Dinner and goodbye

Temporary you, Permanent me

The 9 girls made their way to a restaurant that was owned by Jihyo's mum. The restaurant was crowded but luckily they had a special room just for them so they could have some privacy. They all took their seats around a round table. As they ate they decided to play games so Mina could get to know them better and vice versa. 

"Let's each say one shocking or funny or embarrassing thing about ourselves and if it's not shocking enough you have to do a dare and continue until your fact becomes shocking enough." Jeongyeon suggested and everyone else agreed. So she decided to start first since she suggested it. 


"Hmm okay I've never said this before I think Nayeon knows this but my real name isn't Jeongyeon." 

"What the ? You didn't tell me your real name? and we've been together for a year? You're so screwed YOO JEO-WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS." 


"Really? When? I don't even remember." 

"Mum, dad let's calm down and let dad continue with the fact because I wanna know what dad's name is." Tzuyu quickly calmed the bickering couple down. 

"So my real name is actually Yoo Kyungwan but I got bullied a lot because it sounded like a boy's name so my mum changed it to Jeongyeon." Everyone acknowledged Jeongyeon's fact and continued on to Nayeon. 


"I SECRETLY AUDITIONED FOR JYP'S OPEN AUDITION AND GOT IN." Nayeon shouted as everyone even Jeongyeon looked super shocked. 

"Excuse me? You didn't tell me about this so now WE ARE EQUAL." 

"Nabongs since when? So are you like a trainee or something?" 

"Nah I tried out for fun but I'm not about that idol life. So now Mina's turnnnnn and no you can't talk about your ballet accomplishments because the whole school already knows." 

"Are you serious? I only told Momo and Sana." 

"I think you should check your school profile." 

"What is that?" 


Everyone laughed at Mina as Nayeon helped her download and log into her account. 


"Woah I have 300 hearts and 1,000 followers is that good or bad? Does everyone follow each other on this school profile thingy or what? I'm so confused why are so many people sending me compliments and WHAT THE FREAK IS THIS, SOME GUY IS TRYING TO HIT ON ME." Mina freaked out as everyone burst out laughing. They've never seen anyone as innocent and as lost as the new girl and it was a really refreshing sight to see. 

"Mina calm down it's fine. You're like the most followed person in school which means you're the most popular person in school and those messages are how people can communicate with each other! If guys are hitting on you, you can just ignore UNLESS it's a super cute boy." Sana answered all of Mina's questions and calmed down the younger Japanese. 


"Oh haha okay thanks. Anyway back to my fact. My fact is that erm I lost my first kiss to my crush in the States last year." 

"Oh damn Mina that wasn't strong enough for a fact." Jeongyeon said as she started thinking about what dares she could give when Mina continued. 

"My crush was a girl."

"I TAKE BACK WHAT I SAID. MINA, YOU GAY?" Now everyone was intrigued especially Momo and Sana who already had their mouths opened in shock. 

"Erm I'm definitely gay as in happy. As for my uality, I don't want to label myself because I don't want to be constricted to a label so yeah." 

"Mina you are officially the hottest and most genuine person I've ever met. Please marry me senpai." Jeongyeon said as Nayeon smacked her head causing everyone to laugh.


The dinner carried on with lots of fun and food but mostly food. As they left the restaurant, everyone separated ways to go home. Mina, Chaeyoung and Dahyun walked to a bus stop to catch their own buses. As Dahyun's bus was about to leave, she ran to get on the bus leaving Mina and Chaeyoung behind. 


"Hmm so Unnie what bus are you taking?" 

"152. I live quite near the central business district. I get off at the 5th stop from here!" 

"Same! Finally I can go home with someone because no one actually stays in the same area as me." 

"We can be going home buddies! Which is good because I still get lost quite easily." 


The two girls chatted all the way till they had to get off. On the ride, Mina had learnt about how amazing Chaeyoung's music taste was and that she was super talented in singing and rapping and she writes lyrics. Chaeyoung was also the fastest runner on the athletics team. 


"You're practically God! You're so talented like you're good at sports and in the performing and visual arts. I think I'm going to have a talent crush on you damn you're so gifted and you need to introduce more songs to me my library needs updating." 

"Haha you flatter me too much! You're pretty amazing too! I've actually been to your performances in the States before because my parents love watching ballet and you're one of the few performers that my parents really like which means you're pretty good at ballet." 

"Woah are you serious? Let me guess are you like some rich kid with rich parents who always goes to like all these high class performances 24/7 and you have to follow them everywhere they go?" 

"I guess so? But I don't really tell everyone this so I guess you're actually the first person to know this about me!" 

"Wow we really have a lot in common! My parents do that to me ALL THE TIME. There's this orchestra thingy tomorrow and I have to skip ballet for it." 

"Oh my I'm going for that too! Wanna go together? I don't think my parents will mind." 

"Yes thank god at least the concert will be better with good company!" 


The two girls exchanged numbers as they walked home. Turns out they only lived a few houses away from each other. Mina was grateful to have found someone who has so much in common with her while Chaeyoung had never been so relieved to have finally found someone she could reveal her secret to. 



Mina and Momo had arranged to meet in the dance studio after school to work on their routine. They were good dancers not only because of their talent, but also because of their passion for dance and the amount of effort they were willing to put in. As Mina rushed to the dance studio, she saw Momo already inside practicing their routine. She didn't want to disturb the older girl so she quietly snuck into the room and put her bag down. She looked at the way Momo danced. It was hot and definitely y. Mina would say that Momo's hips don't lie. As Momo finished the routine, she was shocked to see Mina who was giving her a round of applause. 


"When did you get here?" 

"Not very long, I didn't want to disturb you so I came in quietly. But anyway you're a really amazing dancer. Looks like I picked the right teacher to help me and oh before I forget, I need to leave in 2 hours because I have something on so is that okay with you?" 

"Yeah it's fine let's do some warmups first then!" 


The two girls did their stretching and warmups before starting their practice. The dance wasn't hard to learn but mastering it down to the finer details made this routine hard. This wasn't the first time for Momo to do y dances but it was Mina's first time and she was very awkward with her facial expressions. After going through the routine a couple of times, Mina decided to ask Momo for advice. 


"Moguri, can you help me with my facial expressions? I feel very unnatural and weird." 

"Okay then show me your y look." 

Mina tried her best to give a y look. Momo laughed at how hard the girl was trying. 

"Stop laughing at meeee! Is my expression really that bad?" 

"Your expression is quite y but you need to look more natural otherwise you'll just look a bit like a ert. Here's a tip, when you give the y look try to think that you're lusting for something and you're trying to seduce it. Don't overdo the expression just a slight smirk but the eyes are very important. It works for me whenever I think of Jokbal." 

"HAHAHAHAHA okay let me try it on you and tell me if there's any improvement." 


Mina applied Momo's technique and stared straight into Momo's eyes while trying to seduce her. Momo's face quickly turned as red as a tomato. Momo would be lying if she said that Mina wasn't doing a good job at seducing her with only her eyes. Damn those lust filled eyes. Momo looked away and tried to collect herself. 


"Oh erm yes your expression is really good don't worry about looking unnatural!" 

"Thanks Momoring!" 



The door opened with Chaeyoung's head popping in. Mina looked at the clock and realized it was time to go for the concert. 


"Chaeng! You're here early! Give me a moment, I need to pack up my stuff. Come in first. Sorry Momo I gotta go now." 

"Ah it's fine. Where are you going?" 

"I'm going on a date with Mina Unnie." 

"Are you serious?" Momo's eyes widened as she felt a weird feeling in her heart. 

"Yup we're going for a concert. Right, Mina Unnie?" 

"Chaeyoung's just joking. We're not going on a date but we are going to watch a concert. So I guess I'll see you tomorrow Momoring." 


Mina gave Momo a hug before leaving with Chaeyoung. Momo sat on her chair and took out her phone. She felt a slight relief hearing that the two girls weren't on a date but she still felt this heavy feeling in her heart but she couldn't understand what it was. She searched it up on the internet. 

"Signs that you're in love? Jealousy?" 

Hmm these words were new to Momo. She didn't know what to do but she decided to shrug it off. Maybe she's just tired from dancing. Maybe. 

"Hey Chaeng, I need to go to the washroom first you can wait for me out here." 

"Okay Unnie." 

Mina walked into the washroom and was suddenly pushed back against the door with the door knob hitting her back at the exact same spot. This could only mean one person. Mina looked up and saw Jieun. 

"So I heard you have a duet with Momo? Now you two are practicing out of practice time together? You better make sure nothing happens between the two of you or I'll make your life a living hell. Lucky for you, I'll be on an exchange program for a few months but I will be back before the concert." Jieun grabs Mina by the collar and moves to the other side of wall. At this moment, Chaeyoung walks in to this sight. 


"Mina Unnie, yo... OH JIEUN WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING?" Chaeyoung yells as Jieun let's go of Mina and walks off. 

"Have a nice trip?" Mina shouts after Jieun. 

"Unnie, what happened? Why did she grab your you the collar? You need to defend yourself against her. She bullied Tzuyu before too." 

"I'll tell you everything after you help me put ointment on my back." Mina takes out the ointment in her bag and passes it to Chaeyoung while slightly lifting up her shirt to show the bruise. 

"Unnie, the bruise is so bad! I swear I'm going to get her back for this." 

"No Chaeng don't. Jieun is just jealous of me because she thinks I'm stealing Momo away from her and because I'm supposedly more popular than her? But Chaeyoung promise me not to tell anyone okay?" 

"Fine Unnie but promise me to tell me if it happens again." 

"I promise. Thanks Chaeng for helping me. Now let's go for that stupid concert! We still have to change into our formal wear." 


The two girls rushed off to the concert hall. Mina was relieved. No more Jieun for the next few months.






A/N: omo did I bring in michaeng??? HAHA don't worry it's still mimo!! (or is it hmm) but anyway I'm starting to ship Mina with everyone g0sh. but OUR TWICE BABIES WON A DAESANG AND I CRIED. TT. SO PROUD OF THEM. anyway comment and subscribe for more updates!! I like replying to funny comments so yeah HAHA TILL NEXT TIME btw find me on twitter @onoffsituation

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Mimowhipped #1
Chapter 19: discontinued??😭
1241 streak #2
Chapter 19: Please comeback and update this,authorssi T^T
1241 streak #3
Chapter 19: When will u update this,authorssi?
Hope you'll update this soon Author-nim =]
PeachMangoPie #5
Chapter 19: Please update...
Chapter 19: I think I'm in love with this fanfic...
Pohakuponyo #7
Chapter 19: Thank you for not giving up on this fic even though you have exams:) Study hard and good luck *thumbs up*
Chapter 19: So you are from singapore ? But at least they will come at your place not mine(malaysia) hahaha
smolredmarker #9
Chapter 19: wait are u singaporean?