She's back

Temporary you, Permanent me

Momo's POV


"Hirai Momo, you better get up now before I cancel your gold star membership to your favorite Jokbal restaurant." 


"Glad that you're awake. Now hurry up we're gonna be so damn late for school and it's only Monday." 


I got up from my bed and headed to my bedroom. Sana is and has been my best friend ever since she was born because our parents were family friends so you could say that she was almost like my sister. We're also very close because we're Japanese but we live in Korea. Although we like to play around and tease each other a lot, we still love each other at the end of the day and honestly I don't know what I would do without that idiot. Anyway, I rushed to get ready because I was already late 4 times this term and it barely even started. If I'm late again, I'll be in detention for one whole month which means I'll have to miss one month's worth of dance classes which is not worth it. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs and bid my parents goodbye before running to the bus stop with Sana. Thank God we managed to catch it before it left. 


"So last night I had a really weird dream like really weird..."


I looked at Sana with interest. Whenever she dreams of something really weird, it always happens. Like that one time she dreamt that we would walk in our friends, Jeongyeon and Nayeon, making out in the toilet and the next day it actually happened and it was much more embarrassing in real life than in the dream. 


"I dreamt about Mina last night." 



Mina. Myoui Mina. She was our best friend although we didn't know each other for very long she managed to fit in so well with us but she left because her parents decided to migrate. I cried for a whole month because I missed her so much. We've never gotten to contact her ever since she left. 


"I dreamt that Mina came back and that she was a new transfer in my class. I don't think it'll happen though I mean not all my dreams are accurate but thinking about it I kinda want to know how she's doing now. Don't you?" 

"I mean yeah I miss her but what are the chances that she's gonna come back?" 


We got off the bus and ran towards the school gates. I checked my phone "07:59". God bless we made it in time by one minute. We hurried off to our separate class and arranged to meet at recess. I went to class and sat at my seat when Jeongyeon came over. 


"Yah Momo, did you hear about the new transfer student from the other class? I think she's in Sana and Nayeon's class. Just saying she's really pretty like wow." Jeongyeon rambled and continued talking about how the new student looked like an angel and that she was the prettiest girl she's ever seen. 


"Excuse me Yoo Jeongyeon you have a girlfriend and no I have not heard about the new student." 

"Just because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean that I think that she's the prettiest it's a fact you know." 

"Stay loyal you hoe." 

"Don't worry. Nayeon would probably murder me before I even get a chance." 


I suddenly thought about what Sana had said. Could her dream really be true? Or maybe it was just a coincidence. 


"Jeong, do you by any chance know the new girl's name?" 

"Nope I don't but why do you want to know? You interested?" 

"Hey I am not okay. I'm STRAIGHT." 

"As straight as spaghetti until it's cooked." 


I rolled my eyes and continued with my work. I guess I'll wait till recess to ask Sana. 



I walked with Jeongyeon to our normal recess table and saw our friends- Dahyun, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Jihyo and Nayeon - already there. 

"Where's Sana?" I asked in confusion. If Nayeon was here it meant that Sana would also be there but she wasn't. Just as Nayeon was about to respond, Sana came running over. 



"Erm you won front row tickets to the Miss A concert...? and why are you shouting gosh Sana everyone's looking at us now." 

"Oh whoops hehe sorry I was too excited but okay big news GUESS WHO'S BACK?" 


Sana pulled a girl next to her and when the girl looked up, I felt like my world just stopped for a moment. I'm not gay but who is this angel standing in front of me. She's freaking gorgeous and I've never seen anyone so perfect. But somehow she looks really familiar. 


"It's the new girl I was talking about this morning! Pretty right." Jeongyeon whispered into my ear. 

"Damn you're right. She is a goddess." I whispered back. 

"Hi I'm Hirai Momo. Sana's best..." 

"...friend. Your birthday is on 9th November 1996. Born in Japan but moved here when you were 2?" The new girl interjected.

"What the Jokbal. Are you a goddess AND a psychic too?" 


I stared in awe. We've never met before in our whole entire lives but she already knows so much about me? She's not human. That's when Sana lightly punches my arm. 


"Hirai Momo, you are a freaking idiot. Do you not recognize her?" 

"Erm no? But I do know that she's really pretty and she knows quite a lot about me." 

"Momo, it's Mina. Myoui Mina. Remember 10 years ago when you cried for over a month because she left? Yes she's back." Sana explained in disbelief that her best friend couldn't even recognize someone they had missed so much. 

"It's been quite a while Momoring." Mina said with her shy smile. 


It's Mina. It's Myoui Mina. I stared at her, observing all her facial features and her gestures. It really was her. I couldn't help but to stare at her. Memories start coming back about our real first encounter...





A/N: FIRST CHAPTER!! I'm sorry if it but anyway TWICE COMEBACK WITH TT WAS SO GOOD! it hit 10m views in 2 days!! I'll try to update weekly but you never know if I decide to post twice a week so do subscribe and comment!!











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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?