
Temporary you, Permanent me

2:30. School had finally ended. Momo rushed to Mina's class to wait for her to come out. Momo was dying to spend time with the younger girl because 10 years is a really long time. While waiting for their class to finish, Momo thinks about what happened during drama class. She knows it's just acting but just thinking about it made her blush. 

"What are you thinking about Gaymo? You're blushing you know. Is it about what happened in Drama?" Jeongyeon had snuck up behind Momo to wait for her girlfriend. 

"How do you know what happened in drama?" Momo looked at the other girl in shock. 

"Word spreads fast especially if it regards our school's princess Myoui Mina. I swear everyone's crushing on her right now. Have you checked the number of followers she has on her school profile page? She's the second most followed person in school AND funny thing is she's only been here two days and she doesn't even know that this account exists. But I can't deny she's freaking gorgeous." Momo slaps Jeongyeon's head and tells her to beware in case Nayeon overhears their conversation. Finally their class ends and Mina comes out. 

"Momoring, you're here early. Hi Jeongyeon Unnie, your girlfriend is inside talking to the teacher about some project thing and it might take quite a while so she told me to tell you to just go and buy some food first." Mina says as she walks over to the two girls. 

"Oh okay then thanks Mina! See you guys tomorrow then." Jeongyeon bids them goodbye and walks off. 


"Thanks for waiting for me and for walking with me to the dance studio. Honestly I have no idea how to get there."

"No problem. I got lost really easily too and even till now I still get lost so yeah." 


As they walk together to the dance studio, Momo takes the time to explain everything she needed to know about the school and about the dance club so that Mina wouldn't get lost. They managed to get to the studio and they were the first ones there. 

"Woah this studio is super big." Mina commented as she put down her bag and looked around. She sat down in the center and signaled for Momo to do the same. 


Momo's POV 

Although I already knew that Mina did ballet, I wanted to know why. In kindergarten, she was always so shy and she had really bad stage fright so it was kind of weird that she would do ballet. 


"Hey Minari, why did you start doing ballet?" 

"Hmm ever since I moved to the States. In school we had dance classes and my teacher told my mum that I had some sort of "potential" and suggested I try ballet so I've been doing ballet ever since then. How about you?" 

"I always loved dancing I guess." 

"Haha remember that time in kindergarten when you danced to the chicken song super seriously? I STILL REMEMBER. I wish I had it on video."

"Oh my god. Shut up that was so cringe but you have to admit I amazed everyone." 



"Come on kids, gather around! We're going to have a mini talent show. If anyone wants to perform anything for us, just step up!" 

The J-trinity sat down and watched as the other children took turns to perform. As one of the other children was about to finish his performance, Sana decided to volunteer Momo next. 

"Teacher! Momo wants to go next!"

Momo immediately covered Sana's mouth but it was too late. She was being pushed in front of everyone to perform. Her two other friends sat in front of her and cheered her on. 

"Okay uh I can dance seriously to any song so just play any song?" 

Momo was really awkward and embarrassed but as soon as the songs started playing, it was as if she was a totally different person. The songs being played weren't that bad until the chicken song started to play. All the kids started laughing really hard at how serious Momo was while the song was so stupid. 

"MOMO JJANG! MOMO JJANG!" All the kids started chanting  after that mini performance. That was when Momo started her deep love for dance. 



"By the way, I upgraded my talent from then. Now I can do y dances to any type of music." 

"Even nursery rhymes?" 


"That's so cool! Show me, Momoring!" 

I looked at Mina as she started pouting and begging me to show her. If this girl wasn't my best friend, I would have already made a move on her but I can't lose this friendship that we just rebuilt. I was about to give in when everyone else started streaming in and we started our stretching exercises before the teacher and instructor arrived. I looked at Mina while she tried to fit in with the rest of us and she was doing so well. Even better than most of us. As we wrapped up our warm ups, the teachers came in and asked Mina to introduce herself to the club. 


"Hello everyone. My name is Mina and I'm a transfer student from the States. Thank you all for coming down to watch my performance yesterday! I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Please don't treat me any differently though. I look forward to dancing with all of you!" Everyone gave her a big round of applause and I could even see some guys and girls admiring her beauty. I can't deny, Myoui Mina is a goddess. 

"Thank you Mina-ssi. Now everyone, I'm sure you all know that every year there's a new project for us to work on and for this year, we are going to have our very first concert! At this concert, we will have many different types of performances. There will be solos, duets, trios and group performances. The teachers and the instructors have assigned everyone a part so please check your emails for the performances you are involved in. Today we will be working on the mini performances first so please check your emails now and your instructors will find you." 


I immediately took out my phone and checked what I would be performing. I am so excited about this concert because this is the first time I'll be able to showcase my dancing on stage. As I scrolled down the list, I saw that I was up for two duets and two group performances which meant that I had more routines than more people as most only had one. I checked my duet partner and saw the name "Myoui Mina". I ran over to Mina and told her that we were duet partners for two performances. This means I get to spend more time with Mina and honestly I've never danced with anyone before so this is going to be really exciting. 

"Where's Mina and Momo?" Our instructor called out. We walked over and immediately introduced ourselves. 


No one's POV 

The two girls sat down with their instructor as he goes through the concepts for their duet. 

"Okay so your teachers have put both of you together because Momo you're one of the best in this club and you guys look like you would have good chemistry so we have chosen the two of you. So for the duets, there is an easy one and a difficult one. For the easy one, you two are going to be covering 24 hours by Sunmi. There's not much interaction between the both of you in this duet but there's a lot of other factors involved to make this performance perfect. Now for the difficult one, you two really need to have amazing chemistry and good acting skills. The concept is basically one of you loves the other one too much that you become obsessive and it eventually kills the other. It's a bit dark themed but we're sure you two can pull it off. So let's start on 24 hours first. Once we perfect it we will move on to the harder routine." 

The two girls stood up and got ready. It was kind of nerve wrecking and awkward because they had never seen each other dance. As the both of them were good dancers, they managed to learn all the steps in slow motion by the end of class. 


"Momoring, would you mind staying with me to practice a bit more? I mean like if you don't want to it's fine but if you do, I'll buy Jokbal for dinner." 

"Damn you got me at the Jokbal part but I would stay with or without the Jokbal." 

"Yes okay good because I seriously need help with this routine. This is my first time doing something y so this is kind of awkward." 

"No problem. I need your help too anyway." 


Momo sat in front of Mina and played the music for her. Mina started doing the routine as Momo watched in awe. She swore for a first timer, Mina was killing it. Everything down to her facial expressions was on point. She tried her best to not drool and die on the spot because the way Mina moved could easily cause someone to die and Momo didn't really want this to be the cause of her death. 

"So how was it?" Mina asked as she tried to catch her breath. As Momo tried her best to collect herself and answer Mina's question, she was interrupted by some loud cheers and claps. 

"THAT WAS AMAZING! MINARI YOU ARE SO Y OMG." Sana shouted as she ran over to Mina and hugged her. Behind her were their group of friends. They all clapped and complimented as they walked in. 

"What are you guys doing here and when did you come in? How come I didn't see you guys at all?" Momo curiously asked as she didn't notice anyone in the room. 

"Of course you didn't notice us, Hirai. You were too busy staring at Mina to notice us. Damn try to keep your gay in." Momo immediately turned red and chased after Jeongyeon. All the others laughed at this common sight. 

"Jeong, you need to stop teasing our poor Gaymo but anyway we wanted to welcome Mina to our circle of friends so we came to pick you guys up for dinner!" Jihyo answered Momo's question as Momo and Jeongyeon settled down from their cat and mouse chase. The two dancers quickly packed up their bags while the rest of their friends waited outside. 

"You were great. Just a couple of sections that you fumbled a bit with but overall amazing for a first timer! If you're free maybe you could help me tomorrow after school?" 

"It's set then tomorrow meet here after school! Thanks for helping me Moguri." Mina gave Momo a quick hug and pulled her along to follow their friends. Momo felt her heart beating uncontrollably fast. She shrugged it off and let herself be pulled by Mina.





A/N: HI Y'ALL IM BACK EARLIER THAN EXPECTED!! Anyway I just got my TT album today AND I GOT MINA'S CD AND HOLOGRAM CARD <3 I have almost reached 100 subscribers for this story which is AMAZING because I didn't really expect so many of you guys to read this so thank you all so much (´。• ᵕ •。`) You can find me on twitter @onoffsituation if you want HAHA till next time then!!

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?