted to take part in the sports so here she was waiting for the 100m finals to start. Dahyun was busy getting everyone hyped up for the event while Tzuyu had followed her down to the track. Sana was a very friendly and outgoing person but she always found herself shy and hesitant around Tzuyu. She didn't know why. The two girls were walking next to each other as they arrived at the starting line. 

"Good luck, Sana Unnie! I'll be waiting for you at the finish line." Tzuyu wasn't very affectionate but she did appreciate a bit of skinship sometimes which made Sana stunned when Tzuyu gave her a hug before running off to the finish line. 


1st EVENT - 100m Finals (Female) 

The whole stadium settled down as the 8 contestants got ready. There were 2 representatives from each house. After introducing everyone, the race started. Being the klutz she was, Sana had fell down the minute the whistle was blown but she quickly got up and continued running. However, being very prone to laughing,she started laughing at how ridiculous it was that she was so shocked by the whistle that she actually fell. Sana's timing was 1 whole minute slower than the runner in 7th place. Everyone in the stadium couldn't help but laugh at Sana's cute mistake. On the other hand, Jihyo had managed to come in first. Instead of going over to congratulate Jihyo, Nayeon ran over to her girlfriend. 



Tzuyu immediately rushes over to Sana after she's done with the race and checks on her. Sana knows Tzuyu isn't the type to be overly worried about anyone or anything so seeing Tzuyu care for her was weird but in a good way. 

"Unnie, why are you so clumsy?" 

"The whistle actually shocked me. I WASN'T EXPECTING IT AHAHAHAHA. It was so funny." 

"Unnie! You could've been seriously injured." 

"But I'm not! I'm fine Tzuyu! Aww look at you so worried over me. I'm so touched." 

Sana puts her arms around Tzuyu's waists and walks back to their seats with the crowd shouting '사나없이 사나마나' (No Sana No Life). 

This sports day is definitely going to be one hell of a ride.





A/N: HEY GUYS I WANTED TO UPDATE BEFORE 2016 ENDED SO HERE Y'ALL GO. This sports day is definitely going to involve all the members more and yeah HAHAHAHA comment which house you think will come in last!! Will it be yellow or green?  Which house do you think will win hmm? Anyway to everyone who's been with this story in 2016 I LOVE YOU READERS SO MUCH. Let's have an amazing 2017 with TWICE and hopefully I'll be able to complete this fic before my exams next year. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL. I WISH THE BEST FOR EVERYONE READING THIS. LEAVE THE PAST BEHIND AND MOVE ON!! 2017 will be amazing only if you make it amazing so... yes okay I'm super sleepy rn it's almost 1 JAN so yes HAHAHAHA HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! 

Subscribe because I update irregularly and comment your thoughts and suggestions because I love responding to your comments and they make me rly happy HAHAHHA okay anyway TILL NEXT TIME.

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?